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Studio 27 kit of a ’94 IMSA car that ran at Le Mans. The hood is being modified with a different styled hood louver set from what was cast into the body. When I got it, it had been started and for some reason the body was painted even though the hood louvers were not finished. So this is where this project starts for me…



I soaked the body in oven cleaner, but it had very little effect on the paint. Being resin with filler (certainly on the hood, not sure about elsewhere) I decided sanding is a better option than stronger solvents or strippers to prep the majority of the body for repainting.

The hood is first thing that needs to be addressed. Using chisels, files, an X-Acto knife and sanding sticks I carved the main ducts through the hood. A little polyester two part filler was used to smooth out the low spots and sharpen the edges.DSC01027.jpg


Edited by Scale-Master
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Nice work on the vents. The edges look very crisp. Did the oven cleaner affect the filler? I need to strip some paint and I don't want to damage the filler under it.

I don't think it did anything to the filler. I'm pretty sure it was a catalyzed polyester type, and I am guessing it was dry for at least a year, probably more.

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Strips of styrene stock were utilized to build up the lips around the ducts. (I masked off the areas outside the center of the hood to protect them from primer build up and the possibility of sanding the edges of the other louvers since they were already a little “soft” from the previous layers of paint.)



Once the shape of the basic ducts and lips were done I took off the tape and feather edged the primer build up with 1000 grit sand paper.


The headlight covers are body/scheme colored and provided as vac-u-formed parts. They were trimmed to fit and installed.

Primed with Tamiya, it is time to make the four louver panels…


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Originally I planned to shoot the white first, but after assessing the best way to apply the overall scheme I decided painting the red first would be easier. I masked on the center of the white side/nose stripe instead of painting white and then masking the thin stripe off. (It looks like the latter was the plan of the person that started this kit as you can see in the first photos I posted.)

I used some old stock Testors 1103 Red enamel.



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