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Off Topic...my weight loss....PHOTOS 3/17/2013....

Terry Sumner

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Good for you Terry! That's excellent!

For those of you that know me, I went from 325-330 lbs as of May 2009, down to 245-250 today. I was up to a size 50 in pants ( :o) and triple X shirts at one point. I'm about 6' 3" and folks didn't believe I weighed that much but I certainly would have crossed the 350 lb barrier soon enough had I kept going the way I was going.

I hated the way I looked in the mirror, didn't like how my clothes fit (especially shirts) and most of all, my health was beginning to suffer as high blood pressure and high blood sugar were setting in. I'm now down to a 38-40 in pants and XL shirts, my blood pressure and blood sugar are normal, and I don't have the run down tired feeling from just simply walking up a a flight of stairs.

I can tell you that it is a daily battle with me. There are certain things I just don't touch at all during the week. I do allow myself a "cheat" day (Saturdays) where I have just about anything I want for much of the day. Come Sunday, I don't want to see it again!

This works for me, and has been working for the last 3½ - 4 years now. I've taken to heart some very good advice from and older fellow I was talking to in the gym one day and he said this................"Losing weight is part of the battle, the war is keeping it off!"

How true that is!

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Congratulations Terry! I know how hard it is to lose weight, 5 years ago my weight and blood pressure were out of control i had ballooned up to 385 and my blood pressure was through the roof and to top it off my heart wasn't beating right! My Dr. told me flat out that if i didn't do something about the weight i was gonna die!

That scared me enough to finally do something and i started on my wright loss journey, i went from a size 50 pants down to a loose 40 and today my weight is 229 and i still wanna lose another 10 to 20 pounds.

I credit my Dr. for saving my life and not pulling any punches just laying it right out there, but most of the credit goes to my girlfriend for supporting me through it all without her i don't know if i could have done it!

Even still today it's a daily battle not to go back to my old ways of eating fast food, soda and all that other stuff that packs the weight on!

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I've been back & forth PM'ing Terry on this topic. When I get home I'll try to post my before & after pictures. Weight Watchers WORKS.

Dieting is one of the most challenging things I've done. Quitting smoking was easier!

Your not kidding John, it's probably one of the hardest things i have ever done, but it was all worth it!

When i met you a couple years ago, i was close to my heaviest point i'm almost half the size now from what i was then.

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Yo ! Gramps !

Congrats on the weight loss , proud of ya ! As to the female " sandwich " ? The next thing to get sandwiched will be your head .... Between two of the pretty blonde lady's skillets !

Ps .... I mailed her two 16" cast iron skillets to create an optimum intense effect ! Oh , by the way , you're welcome ! Lmao !

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  • 1 month later...

Well I'm just about done with losing weight! I weigh exactly 210 now and most of my friends are telling me to not lose any more! I feel pretty darn good now but I'd still like to tighten up the 'ol midsection some more. I see my Doctor on Thursday so we will see if he thinks I'm good at 210 or not.

The left side was almost 7 months ago...back in August of 2012. This was one of 2 photos that shocked me into going on this weight loss journey. And of course on the right is me today....minus 47 pounds! Pic was taken on St Patty's day.

http://www.fotki.com'>Hosted on Fotki

Edited by Terry Sumner
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Congrats on the weight loss. I currently look a lot like the pic on the left. The wife just mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I needed to do something about my size. So we're starting WW ourselves. She lost 60 lbs a couple years ago on it, now its my turn. She needs to drop another 20-30, I need to drop 50. Feels like I'm getting ready to climb Mt Everest.

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Firstly, congrats Terry! Well done mate :-)

Secondly, i've never really had an issue with my weight, the most "over" weight i've ever been in my 42yrs, would've been 3-6kgs.

I guess it's no secret the USA has the highest rate of obesity, per capita, in the world & there are many reasons for that, including the huge amount of fast-food restaurants that span coast to coast.

Peoples lifestyles, work/career & many, many other things contribute to the obesity plague. Another of those things is alcohol, specifically beer.

All these things combined add up to a very unhealthy lifestyle & in most cases premature death.... Attributed to " heart-disease". I'm sure many of us have seen an episode or 2 of The Biggest Loser? There's a lot people can learn just from watching the show...

As far as weight watchers is concerned, although i've never needed to use them, i'm aware there's a fee ( monthly?) attached?? Although you say they work for you, and for some others, why pay them to lose YOUR weight? Why not join a gym, which also has a monthly fee ( cheaper than WW)

Lose the weight at your speed ( and probably a lot quicker ) make friends ( costs nothing ) with fellow gym goers or PTs ( personal trainers ) get tips/advice from them for free ;-) I see no point in joining WW.... Advice telling you you can have pizza/ice cream/diet sodas etc is not good advice.

