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Car ads win Super Bowl

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I am sorry and don’t mean to be overtly political about this, but I still respectfully disagree about that ad. Maybe old Dirty Harry meant well, but I have to ask, who wrote that ad? Who pushed and pulled people to make that kind of statement? On the surface it was a dark and moody ad at best. In the interview before the Superbowl, The President made the case for him getting a second term…he thinks he is doing a great job, and by his standards and stated beliefs, I guess he is happy with the results so far….but look around guys, are you better off today than you were before his taking office? The reference in the ad about “Half Time” is a blatant and overt reference to the period between tern one and his desire for a term two.

Maybe I am crazy, maybe I look for the political noise in everything, but I can’t shake the feeling that “Good Old Chicago Politics” are at work here.

You and I are usually eye to eye on things but in this case I have to say you are reading way too much into this. While politics may be an all consuming thing for some people these days, it is not all that is happening in this country. Knowing many people within the auto industry, I see the halftime reference very differently.

Let's start with the "bailout" The us government did not bailout the car industry. the funds loaned to GM and Chrysler, while big numbers to us, was a drop in the bucket compared to what was needed. rather than a "Bailout", the government simply supplied the buckets. the heavy lifting and bailing out was done by the union workers, and the corporate leadership that remained after the companies slashed to the bone. Major amounts of private investments and in the case of Fiat and chrysler large influx of corporate investments, allowed the car companies to invest in new product, and revamp the way they did business. The changes are helping, but the American auto industry isn't out of the woods yet.

As far as the Halftime reference goes, it is very relevant to Chrysler's situation as well as GM's. It is halftime for them. They may be ahead in the first half but it's still their game to win or lose, and what happens in the next 4-6 years is crucial to them. If they aren't nearly perfect in every major product during the next product cycle, the results could be disastrous.

on a political note, I can hardly see a business case for them promoting Obama at all. After all it was his administration who forced them to make some very tough cut to get the Government loans in the first place. It's not like the GOP wouldn't have given the loans too. The over 100,000 jobs at stake guaranteed the loan package would go through regardless of the brand of politician at the helm.

Not everything today is a political statement.

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I am sorry and don’t mean to be overtly political about this, but I still respectfully disagree about that ad. Maybe old Dirty Harry meant well, but I have to ask, who wrote that ad? Who pushed and pulled people to make that kind of statement? On the surface it was a dark and moody ad at best. In the interview before the Superbowl, The President made the case for him getting a second term…he thinks he is doing a great job, and by his standards and stated beliefs, I guess he is happy with the results so far….but look around guys, are you better off today than you were before his taking office? The reference in the ad about “Half Time” is a blatant and overt reference to the period between tern one and his desire for a term two.

Maybe I am crazy, maybe I look for the political noise in everything, but I can’t shake the feeling that “Good Old Chicago Politics” are at work here.

CLINT EASTWOOD DID NOT WRITE THE BLEEPING AD!! It was guys like me, a professional ad agency copywriter (in my case, with over 30 years writing for Exxon, Texas Instruments and other nefarious companies, working for some of the world's largest ad agencies) trying to put together a commercial that was noble and reflected an important message celebrating the American worker, that few other companies would do (Probably written with the help and approval of countless agency and Chrysler people). If you've got the money to hire an American, all-around icon like Clint Eastwood and he agrees with the concept, that's a creative wet dream for people like me. There is not a single selling point about a single Chrysler product except for their sponsorship logo at the end, all part of an image campaign for the company - which I guarantee you doesn't want to alienate ANYONE. Why would you spend countless millions to develop and produce such a spot, then spend $3.5 million just to air it once, if you thought there was a problem? I absolutely cannot believe the kind of ###### that jerks like Karl Rove read into these spots.

Edited by sjordan2
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Whoa... easy there, Skip... :D

I guess there's a reason we're not supposed to talk politics here... ;)

Yup. And that's why I can't believe how politicized some of the spots became, not just here but in the media at large. The Eastwood spot is very controversial, and I still don't understand it.

