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New Here from PA

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Hello, looks like a great site and I decided to join.

I was big into building models during my younger days, planes, autos, model trains, rockets you name it. Joined the Army, went to college, got married, had kids, started a business and all that good stuff. Always missed the hobby so a few months back I started buying kits, paint, supplies and have finally carved out enough time to get back at it.

As my username suggests, I'm a huge Audi fan. I owned a 1998 A6 and my pet project was rebuilding a 1991 V8 Quattro. I've always been a big fan of racing- NHRA, NASCAR, rally, Formula 1, you name it. Getting in touch with my youth again, built a huge AFX track in the garage which my boys actually think is as much fun as video games (or at least they are humoring me,) also got them into 1/285 GHQ wargaming, model rockets and Peter Frampton- yes, I miss the 70's.

Every time a new box of goodies shows up at the door my wife just shakes her head. I asked her last week, "what would you rather I did - buy a plastic Aston Martin for $ 30 or a full sized one ?" That usually ends the conversation. :)

I hope to get a few pics of what I've been working on up in a few weeks.


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Gotta agree with the above this is the best site. And glad to see someone else into the AFX racing trying to talk my father into getting our stuff out of storage to build a couple of 4x8 tables up to have fun again . Up here in New Castle north of y'all.

also love your avatar. rally Audis are cool


Edited by hvymtl
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