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Ever put a model away for a while

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just so you can get some decent sleep? Lately I've had to put put my scratch built ATV project (for Cranky's zombie CBP) away just because with so much engineering to do for every part, I was literally brainstorming every spare moment. It was keeping me up at night just because i couldn't shut my brain off. And when I did finally fall asleep I was dreaming about it. Literally.

I had to box it up and put it back on the shelf, take a Unisom, and then work on another WIP the next day.

Am I the only obsessed one or are we all in the same wing in the psych ward?

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I haven't seen the outside since, what day is it? oh well, no I think we all get to a point where progress slows while our brains recharge. I have 2 models working and a diorama that I have been working on for about 3 months straight. Luckily the deadline I have is about 2 months away. But every now and then I have to say, I had enough and walk away.

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I get into heavy mods, but sometimes I'll get to a point where i don't like any of the solutions I've come up with, or i just don't like the direction a build starts going, and I'll pack it up and work on something else until inspiration hits again. Sometimes it hits in a couple of days, sometimes in a couple of years...after I've been spending time on a lot of other WIPs for the same reasons.

If it was real work, I'd have been fired long ago.

If it isn't seeming like fun, for whatever reason, it's time to walk away for a while.

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I admit that I'm obsessive on builds. I just can't put them away, even if I box it up and clear the desk the ideas just keep pouring in, I'll see something that reminds me of a design or functionality that hasn't been worked out yet or I'll go to bed only to lay there for 3-4 hours with ideas running ramped in my head. I've even gone so far as to have dreams of building.

I guess this is the definition of "Obsessive"

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I haven't put one away for that reason, but oh I know the feeling! You get to a certain point on a build where everything is going right and that image in your head is slowly coming to shape in 3D in front of you. Every step, everything you touch makes that image clearer. You are obsessed at that point and there's no return! Those are the nights you can't sleep, that you go into the model room to look at the model again before you go to work and you day dream about while in boring meetings during the day.

And once it's done, you just can't stop looking at it! I have a place of honor near the TV in my family room where those finished builds sit until I can stop looking at them!

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I ran out of steam on my '64 Impala in about 1996 and boxed it up....fast forward to late 2006, and I hauled it out and finished it in a couple of afternoons. My friend Matt T called it my 'personal barn find.'


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Rob... I feel your pain and have been there on my current 1/16th Scale Army Vega F/C build. I have been pretty much only on this build for the past 2-1/2 years and to date I have 800 hours into this build. About a week ago I pulled out a curbside build I started at the beginning of the year to get a change of pace going. Don't get me wrong I am having a blast building this Funny Car but as much detail things I am scratch building for it, I needed a little break from it. I can't tell you how many things I have redone once or twice on this build because I wasn't happy with some of the parts the first go around...lol I am in the process of trying to get the chassis sanded so I can finally get paint on the chassis this week and its so dang time consuming to sand and prep the chassis the way I am doing it but I know the time will be worth it for the paint to lay down nice on it.
I am also like some of the others that have posted here where you are always thinking of things you want to do to a build or how you will do something. I have had many nights where I toss and turned trying to fall asleep because I was thinking how I was going to do the next thing to my build.
Dave... Nice '64 Impala. it looks great!
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