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Dawn Power Dissolver

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Just wanted everyone to know the best product for stripping tamiya spray paints is Dawn Power Dissolver. Hands down.. The other purple stuff or alcohol doesnt touch it without a lot of work. All you need is a tub and submerge the model for about a day. Then use a stiff bristled brush and it will peel right off there primer and all. You can buy it at Wal-Mart. I've been frustrated tryin to find something that works and this stuff really does.

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It is also VERY good for stripping chrome as well! I stripped these to bare plastic in about 3-4 hours:


And these had sat for about a week in it, and what you see was all by the Power Dissolver, I (still) haven't touched them!


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This is interesting, can anyone show before and after photos? I would like to see what it can do and better time frames. I know 3-4 days...but did you have to wait that long?....or did you just come back in that amount of time to find it finished? I wonder if it's actually 30minutes or 3 hours or? These things will matter to me before I decide to buy some. You say Tamiya....so it must take most synthetic lacquers off? Thanks for the tip!

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This is interesting, can anyone show before and after photos? I would like to see what it can do and better time frames. I know 3-4 days...but did you have to wait that long?....or did you just come back in that amount of time to find it finished? I wonder if it's actually 30minutes or 3 hours or? These things will matter to me before I decide to buy some. You say Tamiya....so it must take most synthetic lacquers off? Thanks for the tip!

I can't help you with the before shots in relation to the chrome stripping uses, but the first pic was from a Monogram Ford T-Bird stock car and that was the result after 3-4 hours in the Power Dissolver. The other was after about a week, it was something I knew was going to be stripped, but a "dip it and leave it" deal.

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Just pour it right out of the bottle into the tub. totally submerge the part. it speeds it up if you scrub it and allow it to get under the paint, but it softens it right up if you let it sit just over night. The synthetic laquers are hard to get off, but this stuff is impressive! Especially after waiting for that so called miracle formula castrol for a week! Didnt even soften it. Works great on enamels and acrylics, but not laquers. And this stuff wont harm your hands at all.

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no water, just use it right from the bottle. Dawn Power Dissolver is intended to be used to clean that baked on goop from your pots and pans and is safe to be washed down the drain. because of this it's a relatively "safe" product for you to use and to stay somewhat environmentally friendly compared to some other methods and products.


Yeah, and no harsh chemical fumes, either.

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Interesting use for this Dawn product with regards to paint stripping. As an aside: Those that fly nitro-fueled (glow) radio controlled aircraft will find the Dawn Power Dissolver an excellent product for cleaning/removing castor and fuel residue from their R/C engines. Spray some on the engine, let set for about 15 minutes, grab a toothbrush and clean off the gunk with ease. Makes the metal look like new and doesn't appear to harm the plastic parts. I've used it for some time now and am very satisfied with the product and the products price. I'll be sure to try it for paint stripping now that I've read about it here. Thanks for the heads-up!


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