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71 Cuda, all aluminum hemi


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Bill......"WOW", I am speechless........ :)

thanks so much my friend!

I thought the "alien" thing was just a joke, but now, well, I'm not so sure.

That is one ambitious piece of modeling my friend.

you never know Alyn, all ways appreciate it

did you go to school for design and machining stuff?

hi Jake, no I have never had any experience with any of this stuff before my last build, been in collision repair all my life, so I have worked with metal a lot, just not anything like this, thanks for asking

I've been calling this a lesson in craftsmanship for pages now, and it keeps getting better. At this point are you going to wait for the upcoming Revell new-tool 'Cuda body , or are you going to bend & beat that puppy into shape yourself?

Bill, please carry on. This is friggen epic....

hi John, yes I am wanting the new Cuda kit, I have all ways liked the grille on the 70 a little better personally, I really don't see me making the entire body out of metal, heck I have never cut the doors open on a model before :huh: thanks bro

Everytime I see an update I have to pick my jaw off the floor, the detail just blows my mind away.

thanks so much Jonathan

Class is in session and all pupils are accounted for. Let the learning continue.

thanks for checking in Brad

Bill ... you have me so impressed with this build. The steerng shaft is just awesomr man. Keep up the great work.

Chris, thanks man!!

Me too!!

I appreciate it Cesar

This is such an awesome piece of work but you should start photographing it with a coin or something we all can relate to next to it for a size comparison. Anyone that didn't know better would never believe that rack is only about the size of a toothpick.

lol, ok Curt I will keep that in mind, some of the early pics I did for reference


thanks Curt

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Hi Bill it is really something mate . The work is unbelievable without a dought . I have been building models for a long time and i have never seen anything like it . I tell you i feel like a novis when looking at your work and hope my project turnes out half that good mate i will be over the moon . If i lived over the road from you i would have to come and shake your hand . I recon everybody would have to agree it is just awsome thanks Darryl.

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3 WORDS.... OFF DA CHAIN...... great work Bill... I think one tops the dragster... Rock on bro...

I was thinking the same thing. This build has become so BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH fascinating its going to be amazing by the time it's completed. There's so much more being done compared the the rail, and THAT was fabulous......

This is so cool to watch come together.

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Hi Bill it is really something mate . The work is unbelievable without a dought . I have been building models for a long time and i have never seen anything like it . I tell you i feel like a novis when looking at your work and hope my project turnes out half that good mate i will be over the moon . If i lived over the road from you i would have to come and shake your hand . I recon everybody would have to agree it is just awsome thanks Darryl.

thanks for stopping in Darryl, those are some very kind words, I can't tell you how much it means, it is probably good that all of us here don't live in the same town, our wives would be upset that we were all ways at some ones house talking models :unsure: thanks so much Darryl!

3 WORDS.... OFF DA CHAIN...... great work Bill... I think one tops the dragster... Rock on bro...

I appreciate it brother!!

Very impressive work my friend. Look forward to seeing this in all its glory when finished.

nice of you to check in Steve, really appreciate it

Absolutely amazing!

thank you very much Kevin

I was thinking the same thing. This build has become so BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH fascinating its going to be amazing by the time it's completed. There's so much more being done compared the the rail, and THAT was fabulous......

This is so cool to watch come together.

yea John, this is far more than I have ever done before, it is turning out way better than I ever expected, I hope it continues to do so!! thanks bro

Awesome stuff Bill, you have some amazing talent.

thanks Joe, I hope everything is going ok for you, you get that hand healed up so we can see you start another killer build!

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Don't give up hope, when I was 18 I was knee deep in nascar models lol, I didnt drift away from the hobby till my early 20's and that was because of college, work and a new baby. He will come around soon and see Models are much more important than 'Models' lol Keep it up :D

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Finally made it through all 53 pages, and my God you are one talented guy! This engine is just insane, I love it and am simply astonished by your level of craftsmanship, once this build is finished it is going to take every show you enter it in by storm!!

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This would make an awesome shelf weight.......you know.....for my shelf....right there in my big display cabinet all lit up nice and pretty!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):)

lol, I will keep that in mind Ben, thanks for looking in

Simply stunning

thanks so much

What a beauty!

thank you Decklan

This thing is going to be crazy!!! Cant wait to see it when you get it finished.

that makes 2 of us! thanks Dave

I imagine You have hundreds of pics stashed away so when You finish the model You can publish a book on HOW TO BUILD A MODEL 101, 8-). Write me up for a copy!! This is awesome!!!!

yea Mike, I'm just following the instructions like we all ways do :lol: lol

Don't give up hope, when I was 18 I was knee deep in nascar models lol, I didnt drift away from the hobby till my early 20's and that was because of college, work and a new baby. He will come around soon and see Models are much more important than 'Models' lol Keep it up :D

so true Derick, thanks man

Finally made it through all 53 pages, and my God you are one talented guy! This engine is just insane, I love it and am simply astonished by your level of craftsmanship, once this build is finished it is going to take every show you enter it in by storm!!

hi Michelle, that is very kind of you to say, I am challenging myself with this build, I hope it turns out like I see it in my head lol, I appreciate it

I would think the amount of shows worthy of having this compete in can be counted on one hand and still have fingers left over. :)

thanks so much Mike

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There are some amazing builders here with some HUGE talent.

This one, John and his Freekshow, Mooneyzs and his Army Vega AA/FC . I feel so in adaquete. But I'll keep looking and building all the same.

My hats off to you all.

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There are some amazing builders here with some HUGE talent.

This one, John and his Freekshow, Mooneyzs and his Army Vega AA/FC . I feel so in adaquete. But I'll keep looking and building all the same.

My hats off to you all.

thanks so much Bill, there are a lot of talented builders in the world for sure

Hi Bill, Wonderful work buddy !!! That knuckle is a great bit of minature machining.

Can't wait for more!!!


thanks Randy really appreciate it my friend

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been working on the rack set up, trying to make some dust boots and figure out how I wanted to mount it, soldered a couple pieces of brass to the cross member and made a couple mounts for the rack


the mounts are just far enough apart for the oil pan to fit between and just clears the rack, whew! got lucky! still need to figure out some outer tie rods, thanks for looking

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Sweet indeed! Real sweeeeeet!

thanks bro

Havent had much of a chance to get on here lately, but WOW Bill, you never cease to amaze me my friend. Truly masterwork. Corey

hey Corey, long time no see, thanks man

Bill, I just showed your last update with the rack and pinion and the steering knuckle, to my son. All he could say was " that's just nuts. " I gotta say , I have to agree. Every time I check in I feel like I'm being taken to school. In a good way off course. This is a fantastic build, can't wait till my next "class".

yea Paul, I get that a lot! lol thanks for checking on it!

I couldn't have said it any better than Paul! I would say that the steering knuckle is just unbelievable but after seeing the engine and chassis work you've done so far, I have come to the conclusion that you are some kind of alien sent here to make us all feel inferior....mission accomplished Bill, mission accomplished! :lol:

I'm not trying to do that Mike, just pushing my own envelope , thanks brother!

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