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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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My wife says that I get on these binges of watching shows in marathon format and then I go through withdrawals once I'm done or caught-up. This project is a lot like that, so I've decided to take it slow and enjoy the show in moderate viewing format. Just exceptional work going on here!

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Rick... Thank you for the kind words. I had to think of something quick n easy for the angles. I think with a little more work I could of come up with something a little better. But I won't complain because it did the job.

Mike... thank you my friend and sounds good.

Dirk... thank you for following along on this long journey. I think i get that way with thia builds at times where i go crazy building for a while it seems and then there are moments where i feel a little burnt out but I love building and cant wait to get this one closer to being done. Actually Inhave been itching to break out the airbrush and paint somethings.

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John.... Thanks Brother!! They are getting there.

Jim... thank you my friend. Its been a pleasure sharing this buildvwith everyone.

Brad... thank you. Yoy know i have to agree that I need to bring down the front a little more. Will do that later tonight.

Sflam.... thank you.

Joe... thank you sir! i really Appreciate the suggestion and i welcome feedback. I want to make sure i am understanding correct. When you are standing in front if the car infont of the headlight and looking down towards the rear it needs to be more rounded in that direction right?

I added some plastic on the inside corners last night so i wouldnt sand thru the walls when rounding but I think I need to make the radius a little bigger to get that curvature you are talking about so they don't look as boxy. Let me kmow ifnI understood correctly. Thanks

Dave... thank you!

I think adding the extra material and making that curvature's radius will make it more realistic. It is kind of hard to see the side profile of the air dam, if you look at the driver's side air dam in the 4th picture you posted, it seems to be a little easier to see the curve in that shot; I think it is easier for me to see in the last pic (again of the driver's side air dam). I think I was simply trying to say to my eye there is a radius in almost every side of the air dams and the flat styrene seems to make that radius in the 1:1 stand out.

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Joe... I couldn't agree more with you about reworking these air dams. I want to make the look as close to the 1:1 as possible. I will be reworking theses and hopefully have an update soon.

Scott... Thank you my friend. I sent you an email with some pics hopefully they came thru.

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Dave... you know it didnt dawn on me wjen looking at the pics that they were distored. Since these pics wete taken from a video of this car from you tube. I believe Prudhuomme was using a go pro when he did this video. But there are certain pics where the distortion is more noticable. Thank you for keeping me in check. I am hoping to get some more work done this evening and hopefully I will have an update later for everyone. Got a couple of things to do at the house when i get back from the vet. My dogs getting his stitches taken out.

Stay tunned ;)

Edited by Mooneyzs
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Hey Fellas.... I apologize that I haven't had any updates in a while. I was out of town and at Disneyland this past weekend. I got back and did a little more work tonight on those air dams getting them reshaped a bit. Here are some progress pics....

Here is the start of reshaping. I took and angled the front down a little more than before. The one closest to you has been sanded here and the one behind was how it used to look. I think it is much better now:


Setting the left hand piece in place to get a glimpse of how it will look now. Let me know what you think and if it looks better than before:



The Right hand set into place:


Head on shot of the left hand side:


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Straight on shot of the Right hand side:


Here is a mock up of the piece on the Right hand side for the front put into place. once in place I will drill the slots into them:


Then the piece put in place for the left hand side. Both sides still need to be glued in place but wanted to get an idea on how it would look:


Higher up angle of the pieces set into place of the right hand side:


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Dave... Thank you so much my friend. I forgot to post some reference pics with this last night. Here are a few shots from speed hunters....

Also I would like to hear peoples feed back if you think they need to be shaped some more compared to these other shots below. I would prefer to fix them before I get to far ahead. I think this 2nd go around I have done is much better than the first. Thanks everyone for your input.





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Do the tops of the air dams need to have more of a curvature....left to right if you were sitting in the drivers seat??

Maybe a bit. Also, if you use a thinner piece of Evergreen for the fronts, the depth of the slots will be thinner more like the originals.

Exquisite work bro.

Edited by gasser59
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John... Thanks buddy...

Well Fellas I am sure you all are tired of seeing me post about the air dams. I will be honest i am getting tired of working on them and want them done but I don't think i can move on to the next thing until I have these done. So I apologize to bore you with some more pics of these. I still have a little more work but they are getting there. Guess you can say i am trying to make them as accurate as possible. Here are some updated pics.....

Again the Real Car, posting it so you don't have to flip back to the previous page:


Here the air dams are, I was trying to get the same angle for comparison. I took a black sharpie and marked out the location I was thinking of drilling holes to create the slots:


Straight on Views:



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Bob... thank you for the feed back. I have to agree with you that I need to move the slots down to the edge. My original plan was to cut the slots and then glue to the main base pad that mounts to the body but since the slots need to be at the edge i will have to glue the main piece to the flange first and then drill the slots out at the correct location.

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