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I have some observations concerning the late unpleasantness that resulted in three threads being locked simultaneously.

I think this is part of the growing national discussion regarding the decline of civility in our conversations in this culture. I would guess that Internet forums make a large contribution to the process of people dissing each other, even against colleagues who share their interests. Some of this is likely based on the anonymity of making statements from  a faceless keyboard. But public figures such as Trump, Beck, etc. think they can say stupid and hateful things on the air with impunity. And it's really easy to click on "Submit" after you've had a few during Happy Hour and write a post in the heat of the moment.

I would like to see how these forum conversations would go if we had to be on Skype or iChat and address someone face-to-face. I don't currently have video capabilities (and some of you would consider video posts to be boring), but the least I can do is replace my previous avatar with a real picture of me. That way, you get some idea of whom you're conversing with (I know, it's a face made for radio).

So, here I am. This is the real me, responding to your posts. There are only a few others here who are doing the same.

Anyone else want to follow suit?


Skip Jordan

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Skip, uh Glen Beck is paid to be a controversial person, so is Donald Trump. If it wasn't for those two doing something to "Provoke "telephone conversations and rebuttals , there would be no talk - show . Oh , I used to be in radio too, wrote and voiced commercials :


I enjoyed what you had to say ! Ed Shaver

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Ed's right... without controversy, Beck's got nothing! Same with all media types. Their whole game is controversy.

But here on our forum, we don't need controversy. Sometimes it rises up, but not too often. I'd say overall, when you realize how many members post here regularly, and how different we all are as far as politics, religion, nationality, location, culture, etc... I'd say we do ok about 99% of the time. :lol:

And for that other 1%... my finger's on the kill switch!!! ;)

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Ed's right... without controversy, Beck's got nothing! Same with all media types. Their whole game is controversy.

Sure. But such people, and their pulpits created by the networks, create the fabric of decline. Are they to be excused because they're commercially viable?

These people, like those who caused the threads I mentioned to be locked, seem to think they are The Deciders of what's right and what's wrong, what's boring and what isn't. I would like to see a long-form certificate of their qualifications for making such statements.

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Skip, I agree with you 100%.

If the picture posted I tried to put up it is a twenty year old picture.

The hair is all gray now.

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I see only one person that caused all of this to happen on the locked threads.When will people learn? You all know it just own up to it.This is your board not his.

Your last couple of posts are the first time we've agreed on things. Rock on, James.

By the way, I did not meant to imply that anyone who noted the hatemongers' commercial value was saying that's okay.

Edited by sjordan2
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Sure. But such people, and their pulpits created by the networks, create the fabric of decline. Are they to be excused because they're commercially viable?

Whose fault is it that they're commercially viable?

TV execs will only air the stuff that gets ratings. We have nobody to blame but ourselves. If nobody watched (insert your favorite media whipping boy here), they would be off the air in no time.

We, as a society, are getting exactly what we're asking for.

Ok... can't delve too deeply into politics here, so back to our regular topics.

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I see only one person that caused all of this to happen on the locked threads.When will people learn? You all know it just own up to it.This is your board not his.

And oh, just for the record... it wasn't just one person, it was several. Just want to be clear on that. No one single person caused the threads to be locked... I just didn't like the direction they were heading.

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And oh, just for the record... it wasn't just one person, it was several. Just want to be clear on that. No one single person caused the threads to be locked... I just didn't like the direction they were heading.

Exactly, and that's why I started this thread. Please note that I edited an earlier post to say that I didn't man to imply that anyone who said they were commercially viable thought it was an okay thing.

Edited by sjordan2
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What transpired here in the past 24+ hours is a disgrace; shouldn't be tolerated, and those who instigate should be booted off this forum, PERIOD. Perhaps not permanently, perhaps for a week... enough to catch their attention.

