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Porsche 914/6 - FINISHED


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No this is not a double posting, I will explain. Once I decide on a project I get a bit obsessed. So having to surrender my 914/6 GT to the resin caster was tuff. I was just to the stage where I could actually start paint and assembly! So when I saw another 914/6 kit on Ebay I pounced. Paid too much for the kit but obsession will make a man do crazy things.

This build will be a street car in lieu of a race car. It’s not going to be replica stock. I want add a few extra goodies. I will attempt to add some additional detail but I am not going the length I did with the GT.

And finally if this is 914/6 overkill for you guys (two ongoing post at the same time) please let me know. I don’t want to wear out my welcome.

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After cleanup here is the basic body. The rear bumper/tail light panel assembly is very fiddly to attach. I added extra styrene strip to give the assembly some extra bonding surface. And don't think you can just install it on the body as is. I made that mistake and the whole assembly was way crooked. Repeated filing and test fitting finally straightened everything out.



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The rear splash pan was far to deep to my eye, so I shortened it up quite a bit. And thankfully Revell numbered the body so we would not get it confused with the other parts. It's part #39 in case your building along. :)



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I really wanted to build an open top car but the windshield frame is ridiculously frail. In fact in my kit the top member was already cracked. My method for attaching the frame to the roof starts with a strip of .010 styrene glued to the underside of the roof with just a minimal revel past the roofs leading edge. Once that has setup I glue the windshield frame to the edge of the roof and also to the previously exposed strip of styrene. The strip helps strengthen this joint. I then tape it into place on the body and make any necessary adjustment. I want to wait to mount the roof/windshield assemble until just before I am ready to start prime & painting in order to help protect it from handling damage while I work on the rest of the model. The 914 is rather unusual in that the roof attaches to the back edge of the windshield frame in lieu of setting on top of it.



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I like my builds to look good even when you turn them over. So I’ve covered the huge slots in front of the rear wheel wells with .010 sheet styrene. I’ve added .060 angle to either side of the engine bay. These will act as my motor mounts; I plan on using the 6 cylinder engine from a Fujimi Enthusiast 911 kit. I have also filled some locator holes and tabs in the floor plan.



I struggled to figure out on my 914/6 GT build why the operable engine cover and trunk fit and functioned so poorly. It finally dawned on me that the side panels that act as the hinge points for these panels sat to deep inside the body of the car. The top side chassis photo shows were I have .040 (!) sheet to raise these panel up. I then added .080 channel to act as a receiver to locate these panels since I have covered up the original mounting tabs slots. The strip styrene down the center of the chassis will fit inside the drive shaft tunnel of the interior acting like a blind cleat.


I have added .010 sheet to the back of the interior to represent a fire wall. The notch in the center will provide clearance for the front of the engine.


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The Fujimi 911 kits include a spare wheel insert. I carefully removed the plastic rim leaving just the wheel center. These will be mounted in tuned aluminum rims from Detail Master.


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I had every intention of using the kit’s suspension but it just wasn’t working for me well at least the front wasn’t. So starting with Fujimi’s 911 suspension pieces I was able to modify and scratch build something I was more happy with.



This photo shows a comparison between the kit parts (molded yellow) and the modified parts.



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Since I went to all the trouble of fitting Fujimi's suspension I want to take advantage of the posing front wheel feature. But in order to do that I had to create a tie-rod tunnel.





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Very nice details on the chassis. Is the engine from any fujimi model? Air filters look great btw.

Thanks Tommy. Yes the engine is from the 911 kit. Here are some photos comparing the kit engine to Fujimi's.



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On the 911 the transmission mount is attached to the bottom. On the 914 it is mounted on top. The picture shows an unmodified kit part compared to the modified part.


I added some flat stock to the floor pan to simulate a cross brace at the transmission mount.



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WOW! REALLY nice work! I worked for a Porsche/Audi dealer when I was starting out and remember those 914's well. Never had the pleasure to drive a 914/6 but then again, I didn't have to work on it either. They were "well packaged". :rolleyes:

I love the way your addressing all the little things. The rear valance is spot-on after trimming it. The wheels look really nice too. But if I may, I must ask you to elaborate on the air filters. They look very nice! As does the rear suspension! B)

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Yes we do. We are here for you ! : )

Welcome to the Wednesday night meeting of Plastic Models Anonymous. I'm Jeff & I'm addicted to plastic...

Nice build. JC. I can see why you chose the 911 engine & transaxle. Great scratch building, on the suspension parts.

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