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What is with ebay?

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Dont mind me guys. Im just complaining about something that really has me mad.

I dont understand what is going on with ebay lately. People are listing starting prices so high and shipping is outrageous. Im loosing almost everything I bid on because people are bidding prices way out of my range. I mean I know you bid what you want but it just dosent seem fair. People are starting models (and mostly not the really rare ones) at 25 dollars or so plus sometimes 15 dollars shipping. I usually try to look for good deals but its getting impossible. And I also noticed that there havent been as many listings either. And people think that just because its their item or because they found it its worth 200 dollars or something. And then they try to make an extra 5 or 10 bucks on sipping by charging you 15 instead of 10 and so on. And tons of times I see the items with the outrageous starting prices end with no bids. I mean dont they realize that people are not going to buy one kit (unless its something that you will only see once in your lifetime) that they have to spend half of their paycheck on. Well just wondering if anyone else noticed this.

Edited by car lover 1996
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I have a rule with eBay- I enter the most I would be prepared to pay for it (never equal to retail, always lower) and walk away. Sometimes I snap a bargain, often I lose out which results in the LHS getting a sale but I never, ever lose sleep over eBay auctions.

Granted though I am not a collector searching for rare items, but even still I think the above would apply.

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Yup, ebay is not what it used to be. I've seen shipping up to $40 for a kit to ship here in Canada :blink:

I also saw some people tearing kits to sell the parts, and then want $20 bucks for the wheels and tires, $15 for the body,...

There are still good deals from time to time tho...

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G,day , yer i've noticed that here in oz as well ,people are bidding crazy prices for models that are not that old or rare ? As for the dreamers who place the high start bid and postage we get that here too but they get passed in quickly .

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The ones that kill me are the listings that have a really great low starting price, and or a really good buy it now. But,........big but if You dont read the whole ad, and just "buy it now" You could find Yourseld paying more than You first thought, because of the shipping costs. I found one guy that listed some Italeri kits at only 24.95 a piece ! when everyone else is in the 60-75 range. But his shipping was $50.00 ! Funny thing, a couple weeks back I saw a ERTL International 4070A I didnt bother bidding cause they always go way out of my range, it ended up with no bids at all, I could have had it for 9.99 plus 8.00 shipping. ARRRGGHHH !!!

Edited by kingiguana
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I know exactly what you mean. Kits are not the only thing that I buy from ebay. Yes over the recent last couple of years Ebay has risen it's Sellers Listing fee's, and Ebay's excuse for High Shipping Costs are due to this fact. But from what I have seen in response here, it seem's that some Seller's are trying to take advantage of High Shipping cost's, and I mean more than just to cover Shipping and the Seller's fee.

It seems to me that if we can get allot of people complaining about this Higher than usual Shipping Charge to Ebay, then there will be a good chance to crack down on those who love to dangle those almost seemingly rare items in front of your nose for a Super High Shipping Costs.

Some times I will get an e-mail survey from Ebay on a purchase that I have bought about a month before, I take this survey every time and I definitely write to them why I am not keen on introducing a friend to their site, and list the reason's why.

The only thing I can say is that if Ebay does not put into place stronger Policies on Shipping Charges then it will eventually doom itself to failure especially in weak economic times.

As far as bidding goes, if the item I want is low enough and I am thinking that someone has not covered their bid to the certain amount they are willing to pay then ether I myself will bid at the last ten seconds on what I am willing to pay for it, or if I am away I use Bid Sniper to do this for me :P . Something for you all to consider :blink: .

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Interesting, you use a Bid Sniping software to keep the price low and the sellers jack the shipping to make money. Is there a connection?

