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Barely 'Cuda has sustained Damage. Need Opinions

How should I proceed?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the following post carefully and choose the best option.

    • Repair the damage but don't make any other changes.
    • Go with a new taillight design, but no other changes.
    • Repair damage, fix flaws, but keep current design.
    • re-do it with new paint and all, pink is for sissies
    • Don't fix it move on to other projects

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While I was setting Barely 'Cuda on the contest table at this weekend I knocked the rear spoiler off. While I was glueing it back on I noticed that the rear tailight panel was warped rather severly.


Here is what she looked like when I finished her;





My problem is, I can't decide what to do. There are several noticable flaws, and the paint is not as shiney as I would like. Please vote above. If you vote I should make changes / improvements please post your ideas and suggestions.



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Darin, I'll have to agree with everyone else. I would fix it and leave it as is. This is one of your first major jobs that I have ever seen.

I know if it were mine I would be using it to compare my newest works. It's almost a modeling icon ala Darin Bastedo style.

In the end though, its yours to do whatever you want. Part of the fun of plastic.


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You nailed the design, it doesn't need any change IMHO. If you were to change the taillight panel, will you end up with something better, or just something different? I like the Ferrari taillights doing the job of later 'Cuda taillights. You can always photoshop ideas before memorializing in plastic. Fix what you can fix and do the best job you can on perfecting any of the flaws that bug you the most. Because this model may represent your heart and soul more than most, only you can decide how far you want to take it. Or leave it! A few years ago I took one of my customs that was pretty well known (it won the very first "If I Had Designed It" award at the GSL in '97) and changed the color scheme and wheels, and did a much better job of it in fit/finish and stance. In the end I'm much more satisfied w/my updated model vs. the original. And I may change the wheels again someday to keep it fresh.

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Ok, I think I've got enough feedback to help me decide. It's seems the overwhelming opinion is it looks great the way it is. So here is the plan.

  1. I will Repair the damage to the taillight panel and keep the ferrari taillights.
  2. While it is apart I will shoot a new coat of paint on the rear spoiler and re-install.
  3. The paint will get polished to a higher sheen
  4. I will reassemble and hopefully it will look just like new, but a little better.

I thank everyone for their input. It really was a huge help.

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Just fix it and leave it as is, you will always be able to build a second one with tons of mods...

Leave it as is, not because of the paint or any other thing, but just because regardless of any flaw, each and every one of your builds has its own personality, so just keep it like that and enjoy it like we all do.


Luis Ayala

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Before you do any work on it, if I were you, I would evaluate what I plan for the future of the car. First, let me say as a modeler for over 50 years, that car is one of the more beautiful models I have ever seen done to this type of car. If I were a judge, I would award it 10 on a 10 scale in the "judge's discretion" or wow factor category.

However, if you plan to display it only, I would fix the spoiler and leave it as it is. If you plan to enter it in judged categories, you seem not to be real content with the finished product, such as finish, etc, although it looks fine to me, I would carefully take it apart, put on a polishing kit to it, fix the taillight, and get rid of all of those little flaws. Judges these days use magnifying glasses, and you do not want this beauty to be judged down on point.

If I were you, I would make the superficial repairs, display it on non-compete tables or enter it in audience vote contests, and enjoy the overall effect of this model.

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman

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Having actually seeing the progression of this buildup I would say to just repair what is damaged!!! I see no reason to improve on it. Thats what all that other plastic in your basement is for Darin!!!! :lol: If you polished out the body to give 'er more shine, that would be OK but I think it looks fine the way it is!!! You need to just accept that you did an Awesome job on this car and it looks perfect. KT

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i would fix the taillights and leave it at that, sometimes we can be our own worst critic ,we like how the finished model turned out then we start to pick out little things ,i usually move on to the next project and maybe make a few notes on what i would like to improve on on my next build as there is no "perfect model." B)

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