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I love CBP's. They are the best way to get a model accomplished.

And Jason does have a point. Forget popularity, start a CBP for whatever build you are fixing to start. It doesn't matter if you have 3 participants or 300. Build what you like.



Jason doesn't mean any harm with what he said, he is looking at it from the pure reasoning for a CBP standpoint. I started the FOX CBP thread as a way to get some FOX Fords going, and to give us guys who love these cars a place to hang out, exchange info on both the real cars and kit forms of them, and garner/swap building tips from/with other builders. I open-ended it as I believed (and others PMed me with the same belief) that limiting the timeframe was doing the community a great dis-service. I opened the other threads for similar reasons, to give guys a place to do the same with the newer 'Stangs. The whole premise behind a CBP should be because you have a fondness for the subject. I don't care how many posts it gets, or even how often I myself post in my own threads. It is about being able to see what others are working on, and to exchange ideas and passions for the subject. That is all Jason is trying to say.

Find something near and dear to your heart and go from there. You see the S197 thread is working out well as guys love these cars. THAT is what you have to go with, love of the subject.


That said,I can't see a "build your first car (or your first car that was offered in kit form)" CBP failing,everyone had a first car (or most likely anyways,or at least a first car that they owned that was kitted) :)


Thanks Rob, and Thanks Brad. That's exactly my point.

If it interests you, then great, start a CBP and see who joins.

If no one is interested, (and there is almost ALWAYS someone that is interested) then you know that you have a unique understanding of the beauty of a less then popular subject.

But to start a CBP that you may or may not be interested in just for a post count, or popular opinion, or whatever... it does no justice to anyone or anything, and yes to me that's a waste of time.

Could we start a:

Green car CBP?

Absolutely! Would it showcase talent, or skill, or push anyone to strive to be better? Not really, it's too generic. too many makes, too many models, color variants etc.

What if we changed that to a Big Bad Green AMC CBP?

Narrows the field tremendously,right? Showcases a much narrower field of vehicles, Brings together people of like interest... etc

How about a mirror paint finish CBP?

It would showcase talent wouldn't it? Would it push people to polish a good paint finish into a GREAT finish? Maybe!?

It is still quite generic, but at the same time it alows people to work on what they like best, and still come together and assist one another to be better.

Flip side: Weathered CBP.

How Dirty and old can it be? It allows one to showcase talent. Helps others learn. Encourages others to try harder.

Specific make and model CBPs, (These are ALWAYS my favorite) These allow people to see what others are doing. What works,and what doesn't.

It allows people to step up to strive to try new things that they can incorporate into other models. It also shows others how to accomplish the same modifications, and step outside thier comfort zones.

Do any of these need a vote to see if it''s worth it to start one? I certainly don't think so.

Again this is just MY opinion. Yours may vary.


BTW,be glad I wasn't one of those "punk kids" at the light,unless you roll under mid 13's you wouldn't have seen the horsie on mine's nose. No bottle,no blower (yet),just bolt ons for now,it'll be quicker (while still remaining a well rounded street car) next year B)

Nope, but it would have been a race. I never had the 'Vair down a strip, but official Casio wristwatch timing done by a 250 lb. passenger while I (275 lbs.) was driving put the car in the high 13's. Take away that weight penalty and it definite would have been close! :)

Posted (edited)

I give up, all I was tying to do is get peoples thoughts on CBP ideas, thats all. I started the 2005- 2010 mustang CBP, and you want to know something, I dont love mustangs, yes sure I like the newer ones, but never have been a fan of them for the most part. But yet I did a CBP on something that I dont love , why you might ask?, why not, there are a lot of people on here that do love them, and I open up myself to building something that I may not of done , or only once.

And guess what happened, I enjoyed building the first two, that it made want to do another one, and that snowballed into me getting four more mustang kits( one is a 69 to use in the other CBP). So I think a few of you need to open up your way of thinking and you dont have to do a CBP on something that you love, that maybe, just maybe you might find yourself enjoying doing a build you might not of thought you would enjoy.

And the other side to a CBP is to bring builders together right?, well I was doing was looking for ideas on a subject that would bring some builders together, wanting to know what they would enjoy building, and then I get a reply that I am "wasting peoples time".