Sugar+ salt = fat, doesn't matter how "lite or less fat " it claims to be.

You said you'd like to tighten up that mid-section of your's, right? Cardio ( running ) strips the fat.... Sweat = fat loss. Sit-ups ( many versions ) will then tighten up your mid-section. Get yourself a health magazine or 2 & check out what you need to do to get fit & stay fit. A healthy mind = a healthy body :-)

Good luck mate!

Cheers Cliff

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As far as weight watchers is concerned, although i've never needed to use them, i'm aware there's a fee ( monthly?) attached?? Although you say they work for you, and for some others, why pay them to lose YOUR weight?

Different people lose weight in different ways. Depends on your personality. Many people are successful using a "program" like WW or Jenny Craig, because they lay it all out for you. Basically all you do is pay them and follow their instructions. A lot of people like to work that way... within a specific pre-determined regimen that someone else has figured out and laid out for you to follow. Other people, like you mentioned, just go to the gym and work out on their own... they don't need a "program" or someone else telling them what to do. Bottom line, different people respond to different methods. If WW worked for Terry, why knock it? Obviously he was successful doing it the way he did it. Maybe you or I would have a different approach, but hey... whatever works for you. Results are what counts, and Terry got results doing it the way he did it.

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Good for you. Sounds like we have the same goals.

Wife and I play on a winter volleyball league thru church, and I finally realized I need to loose some weight and get in shape to compete against some of these younguns.

Already lost 7-8 lbs and I want to lose another 15. About 2 years ago I was up to 235 . Just trying to watch what I ate I lost about 10 lbs. But I want to get back down to approx 200 . But my main goal is lose the gutt and get in better shape overall.

We tried the gym thing for a while and both of us hated it. Now we work in the living room on our own. 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. ( my insperation is she looks real good in her workout pants )

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Congrats Terry!

Well I'm just about done with losing weight! I weigh exactly 210 now and most of my friends are telling me to not lose any more! I feel pretty darn good now but I'd still like to tighten up the 'ol midsection some more. I see my Doctor on Thursday so we will see if he thinks I'm good at 210 or not.

The left side was almost 7 months ago...back in August of 2012. This was one of 2 photos that shocked me into going on this weight loss journey. And of course on the right is me today....minus 47 pounds! Pic was taken on St Patty's day.

Beforeandafter-vi.jpgHosted on Fotki

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Good job Terry! I never found the before pictures I mentioned previously, but it was bad. What I learned from Weight Watchers was how to read the labels and portion control.Once I had a grasp of what worked, I continued on my own. To this day I still use what I learned from them.

Dropping 8" in your waist is epic dude. I bet you feel like you haven't in years! Congratulations!

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Glad to hear you doing good. 8 years ago I had to do it the hard way, gastric bypass surgery. The day of surgery I weighed 355lbs. When I finally leveled off after the surgery I was 157. Yep I lost 198 lbs. Got off 10 different meds I was on, was taking 13 at the time, everything from blood pressure to diabetes med. Now I am up to 200 which the Doc told me would happen eventually. Feel great, just a touch of arthritis from being behind the wheel for too many years. Recently in the last 3 weeks, I have dropped another 15 lbs. after I quit my semi driving job, and would like to lose a bit more.

Couple years back I went to my 40th class reunion, and arrived a bit late. When I walked in no one recognized me. As I weighed less then I did when when I was in Junior HS. It was a great feeling. The girl I dated back in HS was well lets say kind of grandmotherly plump. Only 3 of my classmates knew of the surgery and I swore them to secrecy.

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Congrats, Terry. My wife used the WW program to lose over 50 lbs, so I can attest to it working. I lost 45 lbs following basically a type 2 diabetes diet with exercise and now need to adjust my intake as I have crept up a few pounds again. The toughest part is the maintenance afterwards! Congrats to the rest of you, too! Take good care all!

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Another benefit..... My Doctor called me last night to give me the results of my cholesterol blood test... Great News...it's down to 188!!! That's down from 263 just prior to September 10th, the day I started WW! And I did it without taking those darn pills!!!!

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Yeah, after you see & experience the benefits it makes you wonder how you used to get along!

I've lost, to date.... approx. 150 lbs. I swear I'll never be big again. I've been maintaining at 185-192 for the past 2 years and I'd be lying if I said its easy. Stat with it!

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