Um, Sometimes the prices are not low, As I said before it all depends upon how much a Bidder has set the highest amount that they are willing to pay. Bid Sniper and bidding at the last ten seconds has not worked all the time because someone was willing to bid top $$$ for an item. So my suggestion for all you bidders is, cover your bid for as much as you are willing to pay for it. Say the bidding starts at $0.99 and you want to bid on it, say you think that the item is worth $10.00, Okay that is what you are willing to pay for it, now Ebays system will not bring the Bid up to that amount. So let's say another bidder see's the item, What he is going to see is something like Bidding is up to $1.50, and it will state Bid $1.50 or more. Okay lets say the bidder does that, because he/she wants to out bid you, so they type in $2.00, the next screen that appears will tell them that they have been out bid. Now let's say the bidder really wants the item, so they try bidding again, we'll say $5.00, Well they have just been out bid again, why, because you are willing to pay $10.00 for it so that is what the bidding is up to. This is covering your Bid for the item.

Now allot of the time I am hoping that someone has not covered their bid on something that I want. And a good majority of the time that does happen, really it all depends on the popularity of the item, and how many bidders are up in place for it. I use the Buy It now option probably 85% of the time because in most cases the item is cheaper to buy than it is on Auction. Sometimes I find the item up for bid only, so if I am away and I can not bid then yes I use this software if the bidding is not too high for my price range.

As far as there being a connection? Not really, lots of people on Ebay want things alittle cheaper than normal, this even happens when we are Shopping IE groceries, clothing retailers, etc. As I pointed out Ebay has Raised the Sellers Listing Price, which cause's a majority of sellers to up the ante' on Shipping costs. However from what I am seeing, Allot of those Seller's are taking Advantage of Listing Shipping at a Super high price, this is what needs to stop.

Seller's Listing fee's:

The last time I checked Seller's listing fee's where $0.43 cents just to list an item, for homes or cars it is much more! With the listing you get to post up Two pictures ( If I am correct on this). Now if a seller wanted to add more pictures, it cost's $0.10 cents more per picture, and let's not forget to add Styling or putting on a Theme to the page which is about another $0.30 Cents or more, I can't remember exactly but since the last time I checked these were the prices for Listing an item.

Truly what the problem is Ebay's excuse for the sellers and trying to paint a perfect pictures of why a seller should be able to ask for a high shipping charge. This is what needs to end. If seller's would just ask for the price to cover Item+Listing fee then there would not be a problem. It's just more people trying to take advantage of others.

Edited by davyou5
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Strange. I tried listing a bunch of VHS tape plastic cases - 35 of them - and Ebay wouldn't let me go higher than $3.00 for shipping. That forced me to go at the listing from another direction. The tape cases weigh8 lbs and there's no way they'd ship for only $3.00.

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Strange. I tried listing a bunch of VHS tape plastic cases - 35 of them - and Ebay wouldn't let me go higher than $3.00 for shipping. That forced me to go at the listing from another direction. The tape cases weigh8 lbs and there's no way they'd ship for only $3.00.

That is Strange :blink: , From what I understand you can input the weight of the package from their drop down menu and it should update the price for shipping that? There should also be a separate pop up to input the Weight if it is not on the drop down menu. Something may have changed since I have last sold anything, that's something I would have to look into.

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I used to use evil bay a lot as a buyer & seller....but when you look at all the responses above...add to that eBay's fees..... it ain't pretty. A lot of sellers justify the high postage as actual postage but that magic handling fee can be whatever they want.

I recently bought a kit I had wanted from Japan....it was worth probably $30. I won the bid at $1.25 but the shipping was close to thirty bucks and it took nearly 3 weeks to arrive. Being I couldn't find the kit anywhere else I was happy with sale but certainly got no bargain.

All I can say is let the buyer beware, know what you are buying and make sure that the shipping is what it's supposed to be.

