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Dr. Cranky

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Taken from the journal of a wastelander in the barren deserts of what was once known as Las Vegas:

"And so it came, from the dust and nothingness-

A shining glint on the horizon at first, then within moments it was upon them. The sounds of terror and confusion rang out as the construct of silver and gold tore its way through a raider encampment not far from my makeshift den. The rattle of large caliber rounds being sent downrange, the roar of the large engine that powered the beast-

A matter of minutes passed and there was only the growl of the engine and the crackle of flames. I peered out towards the battered encampment to see a trail of dust following that shining, glorious vehicle as it left destruction in its wake. It would seem that the folk tales I've heard are true.

A fearsome knight protects these wastes, and he rides in a valiant steed..."

Just a little teaser for the "secret build" I've got in store.


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Well Hollys zombie outreach center's mini now has it's wheels under it , time to keep working on the armament now , especially in the former engine bay ;)



Looks like I'll have access to a truck paintbomb for the right price so will be building the support vehicle for this one too in the next month or so .

And if anyone is wondering , Holly is a UK mini friend who has a bright pink mini , she's thrilled with this build and loves that her name's on it :)

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Rob, thanks buddy, but Jamie's point is really circling inside my head. I almost feel like maybe if the harpoon gun had a bit of color to it, that might do it. I'll mull it over tonight while I work on weathering the chassis, and maybe the light bulb will go off my tomorrow morning.

Again, thank you all and stay tuned in for more progress.

Crank Man:

The comment on your paint job may or may not be valid.

Remember the number one rule of dioramas. First determine the story. The story is the most important thing. Everything in the diorama must follow and support the story.

If the owner of your van painted the complete van and all of the devices with some paint that he found, then the whole vehicle would be the same color. If for instance the van owner installed the gun after the van was painted, then the gun would be a different color. Well, you get the idea……….

By the way I love this piece ! Some great ideas; the crow’s nest is perfect !!

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Here's a little more to keep your appetites whetted for tonight's posts after I get home from work-

-Taken from U.S. Army SatComm Vehicle callsign "Liger" recon transmission near outpost 695-002-

*Static*olfpack leader this is *static* Liger, come in Wolfpack leader*static*

We copy, Liger, this is Wolfpack leader. Go ahead with transmission.

*Static*-are under heavy fire from*static* -everal unknown sources. Radar is shot, we're in the dark out her-*static*

Liger, we copy that you are under heavy fire from several unknowns. What is your position for mortar support?

*Static*.........*gunfire*......*static*-aiders on all sides*static* taking heavy machine gun fire-*static*-opilot is KIA*static*

Liger, repeat last transmission. Did not copy.


Liger-One-Two-Zero! Repeat your last transmission!


(off mic)Sir, we've lost contact with Liger. Permission to order mortar stri-

*Static* Wolfpack leader, this is Liger. *static*-nknown combatant driving a gold and silver vehic*static* All hostiles are down. Repeat, all targets are down. Heading back to base.

Copy that, Liger. Did you get a good look at the unknown combatant vehicle?

*Static* We have a tracking on radar, would you like us to pursue?

Negative, Liger. Return to base for repair and debriefing. Wolfpack leader out.

....something tells me that our next build has been making it's rounds...

'til next time!

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Haha, yes. Yes I am.

I'm just waiting until I get my entire caravan so far in one place.

So far, I've got:

842 Grievous Wound

Dodge Die-ora 'martyr' vehicle

Swamp Runner

Sprinter getaway car

Murder Machine

CCAF Red Hawk (communist coalition air force)

U.S. Army Satcomm vehicle 'Liger' (pics coming tonight)

and our 'mystery vehicle' :)

so far, one shelf in my living room is filled. by the end of the year, who knows??

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took the car out of the rust juice baggy. i also installed a clear green windshield.


the scope has been given the rust treatment as well as the chassis and bits of the motor, all sitting in the rusting juice.

here's the scope i made.


the rubber cement will be there if i decide to give a top color paint. it'll be similar to the salting technique, unless i opt to do a salting technique. i still have some catty decals i plan on using on the car. so paint or decals? i don't know yet but we'll see where it goes.

i also have some more rusty materials.

rust paint from testors

some mig pigments rust


tamiya rust weathering kit


i also got some black oil paint that i'll thin down for an oily wash. here's an overall shot of all the stuff i plan on using to weather and texture the body a bit more.


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good saturday morning all u zombie hunters....the Cheve-Hell is done...im gonna post the interior first....

the joy stick w/fire button controls the flame thrower....

the control button in front of the joy stick controls the doomsday white phosporus bomb on the back seat if we are overrun...

red light on front of the console is the warning light for any nuke malfunctions....

the control panel runs everything on the Cheve-Hell including the nuke powered big block...

extra rockets on back seat....

containers on rear floor contain enriched uranium to supply power for the engine...



Edited by outlaw035
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Chev hell turned out cool! I am working on Peeping Tom at the moment. I have started working on the dash and came up with some ideas. The gauge cluster is removed and in place of that I put wire and a small bit of tube on the end so once painted they will replicate the wiring harness that would have plugged into the gauge cluster.


I plan on shaving the other bits off of the dash and make toggle switches for the driver.

I will also be fabricating a custom interior. I will let it be a surprise on the interior plans!

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