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Pete double cab rescue..

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Thanks guy's, i had a small set back the other night, this kit was boxed up with out any front fender's!!!! lucky me i had two set's of 'em in the basement, they may not be the correct one's for it, but there close enough for me. i've been working on "molding " the cab's together, so far so good. i had a change of mind on the rear of the second cab, i will add a piece of tread plate to it later this morning. Front bumper has been extended, waiting on my foil shipment so i can finish it. I'll have pics up later today, my batteries are charging right now, so look for the pics later.. Thanks for looking,dave. :)

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I had never seen anything like this except for IH's used for the railroad or fire departments. I was leaving the Oakland Airport today and saw a 3 axle cab over Kenworth crew cab! It was really odd to see a second front door were the sleeper would be. It was set up with a flatbed and a crane mounted at the rear and extended forward over the cab. I wish I had a camera with me so I could have posted a photo. Unusual, I must say.

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Thank you for all the nice comments..I have to agrre that the build possabilities on this truck might just about be endless?? I did notice that along with the missing fender's, i'm missing my lubrefiner, so it's off to the parts box again..I started work on the rescue body last night, dont have any pics yet, i'll wait till it gets farther along. Thanks again , dave.

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I've seen a couple Pete 330 Crew Cabs, but never anything like this. You pretty much have the cab dead on as far as I can tell. It sure is neat looking. The only thing I'd change is the stack location (personal preference). One of the 330s I saw had them at the very back, another had weedburners. Either way, that thing is a beast!

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Thanks for the nice comments guy's.. Well i did get a change to do some painting, so here she is.. I will give her a knick name of "ORANGE CRUSH", paint is dupli-color HEMI orange, and WAL-MART WHITE..I will paint the upper portion of the rescue box tonight. All 5 light bars on the truck and box i made from plastic knifes, i just chopped up the handles and added some bit's of styrene, and paint.Decal's and stripes continue, but here is what i have so far, thanks for looking,dave.( more pics in my fotki album)




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