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Am I the first to lose a model?

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So what I am reading is, either dont married at all, or if you are thinking about it, have the women take a psych test before marriage

Well...Yes That would be a Good Start.....But remember that is only a start..... ;)


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I've been married what will be 32 years as of this coming May! Yes we went though our bumps in the road and came out together. Raised two great kids that are now financially independent and on their own. I am relaxed in my own home and relationship, no need to watch my back. Pretty sure this will be my life til I die... unless I do something incredibly stupid! :)

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Well be Careful...I had a total of 31yrs in Marriage(s).....And that is enough... well unless i do something incredibly stupid..Ha Ha...just kidding wish all the best to all that are married.... for that matter...to all that are not married....Tha's everbody....Yep...

Cheers...Don aka XJ6

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So what I am reading is, either dont married at all, or if you are thinking about it, have the women take a psych test before marriage


Prenuptial agreement! Make 'em sign that you get to keep your model car collection. And yer pickup.

Or.. just keep on hiding in your folk's basement and talk to your model cars while wearing your Star Trek jammies. Then the wife thing is just a mute point!

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Prenuptial agreement! Make 'em sign that you get to keep your model car collection. And yer pickup.

Or.. just keep on hiding in your folk's basement and talk to your model cars while wearing your Star Trek jammies. Then the wife thing is just a mute point!

.. :lol::lol::lol:

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and remember.. for every beauty you see, there's a guy who has just about had enough of her stuff!

Oh so true!

#3 was/is a stunner. 5'9" tall and 4' of it are legs, 125 lbs, Long raven hair and looney as it gets. I've been told she's been through three guys in the last four years since we split. All ditched her..............

Now #4, well there's a keeper. I've stated this before but it bears mentioning again.

Her comment regarding models was simple. "I'd rather have you sitting at the breakfast bar building a model, than sitting in a bar hitting on one."

Those that know her agree she is a keeper. She told me if I quit smoking I could use the money saved on the hobby. That's a no brainer eh?

Jonathan the vacation was superb! Thanks you sir! I miss my baby girl, and she is growing up so fast.


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I had once lost an entire Ford Falcon parts box. It became a running joke in my club, the elusive Falcon box. One day I emptied the bottom of my closet. I found a box marked "old Matchbox cars" and there were the Falcons! I had marked "Falcon" on the other end. I marked both ends of all my parts box on that day!

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I lost my entire first collection somewhere between ,Manitoba and British Columbia in 1972 when my parents moved and I stayed behind to finish commercial art school. Among those MIA are :

'63 Craftsman Series '63 Impala molded in a butterscotch colour - man - what I wouldn't give to have that back or another one like it - I have never seen or heard of another molded in that colour..It was my all time favorite..

'67 AMT Impala SS 427 convertible annual - another favorite

'59 El Camino Trophy Series - unpainted and totally stock

'57 AMT fairlane H.T. painted red and white

'64 AMT Comet convertible...

'59 mercury convertible

'65 galaxie HT and convertible

'67 Falcon - totally stock

- plus many others too numerous to mention.I had them all packed but we were short on room and I somehow suspect that my models all went to the nearby landfill as my dad really did not like them and figured them to be a waste of time. But what ever - what is done is done - I always hoped to find them hidden away somewhere after the move but never did.

As if that wasn't enough, I began collecting again and in 1981, our home burned along with a sizeable collection of unbuilt annuals from 1959-1965 and many, many old built ups. Imagine unbuilt, in the boxes -

'59 Hubley Nash Meropolitan

Hubley '61 Ford sedan

AMT '63 Pontiac Bonneville hardtop and convertible

AMT annual '63 Galaxie hardtop and convertible

Johan Mopar kits from the early to mid sixties

AMT '64 Chevelle HT

AMT '65 Cutlass convertible

and many, many more unbuilts

I still have the list of what all was in the collection in the insurance papers from after the fire but because I did not have a special rider policy on the models, I got nothing. I never look at that list as it just hurts too much.

fast forward to today and my collection has quantity but it lacks the quality ( i.e. - old annuals and hard to find kits ) that my previous ones had. I shudder to think of what I'd have to spend to replace most of what I have lost given the ridiculous prices that some guys pay for old kits. I no longer even consider trying to replace what I have lost. I am just thankfu to have what I now have and my wife who, for what it is worth, is totally suportive of my habit - I mean,, hobby. She's a keeper and no one could or will ever take her place. She is truly a special lady and I love her with all of my heart no matter what. She is my first and only wife - no one could come close to her as a wife, mother and soul mate. I am truly belssed to have a woman of her caliber and reading some of the previous posts on this thread really reminds me of that fact.

So I don't know if "losing models" was meant to include entire collections, but as Paul Harvey used to say, "And now you know - the rest of the story". For you guys who still have the stuff from your youth, I am happy for you - trust me when I say that nothing can really replace the originals once they are gone. Not even an identical kit. It's just not the same. :(:(:(

Edited by impcon
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