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From "The Right Stuff;" feeling a bit like Alan Shepard myself, lol!

Eric Sevareid: [broadcasting] There's another hold from NASA, another delay. Alan Shepard sits there, patiently waiting. What can be going through a man's mind at this moment?

[cut to Shepard in his space capsule]

Alan Shepard: Gordo?... Gordo, I have to urinate

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I saw the Chew Waah Waah Eyegore in the video, and figured you had to be the Hilton trainwreck.

But you're too pretty and good looking,so you're not Hilton.

I'm waiting with bated breath for your no doubt fascinating revelation.


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What is the point of all this in the first place?

I can't see the point of these constant Post about some anoincement that in the end won't live up to the Hype.

Guess what ever is going on, I'm not in the loop, nothing happening here or in the hobby is going to Change my life.

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What is the point of all this in the first place?

I can't see the point of these constant Post about some anoincement that in the end won't live up to the Hype.

Guess what ever is going on, I'm not in the loop, nothing happening here or in the hobby is going to Change my life.

Why so "cranky?" :)

It's all in good fun...

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All I know is that when I consider Dr.Cranks skill and expertise at building models I have my alarm clock set and am waiting anxiously.

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i personally do not know Dr. Cranky but, I would like to personally thank him for the time hes takes to make me chuckle a little bit. this man thoroughly enjoys what he is doing and it shows by the care he takes in his model building and his videos. he does it to entertain us because he does care for his fello man, even in some strange manner :lol: seriously guys, lighten up! we are only here for one life and by the looks of things to come, we're gonna need all the laughter we can muster.

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i personally do not know Dr. Cranky but, I would like to personally thank him for the time hes takes to make me chuckle a little bit. this man thoroughly enjoys what he is doing and it shows by the care he takes in his model building and his videos. he does it to entertain us because he does care for his fello man, even in some strange manner :lol: seriously guys, lighten up! we are only here for one life and by the looks of things to come, we're gonna need all the laughter we can muster.

Virgil is a very enthusiastic guy, and he loves to share his work, tips and techniques with you guys. He puts a lot of effort into sharing his hobby with others. To all of you who couldn't care less, that's perfectly fine. Just ignore his posts... no reason to tell us how bored and disinterested you are. Just ignore the thread. If it's so boring and uninteresting to you, why bother posting? Move on to something that you do find interesting. :lol:

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Hmmmm, how many times have you said on here that having & expressing differing opinions is part & parcel of this forum Harry? Is that now rescinded for certain posts or topics? Please do let me know, & also let me know which topics are "off limits" to criticism so I can be sure not to step on any toes in the future.


Expressing "different opinions" on a topic is fine. Telling us all how bored you are with a topic is a little different. I know that you know what I'm saying.

No topic is "off limits" to you or anyone else. I just don't see why you have to go out of your way to let us all know how bored you are with this topic. Yes, you have every right to say what you said. I just don't see why you did it. Seems a little mean-spirited to me. But that's just my opinion. Which I just expressed. Because I can. Just like you can.

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Just ignore the thread. If it's so boring and uninteresting to you, why bother posting? Move on to something that you do find interesting. :lol:

It would be easier to ignore if there weren't seemingly two dozen of them every day. We get it, he's excited, he's got something new he's very proud of, and is dying to share with us...we all get it...believe us. I was very interested, now I'm borderline not caring if it's a new cure for cancer that also provides injection molded parts at 1/2 the cost.

If the product/service/etc is as great as this hype leads up to, then the resulting feedback should swamp Dr. Cranky with a wave of adoration that will concern the Weather Channel. However these build up posts are basically the same thread repeated over and over and over again just to give everyone an multi-daily opportunity to tell him how great he is and how excited they are was played out several days ago.

Edited by niteowl7710
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I'm having a lot of fun with Dr. Cranky's threads. I'm not looking for sympathy, but I have a very painful bone disease that keeps me away from the workbench more often than not. The videos are fun, and his sense of humor smacks of my own twisted little world. These days, anything that can bring a smile to my face, or have me laughing is worth its weight in gold.

Rock on, good Dr.; I'm following the prescription!

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Mark and others... just don't click on the videos! Problem solved.

I know that Virgil is pushing his "surprise" pretty hard, but he's very excited about it. He has a ton of enthusiasm for this hobby, and he's the kind of guy who wants to share his enthusiasm with others. He may seem a bit over the top to some, but you can't deny he's a great asset to this forum and the hobby in general. He's just reeeeeally into model cars! (and making videos! :lol:)

Like I said... the option to ignore the posts (or to not click on the video) is yours. No harm done by anyone... we're all friends here. :lol:

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Robert and Mark and others, like I've said before on some of my other posts, work, and videos . . . you don't have to like what I'm doing. I'm a grownup and I can take it. Trust me, I've been in the public world long enough to know that you are never going to please everybody, and that's okay. Which is the reason why I'm always upbeat and positive with all my posts because what's the use of defeating someone's attempt at having a little bit of fun in this hobby?

I'm assuming you are all adults, and if this were your television set, you live in a free country and you can always change the channel to something else. Trust me, Doctor Cranky is not going to find out where you live and then try to rig your remote control so that you HAVE TO watch what he is doing or building or saying or the ways by which him in the Lab-RAT-ory CREW have their fun.

All in a day's worth of work and hobby fun. And by the way, EYEGORE says HI! :lol:

Edited by Dr. Cranky
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But you know, DOCTOR CRANKY has another idea, which I wonder what kind of an interest would be stirred up if, for example, Doctor Cranky had announced that there would be a FREE IWATA MICRON C-PLUS given to the person who would show the most excitement, or say, built the funniest Doctor Cranky's Lab-RAT-ory type of vehicle, etc . . .

I'm sure someone would chime in and say that they would never want a free 400 dollar airbrush because what's the use . . . right?

I would imagine most of you would believe that a MICRON C-PLUS has the potential of changing the way you build models? I hope so.

But then again, maybe not . . . :lol:

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