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What's Your Background Noise?

Guest rick r

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I'm eclectic. I listen to everything from Jazz to HIp-hop, Country to Thrash metal depending on my mood. I'll also throw on the local radio or turn on the TV since football season's here. If anything else, throw in CD's of new songs my band is learning and get a groove on.

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I ususally just put in a good action adventure movie.....I never look at the tube, just listen to it. I use to listen to music....but I would then start "air-guitaring" with parts in my hand, and well you know! Its hard to assemble parts that are flying through space. LOL So I just listen to a movie....


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I usually only listen to music if I'm home alone. Otherwise I need to keep my ears open for the sounds of my son NOT making noise (if you have kids you know what the bad quiet sounds like, the quiet that ends with you finding your son brushing the dogs teeth with your wifes toothbrush) or the sound of the cat getting ready to pounce onto the top of a stack of models, or the sound of a skunk under the dishwasher (I still don't know how it managed to get in the house, but last night was not restful).

Funny I used to be able to just listen to music.

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Mainly classic rock (60's-80's), but also old-school rap, blues, country, 70's, 80's, 90's (stuff that is not Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Britney Spears, etc...), "Weird Al" Yankovic, national anthems, theme songs, and military music. I also do some work during TV commercial breaks.

Edited by ABC Auto Industry
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Every modeler I've ever known has used the hobby as a relaxant, and almost every one uses a special concoction of environment to aid the process. Earlier this year I would've said 'Talk Radio" was my sole bg element, but it got old, local hosts changed, and while I'll be back, it may not be tomorrow...

More recently I bought some tv dvd sets of old tv series, 'Mannix', `Harry O', stuff from the 70s that I didn't see first-run when I was in Alaska. Neat stuff, but in short doses, so I'm casting for background noise.

What do some of you use?

Hey Rick, good to see you are still around in modeling.

bob Paeth

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Wagnerian Opera, but seriously folks, I listen to talk radio and oldies or the sound of the little woman talking to me even though she knows I can't understand a word she says from across the house. I also like a more eclectic collection of music like Celtic Woman or some South American folkloric songs, polka, parody songs.

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I usually have something on the tube, various CSI episodes or comedies. Right now A lot of Estreet radio pn Sirius.com and slowly but surely more Christmas tunes. Sometimes I get a phone call and put it on speakerphone.....hey whats that noise? Im spray painting, your what? spraying a car model...are you sure? sounds like you're using the bathroom..................sigh....................

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Can't forget T-Bone, he did the original version of "Stormy Monday", (before Bobby "Blue" Bland or the Allman Brothers did it), & was playing the guitar behind his back, & doing splits & other acrobatics waaay before Jimi Hendix was playing. One of the all time great blues artists.

John Lee was as bad as you could get too. He had that basic boogie, with few variations, but that insistent groove of his would get you everytime. He was a major influence in Bob "Bear" Hite, & Al "Blind Owl" Wilson, & their band Canned Heat. The album they did with John Lee, ("Hooker & Heat"), is a blues-rock classic. Even Canned Heat couldn't dig that groove as deep as John Lee did though. He could nail a bottle cap to the bottom of his shoe & keep that beat all night long, without a band.


I used to work medical standby at concerts in the SF Bay Area, I got to see John Lee Hooker in the early / mid 90's. He was an old man, that needed help getting out on stage to a chair, but once he started playing you could see the years fall away from him. Same show included Santana and Steve Miller, I miss working concerts I got to see and hear a lot of good live music.

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Sometimes I'll have the TV on- if I know the characters, I can figure out what's going on without actually staring at the box the whole time. As for music, I'll get going on some tangent regarding certain artists- lately it's been Joe Ely, The Yardbirds and the Guess Who.

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Greatinfo, some good ideas.

Thanks, all!

Since i started this I found a moldering nest of cds, rediscovered a couple of old favorites

Joe Walsh/Lita Ford 'A future to this Life' obscure s/t album form thre brief 'Robocop' tv series from the mid'90s. Great tracks & variety

Spinners retrospective album great for reintroducing thee concept of rythm to a mildly-injured, pasty white guy like me...

'Streets of Fire' Soundtrack early 80s when i was in love with Diane Lane (wait, I still am...

these also serve to get the Mannix theme out of my head after 2 weeks....

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Every modeler I've ever known has used the hobby as a relaxant, and almost every one uses a special concoction of environment to aid the process. Earlier this year I would've said 'Talk Radio" was my sole bg element, but it got old, local hosts changed, and while I'll be back, it may not be tomorrow...

More recently I bought some tv dvd sets of old tv series, 'Mannix', `Harry O', stuff from the 70s that I didn't see first-run when I was in Alaska. Neat stuff, but in short doses, so I'm casting for background noise.

What do some of you use?

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