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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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This is showing most excellent progress Chris. :)

The chassis is going to look amazing when completed mate. B) :wub: (and nah, you're not off ya rocker, you're dedicated... ;) )

Keep at it man, can't wait to see more of this baby.

Greg... thanks buddy. I am happy with how it's coming along, just wish it was done. So i could get some primer shot on it. Very soon.

I was able to make a little progress over the weekend. I got the motor mount tabs glued on to the chassis. got a support tube made for the front of the seat bucket made and just need to glue in place now. and i also made the roll cage just a tad shorter. All that is left is to is make two more pieces for the roll cage and add my Dzus faster tabs back on the chassis. Then i should.be good to startt working on some of the engine details. will try to get some pics up tonight.

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Haven't been keeping up with your progress lately and will say that you are coming along great in this effort. I like all the detail you are putting into your build. Your progress on the engine will deliver a spectacular example that shows how beautiful these engines looked in the frame rails during this period in Drag Racing history. Keep up the good work!

Mark Johnson

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Dave.... thank you bud. i couldn't agree more that the chassis looks better. All of the hatrd work i have put into the refab work is totally worth it. i know I am much.happier with it. i cant wait to dig more into the engine details but one step at a time.

Derrick.... thanks bro. i am getting closer lol

Mike... thank you

Mark... thanks for checking in on this build. I cant wait to start getting your engine detailed and painted. i have been meanining to email mail you and touch base with you. i wanted to talk to you about another engine I want to get from you for another build.

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Dave.... thank you bud. i couldn't agree more that the chassis looks better. All of the hatrd work i have put into the refab work is totally worth it. i know I am much.happier with it. i cant wait to dig more into the engine details but one step at a time.

Derrick.... thanks bro. i am getting closer lol

Mike... thank you

Mark... thanks for checking in on this build. I cant wait to start getting your engine detailed and painted. i have been meanining to email mail you and touch base with you. i wanted to talk to you about another engine I want to get from you for another build.

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Chris...I just thought of a potential snag that could happen later because of your cockpit lengthening operation. Roof Clearance. You most definately have the right idea in lengthening the cage area, but when you changed the angle of the top rail tube you probably gained about 3 scale inches in the rear cage area as well causing the top of the cage to push the body up in that area. You might wanna raise the rear axle mounting flange by an equal amount to compensate. I know you want to maintain that low profile and things can get out of wack real quick in that tight cockpit area. Even a fire tent tin adjustment won't help in this instance.

Beautiful job so far and I'm just trying to be of help...

Art Loveland

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Joe... thanks for the compliments. I havent had any time to do any more work on this for the past few days. I have been itching to get.back to this but probably wont be able to get to it until tuesday next week.

Art... thanks for keeping a look out. also I had set the rear hoop of the chassis pretty much at the same location as it was previously. then on the roll cage tubes I have sanded about 1/32 to 1/16 off to gain a little clearance from as well.

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Are you going to put one of those Aurora F/C drivers in the seat?...lol. Would kinda' look cool..sorta chubby for a Prudhomme figure though..more like a Sush Matsubara figure...lol. Let me know and I'll make you up a set of Army firesuit and helmet decals N/C. I've seen a couple real good headshots of Snake in the cage but haven't got any decent full body photos.


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Hey Art... I wasn't planning on putting in one of the drivers in the seat on this build But I do have a cool resin one I could sit next to the build... lol

Well Fellas I know its been a little bit since I have posted any updates. Been busy between work and was out of town for Christmas. Any way I was able to get back to the bench for a few and got a few more things knocked out on this chassis update. I was able to get the motor mount tabs glued in as well as the seat support tube. And I started on Coping the roll cage to fit the upper chassis area. All I need to do now is make two more tubes for the roll cage and add the Dzus fastener tabs back in. I have also started making templates for the seat bucket that I am making. I figured that since I have the roll cage off that this would be the perfect time to make it since I will be pretty easy to set it in and out of the chassis with the roll cage off. I am planning on making the seat out of thin brass sheet that way I can solder it together. Here are a few pics to share with you, sorry that the pics are not as good i was rushing to get pics.....

Rear Motor Mount Tabs Glued in place:


Front Motor Mount Tabs glued in place, Motor mount tabs completed:


Seat Bucket support tube glued in place:


Overview of the chassis rebuild and what it looks like at the moment:


Edited by Mooneyzs
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Brad.... Thank you bud!! I can't tell you how much I have been "Jonesin" to get alot more done on this. Happy New Year to you as well. I was able to start the seat fabrication last night and I decided to start my templates from some of the printing plate you gave me. I feel its coming along good so far but a few pieces may be a little tricky but whats modeling without some tricky parts right? After i get these initial pieces made up from the printing plate I will then make from brass and solder them together....well that is the plan anyway. here are a few pics

First started out by laying out the middle section of the seat on the printing plate to be cut out:


After cutting the printing plate out I took and bent it to the shape I was looking for and placed it in the chassis:


Then I started making the side pieces and laying it in place, Not sure if it is the best way to piece them together the way I have shown here and then I am going to attempt to solder the joints together, Hoping it will work the way I want it to:


Edited by Mooneyzs
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That printing plate template is looking good. At this point, consider how your seat belt mounting hardware is going to hook up to the frame cross pieces, top and bottom, and if it needs to run through the seat back or over the top. Do you have Army F/C reference for this?

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John... Thanks buddy!!

Brad... Thanks man.. I have been doing a little thinking on how the seat belts will get mounted and do haveone or 2 pics of the seat belts for the shoulder straps. They actually come through a cut out in the seat back but don't really have a great shot of the lap or crotch belt. But from other funny cars of this era the lap belts also come thru the sides of the bucket.

Mike... thanks bud, it feel great to be back at this build.

Brett... Thank you

Guys I should be getting to work on this today and hope to have some more updates for everyone. Thanks for following along and checking in on this build.

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Wowza Chris. Now that you got the easy part done on the seat, I don't envy your task of making what looks to be a compound curved piece for the bottom sides. If anybody can figure it out, I'm sure you've got a handle on it. Good Luck.

Joe... Thanks man.... Yea the back part was pretty easy and the side piece wasn't that bad either but I have a funny feeling the last part is going to be a bear... lol Thanks for the words of encouragement that you have faith in me being able to figure it out. Hoping I can' knock it out today.

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I have a question for you. Are you just copying the seat in brass to get the thickness down. If so you could copy the seat with masking tape to get a template. This would help guide you on getting the compound curves by cutting darts in the brass and the push them into position and then solder them.

Hope this helps. By the way would you post what you end of for a template for the brass. It might help others that want to do a seat.


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