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Well... ALMOST had a kit ready to do for this CBP. Got a Tamiya Nissan Skyline GT2000 GT-R in the mail last week. Trouble is, when it arrived the box looked like it had been backed over by a dually five or six times. <_< Good news is the guy refunded me, paid to get the mangled kit shipped back, and says I have first crack at the next example of that kit he gets... and he's not sending it UPS next time.

Long story short... might end up digging out an AMT Opel GT just to have something on the bench in the meantime.


Paul- the tires and wheels look really good

Michael- looking good, I think it will look good in red

Chuck- that sucks, but least you got your money back, I have a few skylines on my wanting to do list , I want to do the skyline KPG C10, i think thats the same kit you were going to do


Todays update. Had to chop away half of the Amazon bottom to get room whit the engine and transaxel. But what a heck im a finn and that means that when we have decide to do something we just go ahead and do :)

But yeah pics

The engine is in


And the transaxel is in


Next up is to cover up the engine and axel in other words make the new interior.


Wow that's a lot of work Patrik but it's looking good. Are you going to turn the headers upside-down? I think they go up and over in both the Audi & Merc DTM kits.

It was easier to fit the engine and transaxle to my Merc <_< but this is a quick build 'cos I have lots on the go at the moment.



As you can see, I started doing the decals, got some on the bonnet (hood) too, will post photos after they have dried and been painted with a thin coat of semi-gloss clear.



Paul, wow , very nice work so far, the wheels look even better now that they are attached to the chassis. I cant wait to see this one finished

Thanks Jonathan, I can't wait either ;)

Neither can I resist trying to see what the final product will look like, so I set this up:


There is still a difference between the decals and the paint on the hood, so more semi-gloss is called for. That will have to wait until I return from holiday.


Thanks Jonathan.

I wanted to finish the Jag before the holidays and here it is:


No shots of the engine bay are possible, I wasn't happy with the fit of the tilting hood so resorted to gluing it shut :(. At least there are some engine photos during the build up! I just wanted to get it finished, even though the fit of the windscreen is pretty poor in the frame, and the frame doesn't sit well on the scuttle. Also, the headlight lenses are too thick and and .....at least it looks good in the photos, but not my best build in recent times. Onwards and upwards, the Merc should be a much better prospect ;)


here are a few shots of what my entry will be

the base will be the datsun from this kit


the kit comes with a 350 which i will save in case i ever build a model boat (it will make a great anchor)

the pick-up will instead be powered by this 440 from the partsbox


(i may replace the oilpan with a non-plated unit to make it fit this build better)

the other thing im thinking of is using these wheel from a jeep instead of the kit rim

the rims in the kit look like some sort of turbine rims (which i like) but they arent chromed so if i have anything else that needs to be allcladded ill hit those up aswell, otherwise ill use these


and finally a shot of the bare plastic (some of it)


Wow that's a lot of work Patrik but it's looking good. Are you going to turn the headers upside-down? I think they go up and over in both the Audi & Merc DTM kits.

Yes i m going to turn them upside-down. Since they are going the same way in both the Audi and Merc DTM.

Posted (edited)

Found the wheels and tires i m gonna use for this build.


Since some one gonna ask anyway. The tires are from my part box and the wheels from Revels 1/18 Volvo PV.

Edited by patami
Posted (edited)

The rules are simple, as long as the car is not sold in the USA, then is allowed in this build.

For me, I am going to start the thread with a Tamiya Ferrari 360, and Tamiya Merc SLR Mclaren


Me-Ferrari 360/ Merc Mclaren SLR/ BMW/ Mini cooper( finished)

Maltsr- E-type Jag

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but all of those cars were/are sold in the US.........

Edited by VW Dave
Posted (edited)

Roadkill: Looking good. Thats the best looking celica ever made.

Got some done on my Volvo. Made a frame or two tuber to tie together the front and the back.



Guess i will made a complete new floor to the Amazon an not use the one from the Volvo. But we ll see.

Edited by patami

Starting on the Merc now, here is the kit, basic boring RofG kit, pretty simple, my plans for this one is most likely OOB for now.



and now its been primed, so I can start working on the body and get the mold lines removed



"Oh lord won t you buy me a Mercedes benz" Lookin good so far Jonathan.

Have to post some own pics of my update to the Dtm Amazon.


Some progress pics.


The frame and bottom of the interior in place


And from the underside


Front weiv


From the back


That's looking great, Patrik, this is going to be awesome when it's done.

I'm now back in New Zealand, so hopefully work will progress on my DTM Merc before you finish your Merc, Jonathan!


Ah yes we have a battle of merc on our hands :)

Paul thanks for your kind words. Hope it is going to be that when its done.

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