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is there a way to make pictures show up smaller ?

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I don't know for sure, but I think there is a way to resize the pic in photobucket, but don't take my word for it. You could also try posting the thumbnail of it if you use photobucket, but then it might be too small.

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hey guys

ive noticed that every time i post a picture in my post it has a little frame around it and on the top it says:

"Resized to 100% (was 2048 x 1536) - Click image to enlarge"

is there a setting somewhere im not aware of that can make that 50% or so?

Yes the setting is in your camera..go down one setting.

IMHO..why would you want it smaller....I want them bigger as it shows the details

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What I would like to know is how to get a picture in the avatar.

Easy...Upper right corner, look for your screen name, go to it and click "my profile" Then look to the left and go down 5...it says "change avatar"

find your photo and follow directions...it will resize to 150 x 150 if image scale is "on"

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Most digital cameras take huge photos around 2000 X 1500 pixels or more. The best way I've found to deal with the situation is to use a photo editing program to crop and resize to about 640 X 480. Most computers come bundled with some version of Paintshop or Photoshop or some other editing software, Even MS Paint works to a limited degree. There are also dozens of programs that can be downloaded for free.

Reducing your camera's resolution will give you smaller, lower resolution photos. Croping and resizing your higher resolution photos will give you the option of focusing on a particular area of detail. If you wanted to point out tha black-wash on the grille or the awesome job you did painting the raised white letters on the tire, cropping and resizing is the way to go. If you just want to get a picture posted and aren't worried about showing particular details or features, then resetting your camera's resolution is the answer.

Hope this helps.

David G.

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im not sure how to change the settings on the camera (its the wifeys phone anyway)

MikeMC, the reason i want smaller pictures is because right now they are about 5 times bigger then my screen, if i were to post this picture for instance :


all i can see on my monitor is the tranny B)

(here is a thumb, lets see how that works)


Edited by diymirage
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It's showing up for me as a smaller box that is showing the pic at 21% of full size. What internet browser are you using?

Same here, but I've found sometimes if I post a pic, especially in a PM, the pics will do what you were describing, Eelco. If they do that, try hitting the refresh button at the top of the screen, and then you should see the pic in the "resized" box.

By the way, I use IE8.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, too, mine was showing "Resized to 53%", the resize percentage depends on the screen settings and size of your screen. The screen on my main computer is a 19 inch widescreen, and most pics show up full size, but most all pics on my laptop shows as resized. It has a 15 inch (I think) screen.

Edited by highway
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Same here, but I've found sometimes if I post a pic, especially in a PM, the pics will do what you were describing, Eelco. If they do that, try hitting the refresh button at the top of the screen, and then you should see the pic in the "resized" box.

By the way, I use IE8.

tried the refresh button...didnt help

tried clicking on the picture...nothing

i am using some form of internet explorer but i doubt its the latest version

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i am using some form of internet explorer but i doubt its the latest version

Do you have your computer set up to download automatic updates? If so, you should have the updated version. If not, and assuming you have Windows XP like me, or if things didn't change in Vista or Windows 7, click on your "Start" button at the botoom of the screen. Then move your mouse over "All Programs" and that will bring up the menu of everything installed on your computer. In the first column near the top of the screen, you should see either "Windows Update" or "Microsoft Update". That will take you to the Microsoft Update site and it will check your computer for available updates. After that, teo buttons should show up that say "Express" and "Custom". Express will install the high priority updates, and custom will also allow you to install software and hardware updates. Click the "Custom" button, and see if there are any IE8 updates that may show up in the software updates.

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here is the thing: you may well want the resolution and size high on the photo itself. high resolution means great detail and once you reduce the resolution, thats it, lost information never to be recovered. instead do your reduction as you upload the photo to whatever host site you are using to post it here.

when you upload it to your publishing site so you can post it here, you should try to find an option about "resize photo",

and click it. then there would be a dialog box pop up asking what to resize it to. 640 X 480 seems to be standard for message boards. then upload your pic and post it here. you will notice its no longer huge.

meanwhile you have not degraded the original by shooting it in relatively low res. now if you wanted to submit it to some situation where the extra res can be used, you can.

if you really want to save kard space though do resize your photos from the get go. but i wouldnt recommend 640X480, too poor of res for an original if you ask me.

hope that helps.

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thanks for the replies guys

i checked for updates and there are non available

i guess ill see if there is a setting on photobucket that makes them smaller

its just that i know there was a time they would show up at 25 or 31 or something % of origenal on the computer...not getting why its not doing that anymore

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