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'53 Hudson Hornet is coming....


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...See, when people can't discredit what you've said because you're right...they go personal. That's never right. Regardless if you like the person you disagree with or not...

Yup. Much as I sypmpathize with parties on both sides of this issue, there's NO DENYING that point, and it's complete and total bunk when it happens.

Edited by Chuck Kourouklis
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Gentlemen... let's not turn this topic into a locked thread.

If any of you want to engage in a war of words or get into personal issues, you have access to the PM function. :lol:

As far as making observations on the accuracy of the kit (or lack of), that's fine... but getting into who's a poopie-head and who's a doo-doo head isn't getting anything accomplished.

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So...maybe we're at the point where we just need to see what the kit is like off the shelf, and what our colleagues do with it. I might add that I wasn't at all interested in the subject of this kit early on, but I'm going to get one, at least just to check it out.

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Nothing needs removing yet, but like the great Barney Fife, I just want to "nip it in the bud"... ;)

What makes you think Barney Fife was so great? And what gives you the authority to pass judgement on his greatness? And since when did he have anything to do with a Hudson or need any budnipping?



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What makes you think Barney Fife was so great? And what gives you the authority to pass judgement on his greatness? And since when did he have anything to do with a Hudson or need any budnipping?



What? You don't recognize the greatness of Barney Fife???!!! :o

Man, he totally carried Andy... and Thelma Lou was hotter than Helen Crump any day... :P

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This model reminds me of the Galaxie '46 Chevy kits years ago. A nicely detailed and engineered (except for the locating pins on the headlights and turn signals) kit of a less than appealing subject. I'm sure a lot of factory stock and NASCAR builders are happy about this kit. I don't know how well it will be accepted by the custom builders though. Seriously,how many people think "Hudson Hornet" when they think of a custom especially when the '49 Mercury with all of it's custom parts is out there in abundant numbers? To me,the Hornet just looks like a bad "knock off" of the '49 Mercury four years too late which could be why the company didn't make it. There's a reason the Hudson Hornet was never offered as a kit before......

im a lowrider builder and a hornet in general is the bees nees in any collection

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to Arthur Anderson's post and re-read what he very succulently and eloquently posted regarding model car kits issued in the past.

I guess what he said was pretty JUICY!! :D Your comments on this subject were succinct! :)

And THAT is the problem with having Communist countries make molds of cars they have NEVER seen in person!

We get what we pay for.....

It was the Capitalists who threw all of the molding machine operaters in the Good Old USA out of work and shipped everything off to China. And it was all of us tightwad model builders who won't pay for what it takes to produce kits here in the USA. Are South Korean kits OK - they are pretty capitalist! They did a good job on Galaxy's Chevies and I am fairly confident that there are not a lot of 46-48 Chevrolets running around the streets of Seoul.

Just a few illicit thoughts that your comments elicited from me. :lol:

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the point of your post was?

Yeah, spell check is a bit*h when you don't check what is replaced.

Again... what was the point of your post? Certainly not anything to do with the Hudson Hornet model kit!

I suggest that page 11 and 10 be deleted and this thread locked.

Because I personally cannot wait for March so I can buy a Moebius Hudson kit! :)

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What? You don't recognize the greatness of Barney Fife???!!! :o

Man, he totally carried Andy... and Thelma Lou was hotter than Helen Crump any day... :lol:

Oh, Barney was great. And his portrayal carried the show. But I still don't see the need for nipping his buds.

Thelma ... hot? Yeppers. Barney's biggest fault was that he slobbered and fumbled round and didn't get the job done with Thelma hotty! :D


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let me see if I get the point of this thread. The hudson is incorrect because communists don't know what hudsons look like , but capitalists do, and it stayed flawed because the members of this board in particular missed a few minor issues with it back in the mock up stage, and now us mamby-pamby commie lovin' blind as a bat car nuts are making things worse by showing our enthusiasm for a kit that we will actually buy and enjoy, instead of raking Dave, Art, and some very talented but nameless model maker, with better scratch building talents than almost all of us, over the coals, and boycotting Mobius until they wise up and make a perfect model for us.

next thing you know the grammer police will come after me for my intentional use of a very long run-on sentence which was used to emphasize the sensation of ranting. Then the Rule police will get mad at me for ranting because this is the New kit Review section not the rants and raves section. next someone from the "must correct everyone crowd" will remind that poster that the rants and raves section was deleted. That poster taking it as personal attack will report that post while at the same time say the the lack of a rants and raves section means that nobody should ever rant on this board and that it justifies his previous attempt at correcting me for ranting.

But while he composes that clever retort, some "obviously biased" mod will have deleted the reported post causing someone else to misinterpret that portion of the thread, but that won't keep him from posting something that sets everybody off (probably something about superglueing someones fingers together so the can't type such dribble) and results in the locking of the thread after which the whole she-bang will move down to Art's "postman" thread and start all over again.

or I could be wrong.

either way, I like the Mobius Hudson Hornet kit, will probably buy several, and don't care that it has flaws. if they are bad enough to bother me I'll fix them, if not I'll leave them there just so people will have something to talk about at the model contests.

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the point of your post was?

I personally cannot wait for March so I can buy a Moebius Hudson kit! B)

It was semi-pointless like most of the responses to this thread. It was part humor( I thought the use of 'succulently' was actually funny.), part responding to your odd assertion that communists were at fault for the problems in the kit. B) I assume you meant that humorously.

I can wait for this kit but we likely agree that it will be a great kit and we will buy one.

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Better to turn to abject silliness than abject name calling... which is where this one was headed.

Absolutely! That was the point! They have beaten the horse to a dead, lumpy pulp. Yet, that doesn't seem to be enough for them. So they continue to beat the equine. If certain individuals cannot deal with the fact that their opinion of the kit has not been accepted by all as "The Last Word", then perhaps seeking out the assistance of a psychiatrist may be their next step? Just sayin...

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And here is the point in which a contentious forum topic turns to abject sillness.

Oh, btw Darin, God knows this entire thread had not one letter of silliness before I posted. :lol:

Edited by Jon Cole
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Well I remember back in 2002 when I gave a review of the AMT new tool Ala Kart and pronounced it a turkey. (And it was.) I even had John Mueller (the designer) come down on me - until I posted photos (He hadn't seen even a test shot.) That said, there is nothing wrong with critique, especially polite and based on facts. So don't shoot the messenger or get all defensive. Is this one perfect? Are any of them? No. But it IS a heck of a lot better than the Ala Kart, and the 58 Plymouth that followed it. It's also better than the Revell chopped 49 Merc with its blocky hood and too high in the back (subjective) roof, better than the Nova and Cutlass as well. My only minor quibbles? Too fat of side trim, and a couple model years newer than I'd prefer (a '51). But, all in all, it's a pretty nice effort, and I'll probably buy at least one. Rock on Dave!

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