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any good airbrushes?

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I see that you said that you want this on a model of a derby car...is it safe to assume that it will be 1/24 or 1/25?

To achieve the look that you are after, there are a couple of ways to tackle this...

1) cut out a butt load of the leaf pattern and stick those on the car and paint away. wait until paint dries, peel leaf patterns off and there ya go.

2) cut out a single leaf and use that as your moveable stencil. Spray through it and you have your leaf...repeat as desired.

The 2nd option won't give you the "sprayed over a leaf" look like the reference pictures you provided, but would be easier in the long run.

If I have confused you more, feel free to PM me and we'll take it from there.

Or PM me and we can make arrangements.


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I doubt the OP has any idea how many of this board's smart alecks wanted to take potshots at his idea, but ultimately decided to leaf it alone so he wouldn't get all out of joint. Knowing Harry, he'd probably reefer any such smart alecks to our new civility edict and wait to see if they actually doobie come helpful later.

As a tokin' of our respect for a fellow modeler, weed be better off giving him comprehensive answers to his question, 'cuz one blunt one just won't do.

Question for the OP: I see a lot of big sedans being used in these events. Cannibus be used in them as well? Good luck on your project, bud.

Edited by Monty
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Can someone delete this thread please? I wasn't meaning to cause trouble, just looking for help for paint so I can replicate the car.. if I offeneded anyone I do apologize..

Why delete it? I seriously doubt you've offended anyone on here. In addition, Fatkidd laid out some basic instructions to help you accomplish your goal, and it seems he's willing to go even further if you're serious about it. Take a look at his paintwork. You'll be putting yourself in very capable hands.

If you're annoyed at what I wrote, you're being a little thin-skinned for this board. Puns occur to me 24/7, and when I saw the words "chronic camo", the word "potshot" sprang to mind and the rest is history.

Just out of curiosity, what model were you planning to use this paint scheme on?

Edited by Monty
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I doubt the OP has any idea how many of this board's smart alecks wanted to take potshots at his idea, but ultimately decided to leaf it alone so he wouldn't get all out of joint. Knowing Harry, he'd probably reefer any such smart alecks to our new civility edict and wait to see if they actually doobie come helpful later.

As a tokin' of our respect for a fellow modeler, weed be better off giving him comprehensive answers to his question, 'cuz one blunt one just won't do.

Question for the OP: I see a lot of big sedans being used in these events. Cannibus be used in them as well? Good luck on your project, bud.

Well played sir, most impressive! B)

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still havnt found someone to doo this...

Once my airbrush is fixed i would be willing to do it(will be fixed next week sometime), for price of paint and shipping there and back.

And as fatkidd stated

"1) cut out a butt load of the leaf pattern and stick those on the car and paint away. wait until paint dries, peel leaf patterns off and there ya go.

2) cut out a single leaf and use that as your moveable stencil. Spray through it and you have your leaf...repeat as desired.

I can make a stencil and get the sprayed over look by making a butt load of stencils and that would achieve the look your wanting or i could make one stencil and do it that way but you wouldnt get the sprayed over look that fatkidd described. PM me if your intrested.

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