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My first Model Kit - update 3/11/12


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Well, I figured that I finally have enough progress to post up on the workbench. This is my first model kit that isn't a snap-fit. Since I am a noob, I did not try anything too difficult. About the extent of my bravery has gone to flocking the interior floor. I will probably paint the body this weekend. I have the yost airbrushing video on the way, so I may wait a little longer to paint until I watch it, or I may just give it a whirl! So far this build has been pretty easy going. haven't really had too much of an issue with getting things together. Anyway here are the photos of the build so far. Constructive criticism is welcomed :D Thanks!








Edited by RoadRunner1083
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Everybody gots to start somewhere,Alex. At least you picked up a popular one to start with! You can get ALL kindsa info on these rascals(Hemi Cuda's), so being able to build an accurate one shouldn't be too difficult. You go,young man, and give it your best shot. In NO time you'll be showin some of us up! Glad you've come up to full glue type kits! This is ONLY the begining!!!! :D:);)

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looks like your off to a good start there buddy

and so glad to see your sticking with mopars

the only real issue ive ever had with this model is the rear roll pan

as a mather of fact, i am building a 73 model and i have glued in the pan and bondo-ed it before painting

now i have to twist the chassis to get it in but after 4 cudas i learned my lesson ;)

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Thanks everyone for the compliments! It is appreciated!

if i can give you one piece of advice it would be to use filler on the gaps in the front bumper... i didnt with mine and it still bugs me everytime i see it... seen others who have done it and it looks so much better... what color you thinking about doing

Ok you twisted my arm! :D



Going to let it dry overnight. As far as color goes, I don't know. I'm thinking the Hemi orange, or the green color. Leaning more toward the green. Not sure what paint to use. I saw Createx Pearl Lime over a gray primer and it looked really sweeeeeet, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions? I'll be using an airbrush.

And a little more progress




Seems like it is getting pretty close to done. After paint it looks like all that will be left is assembly of the chassis and body and then all of the trim bits.

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Thanks everyone! Well I decided to go with the "Go Mango". I just decanted it and now waiting for it to gas out. Anyone know how long it takes to gas out? So far I have waited about 45 minutes and it still has pressure when I close the cap, so I am just going to wait longer. I have been slowly stirring about every ten min. Probably won't get anything else done on this until next weekend as I am leaving on vacation tonight. Thanks agan everyone for the nice comments and suggestions. I'll be back next weekend!

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Nice job! I'm working on the exact same kit. I still have some body work to do, because mine was a glue bomb.

I just picked some Mopar Hi Impact colors this week. Still not sure on the color yet, but I was thinking Plum Krazy or Go Mango.

Keep up the good work :)

Keep posting pics!!

Cheers, Ian

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Wow! That's impressive for a first glue kit attempt. My first glue kit attempt wasn't exactly show-worthy. Heh. I remember keeping it around my work area when I was younger as a reminder to be patient and take your time.

The interior looks really good. I like how the paint on the dashboard is kind of textured. Makes it look like real vinyl/leather.

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