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AMT 50 Chevy Truck Texaco Kit Question

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I just picked up the AMT Texaco 1950 3100 Chevy Truck. When I pulled out the parts, I noticed the instructions looked a little "thick". Well, low and behold, there were six sets of instructions in the bottom. I bought the kit brand new, from Hobby Lobby, yesterday. Is this something common with this kit?

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The last AMT 50 3100 I bought had Multiple sets of instruction sheets also. I checked the parts and they were all there so I wasn't worried about it. Actually I bought two kits at the same time and only one of them had the multiple instruction sheets, of corse they both had the sheets for English, Spanish, French, and German.



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i'm a little confused.... "instruction sheets"? do you mean those handy folded papers that you use to keep glue and paint off the furniture?

hahahaha! actually after thirty plus years i'm following a set of instructions quite carefully as i build the Moebius Hudson.........

i remember with no little disgust the apalling era when they all decided to go to "pictograms" and eliminate ALL text in the instructions instead of follow the multi-lingual requirements of big brudda.

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Instruction sheets.

Interesting observation:

I recently helped with a Make-N-Take event; we had many more than 100 kids, most with parent/s. The kit was Revell's '69 Camaro SS; a great snap kit!!

Of all those who participated, there were very few who ran into assembly difficulty ~ a rarity with Make-N-Take events since (usually) about half the participants are first-time builders with very inexperienced parents (vis a vis model building).

But I noticed that every one of the people who ran into trouble or broke parts or couldn't get the 'dang thing' to fit together were people who hadn't even

looked at the instruction sheet.

One particularly snitty woman repeatedly refused our offers of assistance ~ because she knew it all ~ and ended up taking more than three times as long as anyone else while her son quickly lost interest in watching mom put the car together for him ... because she was in a hurry and didn't have time to wait for him to build it. I'd bet he would have had it done in nothing flat! But, mom just insisted on doing it for him in the interest of saving time ... eventually dad showed up and attempted to help ... but he got his head bitten off, too. We all ~ event advisers, the son, and the husband ~ just sat back and watched ... and waited ... and waited ... and all the while, she never consulted the instructions.

The funniest aspect of it all was that the kit has one part that is not used -- a clear headlamp assembly that is required on the exposed headlight Camaro, but this kit uses the RS hidden headlight grille. It was hysterical to watch her try to figure out how to install that part somewhere ... anywhere. Again, she did not look at the instruction sheet (and apparently did not look at the box art), and she would not have any of us offer any advice because she did not have any questions!

PS: I pity the kid ... and his dad.

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If I was King of the World I'd do the instructions without any words at all... just exploded views with the parts numbered in order of assembly. No need to accommodate the whole world with 25 different sets of instructions in different languages. Save a little in printing costs, too.

That's how Pocher instruction booklets were done... exploded views and parts numbered in order of assembly. If it works for a kit with 2,500 parts it can work for a kit with a hundred parts.

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If I was King of the World I'd do the instructions without any words at all... just exploded views with the parts numbered in order of assembly. No need to accommodate the whole world with 25 different sets of instructions in different languages. Save a little in printing costs, too.

That's how Pocher instruction booklets were done... exploded views and parts numbered in order of assembly. If it works for a kit with 2,500 parts it can work for a kit with a hundred parts.

That's the best idea ever for instruction sheets!

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  • 3 months later...

Mine had 6 or 7 as well. I think it's rediculous. When you think of all the kits they manufacture it's just going to bring up the cost. If it's sold in the good ole USA put it in english. Ken

It may be cheaper for them to include multiple instructions in various languages instead of printing up a unique box with each language. I'm sure they did it for a good reason, just as they realize not everyone in the USA speaks English, and not everyone in France speaks French, etc.

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  • 4 months later...

My guess is a certain amount of these kits made it into the "wild" with multiple sets of instructions when either someone at Round 2 caught the problem, or it was reported to them by the first purchasers. Because I bought one of these about 4 months after this thread was initially posted last year and mine only had the one set of instructions.

Had to be cheaper to leave the kits with the multiple copies out there than recall them back to be repacked correctly. Who knows the number that have 6 sets, but I expect kits with them to continue to pop up from time to time as inventory is turned over.

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