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those loving wives.

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I've said this before, but will post it again as this thread is quite entertaining.

Wife #1 - We weren't together long enough for her to express an opinion. I shipped out, she moved home.

Wife #2 - Deliberately broke any build she thought was a particular favorite of mine. Tried to be sneaky about it too. Bye bye...........

Wife #3 - Appreciated the skills necessary for a clean build, but didn't want any stash. Finally said she felt that the hobby was childish. Bye bye.............

Wife #4 - Attends shows, club meetings, and the LHS with me. Buys stuff she thinks is "cute" and asks me to build it. Her comment early on was " I'd rather have you sitting at the breakfast bar building a model, that sitting in a bar hitting on one." Keeper!



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Oh heck yeah!

I never sneak any kits in, and I'm always upfront about what I order online. Her comment most of the time is "get two, you know you want to".

Her passion is fitness, she's a marathon runner, and we have accumulated a bunch of exercise equipment. I have lost 14 lbs just because. I don't think I have anything to complain about there either. :P

Gotta love a women like that.


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My wife neither enjoys or despises my hobby. Although, whenever I hit the paint rack at Meijer or Auto Zone she says "ooh, that's a nice color, you should get that". Whenever I find something online she says "go ahead and get it".

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Not only does she support me she also picks out models for me and has even bought one at Hobby Lobby for me out of the kindness of her heart.

She supports the hobby because she knows the benefit of the relaxation it gives to me.

Even my girls support the hobby by telling me their are happy I found a hobby.

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Not married but most of the women I go out with are pretty supportive. They usually have hobbies too, scrapbooking, knitting etc. so weekend trips to hobby shops are usually a no brainer. One still kids me that my house is a mess but you could eat off the floor where you paint and build models!

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My I indulge with a true story about my Wife?

When I first met Amy in `01 she learned about my hobbies: me restoring the `Cuda, I played Bass in a band, and I built models. When she found out I had a few cars published in magazines from various shows, she wanted me to build her a car for the magazines. I stopped her right there and told her it wasn't that easy. First I had to build something that would be of interest and built well. Then if I was lucky enough to be photographed at a show, I had to make it into the pile of candidates that might be considered. Then I reminded her that huge shows such as NNL East usually received at best 25 cars published out of over a 1,000 cars in attendance. I tried to paint a realistic picture that it wasn't THAT easy to get a car published. She wanted me to build a car for her anyway, so with that understanding it most likely wouldn't be published I built a car exactly to her specifics.

Amy wanted a blue VW Beetle with wheels & color she picked. My Wife is an avid skier, so I scratch-built a rack w/ skies & poles mounted on the back. I finished it and brought it to NNL East that the theme was Life's a beach... Life's a drag. I had made a simple display saying Ops! Wrong season! with a small figurine of a girl on skies next to the VW. Fast forward to me standing in line to have it photographed and Amy's all excited that it's going in the magazine. I try and talk her down and reminder her it's still a roll of the dice. Fast-forward again a few months later to me getting an e-mail from my friend Rich Manson congratulating me on being in the latest issue of Model Cars Magazine with Amy's blue VW.....


A few years ago we went to NNL East and Gregg was there. She surprised him by walking up to him, un-introduced, and kissed him and thanked him for putting "her" VW in the magazine.

Yeah... she's cool with my hobby. Unknowingly, Gregg was instrumental with that. True story! banana.gif

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Oh heck yeah!

I never sneak any kits in, and I'm always upfront about what I order online. Her comment most of the time is "get two, you know you want to".

thats my wifes reply everytime i ask her to buy me something way out there.

we'll be driving down the road and get passed by a 71 superbee and ill tell her

"honey you oughta get me one of them"

she always replies

"i'll get you two baby"

hasnt happened yet :unsure:

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My wife is known as "Sweetie" by all that know me or that I do anything with.I mix music,bands and run many sound related projects,she is known by all as Sweetie.she has always been supportive in this hobby.she has allways been and is alway been welcome any place I go.everyone knows if they see me they see her.where ever one is the other is close by.I asked her in the first couple of months we were going out if she was going to want me to get rid of these kits I have.she said no,its you,you have talent at it and I always know were you are.I'm lucky or blessed how ever you look at it and I know it!!! she goes to all the shows,contests and model meeting we have and the other guys all know to exspect to see her to.she talks,ask questions to the builds on there projects.she support me getting more kits and don't say anything about how many,it me that has to say "done for now" not her.she is smart,beautiful and loving and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her and my three beautiful daughters that I wouldn't trade anything for.I think most of my friends don't even know my Sweeties name,they even call her sweetie cause they don't know what her name really is.I only have one wife and only want the one I have....I'm happy! with my sweetie.....My Sharmee.

Thanks for letting me say a little

of how I feel,Thanks,


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It has been a rather long time since I went on a spending spree buying kits, paints and other supplies.

My wife has supported by purchases completely. We discuss all expenditures before they are made.

We have been doing that for the 38 years we have been married.

My wife agrees with and actually enjoys my hobby, though not to the extent I do.

She helps with picking colors and making other suggestions, some of which I follow.

I was just wondering, how many of you guys have a wife/girlfriend that supports your hobby?

i would ask my wife ,but that means i would have to speak to her and her voice is a cross between Peg Bundy ,and ,Rosanne Barr and she yells everytime i try to converse with her ,besides shes mad at me right now ,because she said "I DONT FEEL GOOD" so i said ' I KNOW ,THATS WHY I DONT TOUCH YOU.and she hasn't spoke to me since

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A former girlfriend (10 yrs ago) was embarrassed for me that I built models. Getting two articles published in the other mags didn't change her mind any and out of concern for me recommended I not tell any future girlfriends. We departed amicably. I don't spread it around that I build models, it's my quiet pleasure. But the current (and long time) girlfriend has a growing interest as I've returned to the hobby, likes my work and wants to accompany me to a show once she found out what IPMS was.

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A former girlfriend (10 yrs ago) was embarrassed for me that I built models. Getting two articles published in the other mags didn't change her mind any and out of concern for me recommended I not tell any future girlfriends. We departed amicably. I don't spread it around that I build models, it's my quiet pleasure. But the current (and long time) girlfriend has a growing interest as I've returned to the hobby, likes my work and wants to accompany me to a show once she found out what IPMS was.

Now that is truly depressing and sad. Embarasseed for something that's enjoyable and harmless?

Sounds like you did it as much out of enjoyment as you did to take your mind off her! :lol:

Charlie Larkin

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The wife & I have been togeather over 40yrs so I guess nothing suprises her now. And yes, she is very supportive of my model making. She refers to the model club I joined recently as the crèche :lol:

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i would ask my wife ,but that means i would have to speak to her and her voice is a cross between Peg Bundy ,and ,Rosanne Barr and she yells everytime i try to converse with her ,besides shes mad at me right now ,because she said "I DONT FEEL GOOD" so i said ' I KNOW ,THATS WHY I DONT TOUCH YOU.and she hasn't spoke to me since

You need an escape once a month.

How about coming on down to MassCar's meeting on the third Wednesday at 7:00.

150 Rustcraft Rd., Dedham. Write me if you need directions.

Charlie Larkin

****end commericial****

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My wife has supported me and my hobby from the beginning. She has even tried to go out get me the kits that I always pass on because of price or skill level. She always helps me with colors schemes and things like that. I love her to death but sometimes she really misses the mark on colors. However I would not trade her for anything in the world

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