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Who here buys collections?

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I am minimizing my collection and I've listed several on both emodelcars and ebay with not as many being sold as needed to be. I am wondering if there is anyone here that buys collections? Or can you direct me to someone who does? My collection is not too big but I am running out of time to sell them (still trying to save to buy my mom's car by the end of this month) and I need to find someone who will take all the kits I have, not just a couple here or a couple there. Most are complete and unbuilt, some are started or nearly finished, and there are a couple that are for parts only due to missing bodies (only 2 kits). I will send a pic of these to whoever is seriously interested.

** I am not trying to sell them on this site, I am only wanting to know who I can get in contact with who buys collections. **

Edited by TurboKitty
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I'm not really wanting to hold a yard sale, I don't exactly have a lot of other stuff to put in it. I'd also need to go and buy a bunch of tables to put stuff on, and there's no guarantee that all the kits would sell. I've put them on craigslist too and I've had 4 no shows already. I'll take some pics and get the link for the album in a few.

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Check the back pages of MCM or SA, there are folks who will buy your collection. You might not get what you think you should but if time is of the essence, then it might be the way to go. Remember that a collection buyer has to factor in carrying costs when he makes you an offer and a lot of it has to do with the types of kits you have.

Another route to go is to check and see if there are any model shows coming up in your area. You might be able to get a table and if priced right, you could sell them there and go home with cash. Of course my problem seems to be that I buy as much as I sell in those venues!

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LOL well I was going to go to the Toledo NNL but it's a long way to walk without a car ;) . I will try Jim (JimnOhio) and see what he says, I know I don't have a ton of kits and most aren't that valuable, but every little bit helps. I will probably end up putting it on ebay and hoping for the best, the final value fee is gonna suck though. That's what I'm trying to avoid really, ebay's fees LOL.

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I'd go with eBay or emodelcars. Buying a collection usually means severely discounted pricing - nobody is going to give you close to retail for an entire lot of kits. So, unless you are just trying to get rid of models, sell them individually or in small groups. Offer combined shipping discounts. You can continue to try Craigslist too but, as you have noted, there are a lot of jerks buying (and selling) and you will get no shows. For CL customers, YOU make the terms. YOU tell them when to come look. Otherwise you'll be waiting around for the 50% or more of the people who have no intention of showing up.

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I'd go with eBay or emodelcars. Buying a collection usually means severely discounted pricing - nobody is going to give you close to retail for an entire lot of kits. So, unless you are just trying to get rid of models, sell them individually or in small groups. Offer combined shipping discounts. You can continue to try Craigslist too but, as you have noted, there are a lot of jerks buying (and selling) and you will get no shows. For CL customers, YOU make the terms. YOU tell them when to come look. Otherwise you'll be waiting around for the 50% or more of the people who have no intention of showing up.

I have listed nearly all of the kits on ebay individually and again in small similar lots, and some on emodelcars. Very little of them have sold. I compare prices on everything I sell and 9 times out of 10 it is the cheapest or almost the cheapest one listed. I'm in a time crunch so I can no longer take the time necessary to list these all individually, pack them up, and ship them to various places on different days. I've done that up until this point and sold a little over half of my collection. If I had the time, I would continue to do that but I need to have the rest of the money to buy my mom's car by the end of the month otherwise she is going to be forced to sell it to someone else. Also I am aware that selling a collection means it's not going to be at retail. I spent probably around $500 incl tax and shipping on these kits, and of course I'm not going to get nearly that much in return. That's common sense LOL. As for craigslist, I have set aside specific times on different days and waited for the people who were supposed to come and buy them to show up. Nobody showed. I've sold a lot already (its what I do to make extra cash on the side.....) but these are what's left and they have to be gone within the next 2 weeks. I really want to avoid ebay because for each item you list, you get hit with fees three separate times (listing fee, final value fee for the item AND shipping, and then what PayPal takes out). Listing all of these individually will probably result in well over an additional $50 or more in fees.

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I would urge you keep posting on Craigslist. Most collectors I personally know are not builders so they don't visit this site or shop ebay much. But they ALL watch Craigslist like hawks for lots, auctions and estate sales, etc. They are traders and sellers and like the simplicity of dealing locally if it means gathering up boxes of kits (rather than paying shipping).

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If you donate to my car fund I will donate my models, how's that sound Nick? B)

I still have a post in my local craigslist, but every time I post in a city that isn't really close to mine it gets flagged because some people are flag Nazis :rolleyes: . I will wait to hear back to the people I emailed, but if they aren't interested I will probably have to bite the bullet and list them on ebay & emodelcars and hope for the best.

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there is a flea market in the next town over but to rent a space it's $25 for the weekend for the smallest space available, a 9x9 booth. I'd do that but they are not open during the week at all, only on Sat and Sun. They close for the season very soon, and with only about 35 kits left to sell, I wish I had more stuff ready to fill the rest of the booth (I do, but I'd run into the problem of getting it over there). It's something I have wanted to do, but just couldn't swing it this year.

Luckily I already sold a junkyard lot of 5 kits that were missing parts and/or bodies. I got a reply from 1 of the people I emailed who does buy collections and hopefully the ball will be rolling on those soon. So far so good :)

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oh there is already some I regret selling, but I keep telling myself as soon as we get the car (fingers crossed) I can actually rebuild my collection pretty quickly. I might not have to sell every last one, so that's good at least. I do have around 10 kits that I started and definitely plan on finishing, so those will not be going anywhere - I need something to do through winter LOL.

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I'm in the Southeast corner of Michigan, a good 4-5 hrs away from those two I think but I will email them if I can find their contact info. I have 20 complete/unbuilt kits left and a handful of started kits or 1 or 2 that are missing a couple parts. My emodelcars listings ended but I do have them on ebay now at least. :)

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Over the last couple days I was able to sell a good # of the ones I had, I only have 9 kits left now so they went on ebay last night with Buy It Now's & Free Shipping to hopefully make 'em sell fast. Thank you all for the references, I will be rebuilding my collection over winter hopefully so I've bookmarked a lot of them because they all have some pretty good deals :)

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