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Little green Dart


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that color looks pretty nice on there and the engine looks good as well.

for the pics, if you don't have macro setting, then all you can do is put a white or black background. this way your camera only focuses on the thing your taking a pic of. the way your doing it now, the camera starts to want to focus on the thing in the back, like all the suff on your desk and your hand.

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If your camera doesn't have a macro setting, the best thing to do is to stay a few feet away from the model and zoom in on it. Some camera's can't focus on objects too close to the lens. you may need a tripod for this method though because zooming in will only amplify any shakiness while taking the picture.

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I have made a few changes as far as what was in the box.

1. The intake is from an amt 68 Roadrunner

2. the traction bars and air cleaners are from an amt 66 nova kit

3.Custom built rollcage because I didn't like the one in the kit

4.ScaleDreams spark plug wires and fuel lines with scratch built fuel block on the intake

5.And I can't forget those custom built Thrush mufflers that took about three hours to make (well the glue had to set up).If any one is interested on how they are made just ask and I'll share with ya'll. They are really simple.

Hope to have more tommorrow night,later bigtim.

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Thanks for all comments,I'm still working to get better pics.

CrazyJim the mufflers are completly scratchbuilt.here's how I do them.

materials needed are,

1. a good set of hole punches (like the kids use in school)

2. 3/32 tubing (plastruct or evergreen)

3. 3/16 tubing

4. thin plastic sheet 1/16 ir less in thickness

5. 3/32 drill bit

6. glue of you choice

First, use the hole puch to cut out 4 round discs from the plastic sheet.

Second,cut 2 pieces of the 3/16 tubing about 7/8 inch long.Try to keep the cuts squared on the ends.

Third, Place a bead of glue on the ends of the 3/16 pieces,attach 1 disc to each end,try to center the disc on the tubing.

Fourth, after the glue has set up,sand the edge of the disc till it has a uniform thickness around the tubing.( This will be the flange where the end of the muffler is crimped together on a 1/1 muffler)

Fifth,Take the 3/32 drill bit and center it on one end of the muffler body and drill slowly through the disc,if your bit is long enough you can drill the other end without removing from the muffler body.(this also helps to center both ends of the muffler)

Sixth,insert the 3/32 tubing through the muffler body(might have to wiggle the tubing to get through both ends of the muffler) Trim the tubing to your desired length and angles.

Seventh, paint and detail to your desired tastes.

I use ford engine blue as it is close to Thrush Muffler blue.The white stripes are rocker decals from the amt 67 cyclone kit,trimmed to fit the muffler body.The darker pink Thrush lettering was done by hand using a sharpie marker. The ends of the muffler bodies are painted with the old testors square bottle silver and the pipes themselves are testors metalizer,I used burnt metal for the outside with exhaust on the inside.

I hope this helps jim and anyone else who was curious.Sorry it was so long and drawn out, later bigtim.

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