Edited by GrandpaMcGurk
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Well what is probably the issue with the sellers on eBay and why you are starting to see less and less people doing auctions is because of what PayPal is doing now days with their own kind of scam! The 21 day Hold Funds Policy scam that is. A seller on eBay can list stuff to sell BUT when you the buyer take and pays that seller.. on your side you may think you have paid that seller but on the sellers side good chances are that PayPal are holding the money "back" from that seller and making that seller jump through certain hoops just in order to get their money that you sent them for the item. You all see, most of eBay sellers was slap with a 21 Day Hold Policy if people want to sell stuff on eBay and accept payment through PayPal (can also go through Paymate for on eBay as well now). What the seller has to do anymore to get payment through PayPal from eBay stuff is get Tracking #'s on all the items that ships out to the buyers and then upload it to PayPal. Then after the item arrives we have to wait even more time for PayPal to release "our" money to us! At times the seller has to call PayPal and remind them to release the money after we give them the tracking # again! Then at times poor sellers has to was 21 days+ for PayPal to release the funds if the buyer doesn't make an issue that is! PayPal states on there web site that if a eBay seller gets good feedback posted from the buyer that they will also release the funds (not true at all) and if you have over a 100 feedback you will not have a "hold place on your account" (again not true at all, as powersellers has been hit as well that has way over 1000's feedbacks). eBay and PayPal are now going off of 3 score cards for the sellers each quarter now.. plus one of the friends of one of the workers at PayPal just recently left something slip out about PayPal as well about them and eBay! If your a seller selling things on there your still not safe at all when getting paid for stuff you sell on eBay. I was shocked when I red what the woman posted. I think the new PayPal 21 Day Hold Funds Policy is what making eBay go crazy right now with crazy prices from what I am hearing about. It would all make sense..

Greggs eModel site would be a good place for model stuff though as at least he gives you choices about what kind of payment you can accept and doesn't just force you to use PayPal or some other online place for making payment only. I'm with his model site and also two other places. When PayPal started the stuff up with the 21 day deal with eBay, I jump ship from eBay B) . But I know what you all mean about there crazy prices as or lately though jumping around.

Edited by m0parman
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I have learned to never be too bummed out when I don't get an item on Ebay. First of all, I agree about higher starting prices but I now make it a point that unless it is something REALLY special, I try to limit what I pay for a model to $20.00 or less. If a seller charges more than $10.00 to ship one lit, I walk away no matter what the starting price is. There are still a lot of sellers whoo will ship one lit for $7.00 - $8.00. There are still some good deals though - I bought a factory sealed Thunderbird recently for under a dollar and the shipping was $6.75. SO stuff does slip through the caracks but you really have to watch for it.

Also, I watch for sellers who have more than one auction that interests me and I ALWAYS email and ask if this question - " Will you combine shipping costs on multiple purchases and if so, how will you be calculating those costs to ----- ( my zip code)" If he says he charges for example $8.00 for the first kit and $6.00 for each additional kit, I walk away. If ther is reasonable and charges for example, $1-3.00 per extra kit, I will consider buying from him.

I have considered sellers who want $15.00 for shipping one model but I figure that it's sort of pointless since there are fools out there who will pay that kind of shipping. I watched one model just last night - it sold for the opening bid of $1.99 which was a good deal but the shipping was just under $20.00!!! So either the buyer failed to realize what the shipping was going to be or else he's just not that bright because that particular model can be bought for under $15.00 lots of times with shipping added in.

Sometimes, sellers will ship for less than what the item description says because Ebay's all wise, all knowing and so user friendly listing program tells tham ( as was discussed above ) thatthey have to charge a certain amount to ship the item - and it wont let them list it if they try to enter a realistic amount. Read the item description or email and ask and sometimes, you'll find thatthe listined shipping fees were forced on them and they will actually ship for actual costs. The way I look at it if I do not get the item is simple - "That wasn't the only one on the planet - there will be another one and at my price sooner or later". B):):)

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Well what is probably the issue with the sellers on eBay and why you are starting to see less and less people doing auctions is because of what PayPal is doing now days with their own kind of scam! The 21 day Hold Funds Policy scam that is. A seller on eBay can list stuff to sell BUT when you the buyer take and pays that seller.. on your side you may think you have paid that seller but on the sellers side good chances are that PayPal are holding the money "back" from that seller and making that seller jump through certain hoops just in order to get their money that you sent them for the item. You all see, most of eBay sellers was slap with a 21 Day Hold Policy if people want to sell stuff on eBay and accept payment through PayPal (can also go through Paymate for on eBay as well now). What the seller has to do anymore to get payment through PayPal from eBay stuff is get Tracking #'s on all the items that ships out to the buyers and then upload it to PayPal. Then after the item arrives we have to wait even more time for PayPal to release "our" money to us! At times the seller has to call PayPal and remind them to release the money after we give them the tracking # again!

