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359 Peterbilt (customised)

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Nice work, very clean and precise. I have been building the same kit with the show truck look for awhile now but it is radio controlled and has working suspension and lights. I wish I could cut the grill and put screen in but the chrome is more important to me. Also like the shape of the visor, you should make matching visors for the door windows. If you are like me and don't like the gap between the grill and bumper let me know and I will show you how I got rid of it.

Is that French modeler Christian Chapman? If not you should google him.

Thanks Dave,il be sure to go check your RC build.

Hadnt thought about door visor's,might be worth considering though,il look into it.Thanks for the suggestion

Ive yet to work out what im going to do for a front bumper yet.So that would be good if you could share how to eliminate some of the gap between the grille and bumper.

Yep,the french modeller is Christian (Pete18 on this forum I think) is a huge inspiration and idea's provider for this build.

Nice work as always Luke, you been watching 'Pimp my Truck' mate ;):P

I like where your heading with this one.....

Thanks mate,

Yeah Trick my Truck (C.S.M) provided a little inspiration.

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That is one Great looking truck.

Thanks Gordon

Clean visor..gives it the "angry eye" look.

I can never thank you enough for the crisp clean pixs.

But thanks...hahaha

Thanks James,thats the look I was trying to achieve.

Your welcome,as ive said before I try my best to post up qaulity pics.

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How about flat black?

I use google translate to open this forum that has like 30 of Christians builds.


I have been following this website for a while, Christian is an amazing builder. There are a few builds where he actually has a large 4x8 sheet of flat stock in his garage that he cuts out sections and actually fabriates full cab and sleepers! I would put this guy as like the model guru lol.

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Does the fifth wheel cover mean you don't plan to do a trailer?

No trailer planned at this stage as I dont have any in my kit stash.But if I was going to hook up a trailer I think a car carrier would be the go.

With that being said ,il make the cover removable just in case I do get a trailer sometime in the future.

I have been following this website for a while, Christian is an amazing builder. There are a few builds where he actually has a large 4x8 sheet of flat stock in his garage that he cuts out sections and actually fabriates full cab and sleepers! I would put this guy as like the model guru lol.

Yep, Christian is an amazing builder for sure.He's got some serious fab skills.

What I find impressive about his truck builds is most if not all are spot on replica's of 1:1's

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Here you go Brandan and others,so much for a short how-to. :rolleyes:

Apologize in advance for it being so long,just wanted to show each step clearly and hopefully its easy to understand.

Anyways this how I made the rear fender/guards.

Start by measuring the tyres diameter and width.



Find a suitable container that is simular in diameter to the tyre and has a seam going down the centre on both sides.


On a piece of paper or cardboard,with a compass draw the tyre diameter,then add 2mm and draw the

outside shape of the guard/fender.


Subtract 4mm on the compass setting and draw in the inner lip.


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Transfer the drawn dimension's from the cardboard/paper to some 1mm styrene sheet x4


Cut out,shape the top radius and sand a small bevel/angle(hard to see in the pics) around the radius and side edges.


Mark the centre seam on the container.


Using a razor saw cut the top portion off using the lip as a cutting guide.


Add 4mm to the width measured from the tyres earlier and set a compass to that measurement.Using the top of container as a guide scribe around it.


Using caution and go easy as the container will break if too much pressure is applied.

Cut the width first then cut along the seams.


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Cut some more 1mm styrene to the width dimension's and the length of sides with a few extra mm added.Sorry didnt get a pic of this but the following pics will explain.

Overview of components


Scuff the inside edges of the top radius piece with a coarse sanding stick or 320 grit,this will help the ca glue adhere better.


Set up a jig simular to this.


Postion the radius piece against the back,postion the other piece with lines facing down and clamp it.Measure both sides making sure they are equal.



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Using ca glue run a good bead around where the pieces join.Allow time for the glue to set.


Flip it over and repeat the previous steps,dont forget to make sure the lines are on the outside.



Postion the other side pieces ,but only glue them to the edge of the radius piece.Allow glue to set.



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Reposition the side against the back and push the pieces together, clamp and glue.

Once glue has set up repeat for the other side.


When fully made, run a bead of glue over all the joins inside and out.Allow glue to set.

Looks rough with all the glue on the outside.Next step will fix that up.


With 320 grit and a coarse sanding stick,sand and blend all the outside joins smooth.Try not to remove lines when sanding.



Using a dremel with a sanding drum attached grind out the inner shape of the guard/fender.

And remove excess material on the sides.



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Work out how much ground clearance is required,i chose 6mm.


Find some sort of flat material that matches the ground clearance mesurement ,and use this a guide and mark the bottom of the guard/fender.I used two pieces of 3mm acrylic.



Mark around all the edges.Then cut off with a razor saw


Well there you go thats how I made the guard/fenders.

Final step is de-burr and round off edges and sand all surfaces with 400 grit and they are ready for a coat of scratch filler primer.


Well hope that helps,probly many other better ways to make them.But this is how and what worked for me with the materials,tools and minimal skills I have.

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