So I am sorry that I wasted your time abell82 by trying to find a subject that builders on here would like to do as a CBP, and if it was such a waste of time then why did you and do you keep replying in here?.

Don't take what I am saying as being rude to you, that is not my intention, just trying to get my point across . I am just trying be a part of this community, get to know other builders, and one of the best ways in my opinion is by a CBP.

I am sorry , but I feel that you DO NOT need to have a love for a car to do a CBP or to be a part of one

Why does it bother you that I am asking what people on here might have for CBP ideas ?, great things come from many different people coming together, bringing a COMMUNITY together for ideas. Let me ask you this, the kit you chose for your "snowball' CBP, do you have a love for it?, or did you just chose it because " its a simple kit".

Edited by martinfan5


I can see where you are coming from as well. Both sides of this have points, and both have a valid argument. True, you do not have to have love for the subject to enact a CBP out of it, as I am not really too thrilled with the MustangII. However, as it does deserve the love, and we had the other generations represented, it seemed like the logical thing to do. I am now trying to get all of my kit facts in order so that I know what kit is the best to start with, for that build. I don't really care for the S197 Chassis, as I see it in the same light as the 71-73 Mustangs (fat, bloated, and just too darn big). However, they do have some very nice looks, and power the original generation Pony only wet-dreamed of! I participate because I too have a few of these kits, and a lot of the guys who participate in all of the Mustang CBP threads are what I would consider internet friends. We can all have a civilized conversation (drama-free) and exchange ideas and info. That can be a basis for a CBP all unto itself...........just a quest for kit/real auto info can lead to some cool CBP ideas.

I am not a Porsche fan by any means, but there is just SOMETHING about the late-70s through late-80s 911s and their variants (930 slants, Turbos, RS3.0s, RSs) that I just love. Have I started a CBP on them yet? No, as I don't know enough about the cars to be helpful. But, I can see it taking off and me learning a lot by being involved with it. I am a FOX Mustang fan, and started that CBP from a love of the cars. We all have been able to share our 1:1 knowledge and our own builds, along with offering advice and tips on working with the scale chassis (this includes the SN95 guys too!). This is why I can see both sides of the argument, because I am on both sides.

If you feel like starting another CBP (just like you did the S197 thread), go for it. Just as Jason says, do it and see who joins in. It can be both amazing and heartbreaking when you see it grow, or wither on the vine. Don't be scared, Jonathan. We really are a community here, moreso than just the randomness of the 'On The Workbench' section.


Nope, but it would have been a race. I never had the 'Vair down a strip, but official Casio wristwatch timing done by a 250 lb. passenger while I (275 lbs.) was driving put the car in the high 13's. Take away that weight penalty and it definite would have been close! :)

It woulda been fun,my friend :)


So I am sorry that I wasted your time abell82 by trying to find a subject that builders on here would like to do as a CBP, and if it was such a waste of time then why did you and do you keep replying in here?.

That's exactly what I was wondering... :blink:

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I'm relativity new here myself so some of these may have already been done recently. If so my bad.

(List Updated 03 Jan 12)

- My First Car Build. (I would say expand to one of my first three cars as there may or may not be a car for your first)

- Silver Screen Build (Cars seen in either movies or TV)

- Junk Yard build (Build a car that has been wrecked or abandoned)

- Million Dollar Build (The car you would buy/ build if you won the lottery)

- Monster Build (Any car and kit and turn it into a Monster truck)

- Stripes Build (Anything that has stripes on it)

- Blower Crazy (The name says it all but just in case, ANYTHING with a BLOWER)

- No Glue Needed (Taking any Snap-Tite type kit and taking it to the next level)

- The Year of My Birth Build (Build a kit from or as close to your birth year)

- The Mad max build (Any car, any kit and turn it into a post-apocalyptic mad machine)

That's all I got for now.

Edited by Dirkpitt289

what about with the football stuff going on and the Superbowl coming up, we do a tailgating one? like full out tailgater with bunch of tvs, sound systems, bbq, all the good stuff?

  • 11 months later...

What about a dream car GB? A vehicle you either want to own or build, budget is infinity

Thats not a bad idea, I think I built half of them in my foreign car CBP :D

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