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The Official 2014 "All the Rest" Community Build-Extended to April 31st


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Well here's the Aires wing root 20mm cannon bay just after a base coat of RLM 02 and all nice and trimmed up to fit between the upper and lower wing halves:


and here it is after being painted, weathered and with the Master Models brass gun barrel installed. I'm going to display the port side cannon hatch in the open position. The starboard side will remain closed up.


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There are a lot of details in that Fw190. Looking good so far.

Here's the turret interior.




Here's the visors on the turret sides. I took my time and they do pivot open and closed.




As all this was drying I mostly finished the k BfwPz I . I'll take photos of that tomorrow.


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Thanks Wayne. You also have to remember that this thiing has the Aires update set ;for the added detail. Speaking of detail, yours is looking good. Sometimes I don't know how you armor guys do half of the stuff you all do. I've seen some pretty crazy stuff out of the armor section on FSM......and now here! :D

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Crazy is the operative word here on the dark side!

Sideways again, I'm calling this one finished.

DML 1/35th scale kleine Befehlspanzerwagen I (small armored command tank).

Floquil enamel dark gray base coat, Tamiya acrylic top coat. Weathered by scrubbing with water and acrylic thinner. Enhanced with enamel washes and oils, slight rusty chipping done with a rust/black enamel mix and a bit of sponge.

DAK palm stenciled on with Tamiya Flat White.












Edited by Agent G
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That....Wayne sir.....is an excellent build. And that's what I was talking about about some of the armor stuff. It's one thing to build a model as it rolled off of the assy line ,wether its a car, boat, plane or armored vehicle. Its an entirely different approach to make a model look worn (by use and weather) such as this build here. It didn't seem to take you all that long either. Let me know which picture you would like to see in the intro post and I'll get it posted there bud. I look forward to the other build that you have in store for all of us here Wayne!

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The latest pics of the port wing cannon assy in the works. I had to sand the upper and lower halves of the wings "potato chip" thin and carve some off of the thickness of the gun bay to get this sucker to fit between the wings!! Lotsa work but payin' off:


test fit after sanding the "you know what" out of it!


I thought it was never going to work at one point!!


a little gap at the front of the wing but I think we can manage....

...........aaaaaaaaand...........we got it!! Got everything masked off to include the gun barrels with electrical wire heat shrink.


Edited by mustang1989
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Ok the camera's batteries are recharged and it's time to post progress pics. I have had nearly unlimited bench time as I stayed home with MrsG. She had some outpatient surgery and for three days has been sleeping.

Starting to look like a tank!



Bits and bobs that will make up the whole.



That strip of white plastic in the last pic is what I will use for the scratchbuilt jerry can rack. I save the delicate/small parts and assenblies to add them last.

Here's what's next.


This will be straight forward build with a twist. Im converting this to a command tank used early in the North African campaign. It will get a scratchbuilt radio antenna on the rear deck.

Stay tuned.


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Well I did get off on time, surprise, surprise considering the day we had.

Here's the progress shots.



Let the scratchbuilding begin! I used a scrap piece of brass from a PE fret to form the front plate track holder. The other two were supplied in the kit


The track links came from spares accumulated from this and other tank builds.

By this time in the campaign, late 1942 early 1943, these were some of the last new vehicles supplied to the Panzer forces in North Africa. Allied technology had caught up and the Panzers required additional armor. You can see the spaced front plate and all the spare track links hung on in crucial areas. Some had additional gun mantlet armor but due to visibility issues these were mostly removed in this theatre of war.

I'm leaving some tools off the fender here in this area. I'll be scratching a rack for water cans as well as the rack on the rear deck.



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Here's the hull and what I've built this morning. I should have this in primer this evening and hopefully color tomorrow!




The rack will be trimmed after the glue sets a bit more. I will make a wooden back for it as I have seen these in lots of photos.

The jackblock was devoid of detail so I made a handle for it.


Rear fenders, some PE tidbits and she'll be ready for primer.


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