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1965 Dodge A100 Overhaulin' Style

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Bye-bye lettering! I'll hit the body with primer to check my work.


A mockup with the tailgate in place.


The tailgate with some initial sanding done. More sanding is needed and then I'll fill the seams with some putty.


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Thanks Tyrone and Bart!

I finally got the body into a coat of primer.


It looks like I got all the lettering off the nose and the rollpan looks fairly smooth.


But, I found four sink marks on the bed sides. I guess I'll be getting the Bondo out again...


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That is what I am hoping for, Darrick! I might go for a tu-tone paint job if that really apeals to me, but for now the color will be Mica Red only.

Woo-hoo!! Out of work early for a long weekend! I sat down this morning to work on the A100 by performing more bodywork on the tailgate and bed sides.



I realized that there was another part that would need bodywork, too. The inside piece of the tailgate has Dodge lettering on it. I was going to use a piece of sheet styrene, but opted to apply Bondo Glazing Putty first since the styrene would have been too thick. If this doesn't work out for me, I'll cut out the lettering and fill in the hole with a piece of sheet styrene.


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Thanks Charlie and Erik! I still have to find some parts like custom seats and an exhaust system in my parts box. I have the parts, just haven't gone hunting for them yet. I like the Mica Red from Tamiya. A great color and a very forgiving paint.

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Thanks Brandon!

Last weekend, I decided to fill in the score line on the body pan for the A100. I applied Model Master Liquid Cement to the channel and fill it with strips of Evergreen styrene.


As I had expected, the glue bubbled on the other side of the pan and a little sanding removed the bubble.


I spent quite a bit of time sanding the underside of the pan. I'm not too sure if I wanted to go ahead and apply some putty here as I am afraid I would end up making more of a mess than anything else especially with the ribs of the pan being a bit shallow. I think I need to do a little more sanding here.


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Looking good Mike!

I have had some luck, although just a little bit, with spraying the inside of truck beds with a very light coat of actual bead liner spray. it's kind of a trick to get it right but when done it looks like the real deal. You can then even spray over it to an extent, with the body color to have that uniform color if you don't want a black bed. I have even appiled this trick to chassis' and had some luck. wish I could post some pics of it. It's a delicate art, so to speak. took me multiple tries on scrap to get it right before i did it to a model but it was the result I was looking for. Got rid of the wood grain look on the bed floor but still had the ribbed looked that truck bed floors have.

just thought I would share this tip with you. You have shared many with me!

Edited by wraith
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Thanks for the tip Darrick! Right now my plan is for a body colored bed and some more sanding of the floor pan. The floor pan looks to be all metal with no wood engraving.

BTW...someone elsewhere had commented on a Jet Ski that was overhauled on Overhaulin'. I did a little research and found this picture.


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  • 2 months later...

I decided to dig the A100 out and work on the body some more. Bodywork has to be one of my least favorite things to do in the world of model building. I keep plugging away at it so with time, I may become more experienced at it. I worked on the tailgate as I am trying to get the contours correct.


I am still working on the sink marks on the bedsides. I need to get this really smooth!



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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Andy!

It's been a while since I worked on the A100, so I started with installing the tailgate and the doors.



Getting the hinges installed wasn't as bad as I had been lead to believe. Then I went and broke one of the tiny pins on the lower right hinge. I drilled out the hinge and will use a piece of a nail epoxied into the lower hinge.


At this point I hate the doors themselves. There are fairly wide gaps by the windshield. I am having second thoughts about building this truck for my Club Challenge, but I am too far along to stop and start another truck. I'll think about my next move on this before progressing.

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I decided to remove the doors from the body and will try to get them to fit within the door frame better.


Having the doors and the internal mounts out allowed me to add the new hinge pin.


This is where I'll be focusing my attention...the cutouts for the hinges on the body. I need to deepen the cutouts more so I can get the doors fitted better.


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Thanks Bryan and Mike.

Mike, I like what you did with your door hinges! I wished I had done that with mine so I could remove the doors and detail the inner panels easily. Is there a reason why you stopped working on it?

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  • 1 month later...

A little time spent on the A100 this afternoon. Another coat of primer on the body, tailgate and doors. I need to spend some more time on the tailgate sanding.



I made carpet with embossing powder and added a coat of paint to the top side of the floor pan.


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