I'm surprised that no one has referred to the Skechers French Bulldog spot as a Freedom Bulldog spot (ancient reference. For those under 30, several years ago the French government tried to cleanse the French language by banning American words like "blue jeans" and "hamburger." With tongue in cheek, there was a responding American movement to rename "French fries" as "freedom fries." Everybody's got a problem with something.).

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It's almost inevitable that a big bucks ad run during the Superbowl by an automaker that was bailed out by taxpayer $$$ and was seen by millions of people is going to get under the skin of some, especially people who either opposed the bailouts (as I did) or who saw a partisan slant to the ad.

I just didn't see it that way. Maybe I'm naive, but I took the ad at face value. "Go America, go USA, let's work together and right the ship." It wasn't until the day after, and all the talk in the media about the "hidden messages" in the ad that I even considered the idea of it being a partisan political ad (which I still don't think it was).

Also... remember, the "talking heads" are paid to stir up controversy... even when the controversy is invented by the talking heads themselves! It's all about ratings, not necessarily truth...

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Speaking of Chrysler, this is sort of off topic as far as Superbowl ads, but they've announced that Chrysler will be hiring almost 2,000 employees to build the new Dodge Dart in the Belvidere, IL plant. Belvidere is a suburb of Rockford, IL, about 40 miles NW of me, and that plant is where they built Dodge and Plymouth Neons for many years. It's good to hear about an American auto manufacturer actually expanding production and hiring instead of "downsizng" and closing plants for a change. And Chrysler has posted some pretty impressive growth lately, so good for them.

The American auto industry seems to be making a comeback, and that's good for all of us. B)

Now if only they'd ax that ridiculous Chevy Volt... :rolleyes:

Will you be getting a job at the Chrysler plant Harry?
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It's almost inevitable that a big bucks ad run during the Superbowl by an automaker that was bailed out by taxpayer $$$ and was seen by millions of people is going to get under the skin of some, especially people who either opposed the bailouts (as I did) or who saw a partisan slant to the ad.

I just didn't see it that way. Maybe I'm naive, but I took the ad at face value. "Go America, go USA, let's work together and right the ship." It wasn't until the day after, and all the talk in the media about the "hidden messages" in the ad that I even considered the idea of it being a partisan political ad (which I still don't think it was).

Also... remember, the "talking heads" are paid to stir up controversy... even when the controversy is invented by the talking heads themselves! It's all about ratings, not necessarily truth...

Considering the size of the national debt, technically nobody here paid any taxes that went to the bailout. All our taxes are probably going toward the Vietnam war and prosecuting Watergate. someday our great great grand kid's taxes will go to the bailout. :(

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Ummmmmmmmm....it wasn't just Karl Rove who thought the ad was a plug for Obama. The fact that two of the creators are former Obama admen/promo guys might have a teensy bit of influence, too. I still think Clint's perspective was that of the "Morning in America" speech that I mentioned at the first. As far as Chrysler....and GM....when they pay back ALL the money they got from the taxpayers, including interest and the repayment to all bondholders, then they can brag on themselves and talk about "bright futures". Until then, they are owned by the lenders.

Edited by deja-view
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First, as a Mopar guy, I only wish we could buy a Charger/Challenger here, instead of the ones we can get. Second, I haven't seen the Dodge/Chrysler ad with Eastwood so I can't comment. Third, as a Mötley Crüe fan & having seen the Kia ad... Loved it... But not the car... Sooner or later everyone has a price.

And lastly, you guys DO know Chrysler is owned by FIAT, right? 51% if I'm not wrong? Which mean's Chrysler ISN'T an American car company anymore than Lamborghini is an Italian owned company...

As far as the NFL goe's, seriously, 40+ guys, 2 sides in the same team ( defensive/offensive squads), helmeted, padded up like those sumo-wrestling costumes, a 1 hour game that take's 3+hrs to play??? Seriously?? World Champions?? What other country play's NFL?? France?? Germany?? Italy?? South Africa? new Zealand?? England? Australia perhap's?? Come on guys.... Please.... And it's not even about the game, it's about the ads, the halftime gig etc... Boring... I'd rather watch golf! Or my grass grow..