Well I can see why a stronger policy for shipping items is in place, What I don't see is why a 21 day wait period! That is just rediculous! Its like their forcing peole to get tracking Numbers! Some people rely on the instant or close to instant payment, to pay for shipping! Maybe it would be best if there where to be competition to Evil Bay, I think they would let loose then.

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Just another reason I don't buy from ebay or other auction sites. I patronize several local hobby shops, (two of which often have older kits for sale), Hobbytown USA, Hobby Lobby, & for cheap kit fodder, swapmeets at NNLs & contests, (sometimes I buy expensive & rare kits at those too). No shipping fees, no handling fees, no getting sniped or outbid at the last second, just a straight transaction, & guess what?

The items are in my hands as soon as the transaction is completed! Wow!! What a novel concept!! ;):):)

I do buy some hobby things online that I can't find via my other mentioned avenues, but nothing from auction sites.


What you have mentioned above here is probably the best way. But I suppose there are those rare times that finding what you are looking for is not in reach to you have to access a Hobby Site, or Auction site if you cannot find it anywhere else.

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My 2 cents, as a buyer and seller in the past.

1) One kit will ship anywhere in the US for $5.50 or less. $6.00 is the number they should charge.

2) Sellers who want to cover their cost for boxes, packaging, etc. are not true "sellers". Try not to buy from amature shippers.

3) A new tactic I have seen. Seller puts "Free Shipping" on the listing, then adds shipping fees in the description. This does not allow you to rate them at auction end. The shipping cost rating will not show.

4) Many amature shippers simply use too big of a box...thus you pay shipping for a pound or 2 of cardboard. (Again, amatures).

5) You can determine actual shipping cost yourself fairly accurately: Each kit weighs about 1 pound, with the right size box this formula works well, and with many kits, the weight is actually less. (Example: we sent 14 kits overseas yesterday, weight was 12 lbs.)

6) Parcel post rarely is less than UPS...and the shipper can do both through Paypal. UPS is WAY faster (and insured for free up to $100).

7) LOL...when I see a seller with outrageous shipping fees, I drop them an email calling them out on it. I have been blocked from bidding by a few.

As you know...we ship for $6 anywhere in the lower 48. That is our way of giving a discount for multiple item purchases. We get killed on some shipping to West coast...but in the end, it only costs me a few bucks at the end o the month.

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Sometimes, sellers will ship for less than what the item description says because Ebay's all wise, all knowing and so user friendly listing program tells tham ( as was discussed above ) thatthey have to charge a certain amount to ship the item - and it wont let them list it if they try to enter a realistic amount. Read the item description or email and ask and sometimes, you'll find thatthe listined shipping fees were forced on them and they will actually ship for actual costs. The way I look at it if I do not get the item is simple - "That wasn't the only one on the planet - there will be another one and at my price sooner or later". B):):)

This is not true. The problem is the seller does not know how to use the listing program. I have it and have used it many times. You are able to choose a flat rate or let ebay figure the cost for you, but when you use this...the weight needs to be entered as well. When done correctly, it works fairly well and accurate. Power sellers get a discount on UPS shipping, so the seller already makes an extra few cents without inflating the price at all.

Edited by jimnohio
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Well I can see why a stronger policy for shipping items is in place, What I don't see is why a 21 day wait period! That is just rediculous! Its like their forcing peole to get tracking Numbers! Some people rely on the instant or close to instant payment, to pay for shipping! Maybe it would be best if there where to be competition to Evil Bay, I think they would let loose then.

People over on PayPal forums has been asking why the 21 Day period also and all the moderators over there can say is look in the users agreement. They don't know how to really answer a simple question at all. I talk to my bank also about a 21 day waiting and they said that is way to long. There is two other places starting to bloom now thanks to what eBay and PayPal are doing and has become there competition some what. If you want to know who they are just shoot me a message on here LOL. I hightly recommend Greggs eModel web site for model stuff though as like I said before at least he doesn't force us to just use PayPal or one of the online places.

