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Top down, or , bottom up?

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I don't know why I do it, but I start at the bottom/rockers on one side, spin the stand, do the same on the other side, then trunk, roof, hood/fender tops, then header panel [if it has one].

never gave it a thought as to why, I just do it that way.

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I do things different if I'm painting with a spray can or with my airbrush.

When I paint with spray cans, and by that I mean 99% Tamiya, I start by the rocker panel, paint the side, the trunk/roof/hood, and go down to the other side. Usually I paint the hood separately, but at the same time with the same can of paint.

With the airbrush, I usually paint the trunk, roof, front fenders first, then I paint the sides.

I also use different air pressures and distances depending on the type of paint.

When I use the airbrush?

I use it when I want a color that is not available in spray can form.

Usually, car paint stores can mix the color you want and then put it on a spray can for you. i'm not a fan of that spray cans because the paint is always too thick, so I get the custom mixed paint, and thin it to the appropriate viscosity with the appropriate reducer/thinner.

Usually all that, plus the work I have cleaning the airbrush, makes me happy to use a Tamiya spray can.

I have limited time to build models, and the less time I spend cleaning a caring for my airbrushes and compressor, more time I spend actually building models.

If you are going to get an airbrush, I recommend something simple to start with, like a Badger 350. I still paint bodies with mine.

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Thanks Tom and Tulio. I would love to try an air brush, trust me. Painting with cans outside is HELL, ok. Especially if you live on the edge of two giant prairies like I do. When the weather is not too hot/cold or humid the wind is blowing. So I have to constanly watch the weather forcast for days I can paint, it sucks. But, I love modeling, so , I deal with it as best I can. The main reason i don't have an air gun and a booth is the fact that I live on a very fixed income right now, otherwise I would. At some point I will break down and build one myself I guess. If I could find a sure fire design that didn't cost an arm and a leg I'd do it this summer. Anyway on the upside of things, my house next to my and including part of my front screen door now has some really cool purple on it from my current build! I love purple so it's ok. :D

Edited by Speedfreak
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Gene, here's all I have. It's a plastic recycling bin with a bathroom fan mounted in the back of it. It's lined with newspaper and I have a Styrofoam block in there for height. I set my paint stand on top of that. To use it, I toss the fan hose out the window. I have the fans and the light on a power strip so I can turn them all on or off together. It allows me to paint all the time.

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Tom, did you cut that one end facing the camera down, or , is that the way it was made? And, how is it for fumes? Does most of the paint get drawn out? I have two cats and I don't want them breathing in paint fumes. Even though they seem to do pretty well with cigarette smoke, lol. What about the outside air coming in? Is that a problem as far as humidity, or , cold? I think I could manage something like this, I have a place that would work.

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I have two cats and I don't want them breathing in paint fumes. Even though they seem to do pretty well with cigarette smoke, lol.

You're worried about your cats breathing in paint fumes and yet you smoke in your house? That is utterly disgusting.

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Tom, did you cut that one end facing the camera down, or , is that the way it was made? And, how is it for fumes? Does most of the paint get drawn out?

No, that was a Tucker brand recycling bin that came just as you see it. It came with a clear/opaque lid and had a front flap on that to put things in. I got it at Home Depot (maybe 20 or more years ago). I carved out the back to accept the bathroom fan, which I bought new at the same time. I have replaced the vent hose once.

As for sticking it out the window, I always meant to either cut a hole in the wall to vent it outside or at least have a board the size needed to wedge in the window with a hole in it to hold the hose / outside vent. As for air flow, yes it does suck everything out. Back in my old house in NJ (this photo is from there) I worked in a corner bedroom down the end of the hall. It had two windows, one on each exterior wall, so I would close the door, put the hose out one window and open the opposing one to create once through ventilation. As such no fumes went near the door.

In my PA house, I also work in an upstairs bedroom, but it's a long narrow room. I shut the door, which has a good undercut to bring in air from the hallway. It's just the wife, a dog and me, so I'm not worried about kids as I was when I first started. They grew up and don't live here! I think the flow works here too since I don't hear grief from the wife.

Per your question about drafts coming in through the vent window, yes I really need to make that board to wedge in there. When it's been very cold outside or breezy, I've actually filled in the void with a towel.

Disclaimer- Note that this has worked for me for a long time without mishap. There are concerns about using kitchen or bathroom fans with paints and such. So I'm not endorsing doing so, I'm just reporting my experience.