You guys want to see REAL tackling, by men without all the costumes, with 17 players- all on the same team/side, 13 on the field & 4 substitutes, 80mins of smash, boom, bang! With only a 10min halftime break? No stoppages every 2sec? No time outs? ( only for brawls & injuries)... Watch a game of Rugby League, especially the State of Origin series, held midway through the season.... Mate Vs Mate, State Vs State, NSW Vs Queensland.... Now that's a b***dy game of Football/Footy.... Not what you guys worship... That's for mummies boys.

Do you happen to know how many other countries benefit from the super bowl? How many countries get time off of work to watch it plus get the next day off as a holiday to recover from the drunken madness that might have happened from the game? Do you know what happens with the clothes of the losing team? Did you know that both teams have super bowl championship clothes and ever wondered who gets the clothes from the losing team? Third world countries do. That's right.

What does Australia do for the world? It kills people! Sharks kill people. Poisonous spiders. Hairy women.

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Guest Sickfish

Do you happen to know how many other countries benefit from the super bowl? How many countries get time off of work to watch it plus get the next day off as a holiday to recover from the drunken madness that might have happened from the game? Do you know what happens with the clothes of the losing team? Did you know that both teams have super bowl championship clothes and ever wondered who gets the clothes from the losing team? Third world countries do. That's right.

What does Australia do for the world? It kills people! Sharks kill people. Poisonous spiders. Hairy women.

You forgot about... Budgie smugglers, meat pies, Ugg boots, Nicole Kidman ( dud ) & her husband Kieth Urban, Top 10 deadliest animals on planet, Dame Edna Everage, AFL, Steve Irwin ( RIP ),

Bindi & Bob Irwin.... It's a long list... Start your applause now ;-)

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You forgot about... Budgie smugglers, meat pies, Ugg boots, Nicole Kidman ( dud ) & her husband Kieth Urban, Top 10 deadliest animals on planet, Dame Edna Everage, AFL, Steve Irwin ( RIP ),

Bindi & Bob Irwin.... It's a long list... Start your applause now ;-)

And the V8 Supercars race series...and Midnight Oil, INXS, Cate Blanchett..

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...vegemite... :lol:

Yuck!!! Tried that when I was there on R&R! It sucked!!! :lol:

Tim Tams are great though! Had a late friend who sent me a couple boxes a few years ago.! B)

Edited by Johnny
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Yuck!!! Tried that when I was there on R&R! It sucked!!! :lol:

Actually I don't even know what it is! I mean, I know you spread it on bread, but what it's actually made of, I have no idea. Some sort of meat?

Edit: OK, I looked it up. Doesn't sound horrible... but between vegemite and Wicked Weasel, I know which Australian product makes the world a better place in my mind! :P

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Guest Sickfish

And the V8 Supercars race series...and Midnight Oil, INXS, Cate Blanchett..

Mate I named the stuff we wanted to get rid of, not the stuff we'd like to keep, like the V8 Supercars :-) .... Good news on that front too... Look's like Nissan & Chrysler will be joining the pack this year! About bl**dy time too!

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Mate I named the stuff we wanted to get rid of, not the stuff we'd like to keep, like the V8 Supercars :-) .... Good news on that front too... Look's like Nissan & Chrysler will be joining the pack this year! About bl**dy time too!

Ah, my bad..didn't read closely enough. I'd love to go to the Bathurst race..it looked incredible on TV this year...

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Guest Sickfish

Actually I don't even know what it is! I mean, I know you spread it on bread, but what it's actually made of, I have no idea. Some sort of meat?

Edit: OK, I looked it up. Doesn't sound horrible... but between vegemite and Wicked Weasel, I know which Australian product makes the world a better place in my mind! :P

You know we've got a new version, right? Cheesymite! Vegemite with Cream Cheese! It's way better, less bittery/salty... You guys would love it ;-) Lol!

I've been to Bathurst a couple of times over the years... There's nothing like it! You're so close to the action you can sniff the exhaust fumes off the cars as they tear past! Love it! I'll love it more when Ma Mopar joins the pack & I get to sniff HEMI fumes :-)))

Cheers Cliffo.

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