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Watching a loved one slowly die because their kidneys failed is not a joke! My wife suffers from it, as does Robs farther inlaw. it effects more than the kidneys it can lead to a heart attack,stroke or other illnesses.

Edited by ranma
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The are hooked to a machine for 3 to 4 hrs 3x a week . The machine removes fliuds and waste that the kidneys used to. they have a strict diet. and must watch Phosphurs,Potasuim and sodium. they are limited to 32 oz. of fluids.

Edited by ranma
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Going though things like this, especially during Xmas, can be very painful. As Rick mentioned, my wife and I are going through a similar situation with my father-in-law.

The best thing is to make the best of the time you do have, and to try your best to lessen the grief experienced by providing more pleasant experiences to outweigh the bad.

And this is what Rick is trying to do for his wife. I know why he posted this topic. I won't go into details, it's not my place to bring up negativity towards any of my fellow MCM family.

But I will say this. Whenever someone is negative towards someone in a position of pain and grief like Rick is at this moment, it does -absolutely- nothing to help alleviate.

In fact, sometimes it even makes the situation worse, and makes the situation seem even more hopeless and painful.

I leave you with this. It's the holiday season. I don't know Rick from Adam. But he's a fellow hobbyist, and he is going through something very real.

I hope that everything gets better for him and Carolyn, I really do.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who is being understanding towards Rick's situation. Every little bit helps, and it all adds up.

Happy Holidays and Happy Modelling!

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I'm sorry for the pain and having to watch this and look after loved ones suffering.I have been a diabetic for 40 years.I have problems with most every every part in my body.I won't go into it but I do understand.I hope things can get better for you and your wife.you will be in are prays.Thanks,Chris

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I know this has nothing to do with models..But I am a model builder who takes care of his wife 24/7 due to her health. SO PLEASE UNDERSTAND WHY I POSTED THIS.

It may not have anything to do with model. Sometimes we just need to vent and, get things off our chest. I have a son with medical issues, it sometimes helps to talk. If it helps you to get it out, post away. Best of luck.

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What is ESRD? I have IGA Neophrapathy in my kidneys and I have to watch my phosphorus, sodium and potassium intake as well. I'm not on dialysis and don't know if I will need to be some day. I hope things can somehow get better for your wife and his father in law.

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