But sense back around I guess Dec 09 PayPal and eBay started this Hold Policy and that is why eBay looks like there are starting to go hay wired now all a sudden with crazy prices popping up. You are also correct that alot of people use to rely on PayPal before for the instant payments from selling stuff on eBay and shipping the goods out and sense what PayPal and eBay started to do. Also I heard from people that use PayPal yet and sells on eBay yet as well that just because PayPal state that when your print your own shipping labels off there site for an eBay item to be ship out. Watch your bank account as I heard PayPal will take payment for shipping out of your bank account and not your PayPal account for the shipping fee part that you just bought BUT they will reinburst you I guess 5 minutes later.. how mess up is that :) .

But I think the whole eBay crazyness right now is due to what PayPal and eBay are doing though. B)

Edited by m0parman
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I sell built models on eBay...just cannot beat the exposure

My biggest complaint is the charge for setting a reserve price (over $3.00 per listing), so I'm forced to set my starting price higher.

Not being a collector, I'm just lookin' to recover the cost of the model and any accessories used to build it, i.e. decals, photo-etch, paint, etc...this used to be my reserve price - allowing me to start the bid at a very low price...

eBay's initial listing fees are not bad (excluding the reserve), but what hurts is the 10% fee eBay gouges you with after you've sold something and PayPal gets their cut as well.

Shipping is just expensive...especially outside the US

I do all mine thru Click'n'Ship with the USPS, it's usually cheaper than going thru eBay/PayPal and I refund shipping over-payments (eBay shipping charges vs actual shipping cost) if paid thru PayPal.

My handling/packaging charge is $2.00 (packing peanuts & tape are not cheap, although I get boxes for free from the USPS).

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Just another reason I don't buy from ebay or other auction sites. I patronize several local hobby shops, (two of which often have older kits for sale), Hobbytown USA, Hobby Lobby, & for cheap kit fodder, swapmeets at NNLs & contests, (sometimes I buy expensive & rare kits at those too). No shipping fees, no handling fees, no getting sniped or outbid at the last second, just a straight transaction, & guess what?

The items are in my hands as soon as the transaction is completed! Wow!! What a novel concept!! ;):P;)

I do buy some hobby things online that I can't find via my other mentioned avenues, but nothing from auction sites.


But when the nearest good hobby shop is 140 miles away shipping is cheaper than driving that distance

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Dont mind me guys. Im just complaining about something that really has me mad.

I dont understand what is going on with ebay lately. People are listing starting prices so high and shipping is outrageous. Im loosing almost everything I bid on because people are bidding prices way out of my range. I mean I know you bid what you want but it just dosent seem fair. People are starting models (and mostly not the really rare ones) at 25 dollars or so plus sometimes 15 dollars shipping. I usually try to look for good deals but its getting impossible. And I also noticed that there havent been as many listings either. And people think that just because its their item or because they found it its worth 200 dollars or something. And then they try to make an extra 5 or 10 bucks on sipping by charging you 15 instead of 10 and so on. And tons of times I see the items with the outrageous starting prices end with no bids. I mean dont they realize that people are not going to buy one kit (unless its something that you will only see once in your lifetime) that they have to spend half of their paycheck on. Well just wondering if anyone else noticed this.

Something must be working for some sellears as i can remember when there were only 10 kits listed in the model section and i see today there is almost 51000 kits listed and last week i know i there was only 41000 kits listed on a the day i checked. Yes the shipping is getting outrageous and some of the kit prices are as well.

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Occasionally you can still get deals, usually need to combine shipping

Wound up getting three open but sealed inside kits for $11.18 shipped- stumbled across separate 3 day listings with 99 cent opening bids with a seller who combined shipping. Got a Lindberg '67 Olds 442 and an older issue Revell Ford Thunderbolt for .99 apiece, had to pay $2.25 for a "Color Me Gone" Dodge

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