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Has anyone ever thought about doing like a series of show based on a points system and then have the top so many in the points chase attend a grand finale for an overall point champion. Kinda like the ISCA does with their show circuit. I think it would be cool. Maybe even have it in conjunction with the ISCA shows. Then you would have the best of both world all in one place. I think it would be fun and exciting.

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a number of years ago someone tried doing an invitational "best of the best" kind of thing, where only best of show models from the bigger shows were invited. If I recall correctly it didn't take off.

Yes, I believe Mark Gustavson was organizing what you are referring to. When the rule that all entries must be 1/24-1/25 scale only was announced after the invitations were sent out, I backed out.

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Great idea in concept but I think the logistics and costs involved would be too great to get participation where it would be profitable.

In the past, The Goodguys shows had a model contest ( i think) and there might have been others- World of Wheels rings a bell- and maybe a tie-in there with the Revell contest in the future could be the closest we come to such an event.

While most of us do this as a hobby and try to be frugal, in the 1:1 world you have car builders and shop owners who make their living building custom cars and use those shows to showcase their talent and attract new customers, something model builders typically don't do.

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Hey, Mark.

I think the Best of the Best show you are refering to was organized by Bob Paeth up in OR.. It ran in the mags a few times. I remember Joel D. took it with "The Shark" on one of the early outings. They had one a couple years ago too. I believe Jeff Miller did well in that event. He may have won it.


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Maybe that's a better idea as an online contest. Seems like there wouldn't be too many modelers from around the country who could afford the travel costs. The modelers could ship their builds to the organizers for photography that would ensure a level playing field. (I know, that's dangerous, but it's a thought.)

Edited by sjordan
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Yes, I believe Mark Gustavson was organizing what you are referring to. When the rule that all entries must be 1/24-1/25 scale only was announced after the invitations were sent out, I backed out.

Ummm, yeah. My experience with Mark is that he flat doesn't like large scales. Which is why I haven't gone back to the GLS in over 10 years. Period.

Edited by deja-view
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Hey, Mark.

I think the Best of the Best show you are refering to was organized by Bob Paeth up in OR.. It ran in the mags a few times. I remember Joel D. took it with "The Shark" on one of the early outings. They had one a couple years ago too. I believe Jeff Miller did well in that event. He may have won it.


You are correct in that Bob did start a "Best of the Best" show at the Portland Roadster show, which also had a model contest involved, but the show that Mark is referring to was an invitation only show that was supposed to go off in 2010 in Phoenix. The announcements for the show first went out in 2006 and the list of participants were hand-picked by the organizers. Each entry was to be acconmapnied by a presentation by the builder of what they did to achieve the build. The entry fee was in the triple digits. When it was first announced there was definately mixed reviews along with those individuals that had a legitimate gripe regarding alternative scales but there was a lot of positive feedback as well. Ultimately I would imagine that the lengthy timeline for the show was probably one of the biggest factors that helped contribute to it never happening. All that time between conception and completion most people simply lost interest. At least that's my take on it.

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Yes Wayne, that is the one I was referring to. The rules were changed (re/defined maybe?) a bit after the initial invitation, and as I recall, all entries were supposed to be purpose built for it. Nothing already built even if it had not been shown was to be allowed.

Quite an undertaking for a contest when many entries of the caliber expected take a few to several years to complete.

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Maybe that's a better idea as an online contest. Seems like there wouldn't be too many modelers from around the country who could afford the travel costs. The modelers could ship their builds to the organizers for photography that would ensure a level playing field. (I know, that's dangerous, but it's a thought.)

That was the concept for the J.W.A.C.......1 year to build, your entry was sent to you, and you were to build it as Drawn...Jairus even gave exacting advice on parts he used in his artwork. Only a dozen were ever entered......using photos....


I built this one...


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