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25 Ford Model-T Tow Truck - update: 05/11/13

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Thank you, Bill

Today I said goodbye to some of my favorite chassis details; finally glued the fenders and floor pan on. I first added the fuel lines, then out came the epoxy. I created an outlet for the bottom of the gas tank by turning a piece of brass, then added copper wire for a fuel line running up to the carburetor. The wire is roughly .017" diameter which would be around3/8" or so in scale. You can also see the brass brake rod and clevis. I used Blacken-It to get the darker color. It doesn't obscure the details like black paint would.



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Thanks, Virgil. Your opinion is always highly valued.

Bill, I'm pedaling as fast as I can to get this done in time for GSL.

Looking forward to seeing you and Gina. It'll be cool to see the California Charger on the tables as well as any others you may bring.

Finished up the firewall last night, so It's ready to go in.

The white insulators on the front are short sections of styrene rod, drilled out to accept spark plug wires (lower row), and the primary wiring coming from the front of the motor (upper).



wooden coil box on the back side will be mostly hidden under the dash.


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Hi Alyn, Having a great time getting caught up on your progress !! The paint and cab floor look great. The firewall is looking good and I just drool over all your details on this one. That pallet is awesome and the little tool tray is perfect !! Are you using some of vector cuts tools??


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Thanks, Randy. Good to see you around. Thank you so much for the generous words.

Good call on the wrenches; they are from Vector Cut. Amazing how nice and crisp they are considering they're essentially cardboard. I was hoping that by coating them with primer, paint and Alclad that the surface would smooth out, but they're still kind of rough. Not a big deal with a wrench since many have the cast finish anyway. I've since painted the tool tray a light blue enamel. It looks much better in paint. The intent is to build a wooden tool chest and have the tray fit into the top.

Thanks for stopping by !

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  • 2 weeks later...

still haven't built the wooden tool box, but I hope to get a start on it this weekend. The plan is to mount it on the running board in front of the left rear fender. I did shoot some paint on the tool tray.



The bottom seat cushion was left loose to allow access to the gas tank under the seat. After seeing the hollow underside one time too many, I decided to detail it out. I added some seat springs, and some stuffing made from clothes dryer lint. Yep, dryer lint. Every time I see it, I think, man this ought to be good for something. It turns out that it is.



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clothes dryer lint ? now that's recycling! genius Alyn!! looks fantastic!! I hope it wasn't the load with your draws in it :huh: I got to see this jewel at the GSL, the detail's are stunning!! the award you received certainly speaks for the quality of this build! I am so happy for you Alyn, congrat's my friend, you deserve it!

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thank you all for all the interest and great comments. They make my day again and again.

Mike, I wish I would have thought about the flammability since the seat is right over the gas tank ! :blink:

Thanks, Bill. I'm all about the environment. That's why I painted this thing green :P

The GSL gods were smiling on me. Truth be known, I'm happy to have something worthy of putting on the table in Salt Lake, let alone taking an award.

Here's a cropped version of the GSL photo; the first one posted of the completed truck. I hope to take some completed shots myself in the next week.


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Thanks, Art, and congratulations to you as well. Loved your Corvette. It was my pleasure to talk with you and John and sit at the "Big Dog" table. Hopefully next time I'll be able to spend more time at the contest.

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i just went through all ten pages of this, beautiful work Alyn! all the extra time and scratchbuilding really paid off! i love how you did the underside of the seat with springs and batting, i would have NEVER thought to do that!

the entire truck is just incredible, cheers on a great build



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John, my Dad and I thoroughly enjoyed sitting with you guys. My Dad was also at the 2011 banquet and remembered the great successes you had that year. It was really something to see it all repeated this year. I have to wonder if a back to back performance like yours has ever happened in previous years. Congratulations once again.

Brian, I haven't seen you around in a while, and thought we might have lost you to some other hobby like gardening, skeet shooting or creating furry puppets. It's good to see you back on the forum. I've always been a fan of your weathering skills. Thanks so much for the generous comments.

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