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Great Dane Reefer

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A couple days ago I started a new build. I started with a Great Dane dry van and added a scratch built a 70's style Carrier reefer unit. This trailer is going to be my first attempt at weathering a model. This is not going to be a show truck, this will be a working trailer that is nearing retirement. Here's the front end so far:


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Thanks a lot guys! Made a little more progress today, just a few more touches left.

Here's what I quickly learned about weathering on this project:

1. A little goes a long way (I actually ended up doing more than I wanted to, but you don't realize it until it is too late)

2. After painting everything and before starting to weather, I sprayed everything with a matte clear finish to take some of the shine off.

3. For an overall aged look, I went with a watered down dark acrylic wash. I moved my brush up and down on the sides so any streaks would be vertical, as rain and dust tends to streak vertically in real life.

4. For rust streaks I started by dry brushing an orange streak vertically from the "source" of the rust. Then I mixed a little brown with the orange and dry brushed that color over the orange, keeping the darker color closer to the "source". Then I added more brown to the mixture and continued this process a few times each time layering a slightly darker color on the rust streak.

5. I found out rather quickly that many very light coats of slightly different shades of grey, brown, and orange gives a much more realistic look than slathering on thick layers.

In the tires I did a quick white wash followed by a light brown wash to make the tire tread pop a little more.

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