Also- I keep a fire extinguisher in the model room. You should also, paint booth or not! It's just good to have.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Seriously though, I only use an airbrush and a spray booth. If you are a serious adult hobbyist there is no excuse for anything else.

serious adult hobbyist?? Its just that, and i'm sure many folks out there are like my :rolleyes: wife they roll their eyes grown adult men playing with little plastic "TOY" cars and trucks.....I do take my hobby seriously, but I feel by not having a professional airbrush or a paintbooth is irrelevent........ I was born and raised in minnesota, so a winter like this winter this year , Yeah i can understand your need for a booth and preference of using airbrush, The rest of us we do what we like I too agree with previous statements about tamayia laqures and the new testors one coats very good paints no sanding polishing necessary B)

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I stand by my words. Serious builders use an airbrush. The advantages are numerous from control of the spray to economy to variety of paints. One can mix colors, thin for different textures, control the tip for size of the spray pattern. Why buy flat black and gloss black spray cans? All you have to do to spray flat is raise the pressure and increase the distance and now your gloss black is flat. Spray cans are expensive now and half of the paint out of the nozzle is overspray! One can pay for the airbrush with that savings alone. You can easily produce custom effects. You can paint small parts without drowning them in paint. I have been using an airbrush for over 30 years now and would never go back to spray cans.

If you are a casual builder and don't want to make the effort, that is fine. It is a concious choice and I don't have an issue with that. My observation over the years is that people are afraid of trying something new and different. Spray cans are easy and a known quantity. There is a small learning curve with an airbrush but it isn't bad and the greatly improved capability is well worth it.

I just seem to find "airbrush" overly complicated, compressors, hoses,numerous guns, or nozzles, i'm sure as your a 30 year veteran you have it down to a "T" perfect setup perfect paintbooth, all your paints organized and mixxed, I just like to select my primer, my Can of color and paint my vehicle, sometimes polish it up a bit or clear cote and wala i'm done. I will have to post some pictures some seriously "groovy" as Bartster would say can be painted via rattle cans and proper layering

i'm working on 2 cars with "Bartster" here on the forum he laid down some very nice flame jobs on 2 bodys with rattle cans!! will dig out the bodys and post pics...

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"Seriously though, I only use an airbrush and a spray booth. If you are a serious adult hobbyist there is no excuse for anything else."

Serious and hobbiest almost seem like an oxymoron! If I need to take my hobby too serious then it becomes too much like work and sucks the fun out of it! I use an airbrush, spray can, bristle brush what difference does it make! He'll, if I want to throw paint filled baloons and it fun, I'll do it! By the way, I'm an adult too aging kicking and screaming! LOL!

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"Seriously though, I only use an airbrush and a spray booth. If you are a serious adult hobbyist there is no excuse for anything else."

Serious and hobbiest almost seem like an oxymoron! If I need to take my hobby too serious then it becomes too much like work and sucks the fun out of it! I use an airbrush, spray can, bristle brush what difference does it make! He'll, if I want to throw paint filled baloons and it fun, I'll do it! By the way, I'm an adult too aging kicking and screaming! LOL!

paint filled balloons hmmm now we're talkin fun !! never thought of that one...... would make a interesting paintjob for a drag car.....

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"Seriously though, I only use an airbrush and a spray booth. If you are a serious adult hobbyist there is no excuse for anything else."

Serious and hobbiest almost seem like an oxymoron! If I need to take my hobby too serious then it becomes too much like work and sucks the fun out of it! I use an airbrush, spray can, bristle brush what difference does it make! He'll, if I want to throw paint filled baloons and it fun, I'll do it! By the way, I'm an adult too aging kicking and screaming! LOL!

That is laughable. I enjoy my hobby tremendously! "Too much like work" - That is absurd. I am just at a different level than you rattle can enthusiasts. The "difference it makes" is in the range of possibilities an airbrush opens up for me and in the results! Why limit your choices and capability?

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Andy, the topic of this thread is about 'how' people 'apply' paint, whether that be with rattle cans or air brush. If you need a forum for the merits of air brushing over the use of rattle cans why don't 'you' start a thread about that. Thanks.

Here's another thread discussing the use of rattle cans, maybe you can go inspire/enlighten the people on that thread as well? I'm sure your comments would be welcome.


I am taking my ball and going home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Outside .. in my shed....

3 Halogen work lights, hung, extension cord into the house (Multi-gang)

Small heater..... I know I know, but that wind whistles thru that shed!! :lol:

Cans are kept indoors and warmed in boiling (off the stove) water

That's how I got this


Last Month

I always start with the car upside down and spray rotating it upwards

All 4 sides till you get to the top

Just a habit, like,....

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i only use spray cans too now. i have an airbrush but i prefer to use spray cans. i can always find a color i like and to me its just easier overall to not have to worry about cleaning the airbrush afterwards. that has always been my biggest complaint

for painting, i start on the sides and go 360 degrees then the top last. just habit for no real reason

Edited by youpey
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