I have saved a copy of most of the offending posts, because I now have "proof" of who said what. No more hiding. Anyone fans the flames, they should pay the price. Kidding around is good, but posting unrelated videos just for the sake of making a point, does indeed. And that point is: you seem to lack maturity. You should be held accountable. Telling others how to behave, when (you) yourself cannot do likewise... is just wrong.

How on earth are we to expect others to try our board... the Model Cars board, when everyone is acting out like spoiled children in a sandbox? It is pathetic, as well as embarrassing. You know this to be true. You can kid yourself, and maybe a few of your play pals, but... you don't fool me. I would hope the rest of our friends here are as fed up as I am. Please... stop this bad behavior. And for the "pals", stop feeding the flames.

Just my 2¢ worth... but the value is climbing.

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Exactly, and that's why I started this thread. Please note that I edited an earlier post to say that I didn't man to imply that anyone who said they were commercially viable thought it was an okay thing.

Hey, no fair going back and rewriting history! :lol:

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What transpired here in the past 24+ hours is a disgrace; shouldn't be tolerated, and those who instigate should be booted off this forum, PERIOD. Perhaps not permanently, perhaps for a week... enough to catch their attention.

I have saved a copy of most of the offending posts, because I now have "proof" of who said what. No more hiding. Anyone fans the flames, they should pay the price. Kidding around is good, but posting unrelated videos just for the sake of making a point, does indeed. And that point is: you seem to lack maturity. You should be held accountable. Telling others how to behave, when (you) yourself cannot do likewise... is just wrong.

How on earth are we to expect others to try our board... the Model Cars board, when everyone is acting out like spoiled children in a sandbox? It is pathetic, as well as embarrassing. You know this to be true. You can kid yourself, and maybe a few of your play pals, but... you don't fool me. I would hope the rest of our friends here are as fed up as I am. Please... stop this bad behavior. And for the "pals", stop feeding the flames.

Just my 2¢ worth... but the value is climbing.

Can't argue with what you said, but let's be smart and let it go. Those locked posts are drifting downward on the page and will soon be gone. Let's move forward.

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Spent the weekend getting some projects done outside since the weather cooperated. Really sad to log in this evening after not being here for 48 hours and seeing some of the nonsense that went on.

I won't fan the flames or flog the horse but I do agree that Gregg or his designated "policers" should do whatever it takes to keep this a place about model cars and not let it slip into character attacks and peeing contests.

As was stated several times- if you don't like something, move on and let it be. As my Mom continues to tell me (at age 86!)"Michael, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!" Good advice for all of us and especially those that tend to pontificate at times.

There, I have chimed in and now it is dinner time!

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I agree with a lot that has been said in this thread including the taking care of the causes of the lockings, to include me if I was out of line for what I said in one thread. I also am liking the idea of the avatar thing Gonna see if I can get a good pic of my ugly mug myself. Might break the cameras, or worse the whole board lol

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What transpired here in the past 24+ hours is a disgrace; shouldn't be tolerated, and those who instigate should be booted off this forum, PERIOD. Perhaps not permanently, perhaps for a week... enough to catch their attention.

I have saved a copy of most of the offending posts, because I now have "proof" of who said what. No more hiding. Anyone fans the flames, they should pay the price. Kidding around is good, but posting unrelated videos just for the sake of making a point, does indeed. And that point is: you seem to lack maturity. You should be held accountable. Telling others how to behave, when (you) yourself cannot do likewise... is just wrong.

How on earth are we to expect others to try our board... the Model Cars board, when everyone is acting out like spoiled children in a sandbox? It is pathetic, as well as embarrassing. You know this to be true. You can kid yourself, and maybe a few of your play pals, but... you don't fool me. I would hope the rest of our friends here are as fed up as I am. Please... stop this bad behavior. And for the "pals", stop feeding the flames.

Just my 2¢ worth... but the value is climbing.

You have said it better than I have. Thanks!
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I see only one person that caused all of this to happen on the locked threads.When will people learn? You all know it just own up to it.This is your board not his.

I agree seems to always be the same person/small like minded group that get threads closed.

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