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Resin Kustom 49 Merc

Lanny Haas

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I picked up a Jimmy Flintstone 49 carson top Merc a long while ago and with our club topic being customs a few weeks away I decide this is what I'll bring. Anyway I cut out the doors and the trunk and opened the hood...Im past the point of no return, what was I thinking, the plan is to have everything hinged and workeable! Even going to build a 45 rpm record player for under the dash (and It wont work)...............hummm with an Ipod and some wizardrey.....could have some 50's rock going on in there......Naw....) (had one when I was in high school in the beloved 59 impala).........Sigh.....*wipes a tear*



built the chassis pretty much out of the box, will pick out the details with the brush, using Cad hupcaps in the fronts, and no caps in the rear as the skirts will cover them



hand painted the white walls, and has the Chrysler 440.


using the old AMT 49 Merc kit as my base kit, cut out the front fender wells


filed them to fit the resin body .


using small 1/2 round I'm going with a white tuck and roll to go with the metal flake blue and silver body color


Edited by Lanny Haas
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Thanks for looking. worked a little more. Started thinning the body a little more to scale, and to get the chassis to fit the bodyMVC017S-vi.jpg

lots of resin dust, but chassis fits now. had to do a lot of grinding on both body and chassis to get it all to fit. stll needs some work


also fit the firewall and fender wells.


coming aroud little by little


this is how thick the hood is. thinking of using the kit hood. the body has a shaved hood, but I what the peak down the middle so well see. how it works. have to pancake the kit hod to fit body


and while grinding I did were a mask. don't need to ingest resin dust.


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Started working on the hinges....this is for the trunk about a 4 thousand wire and I used square copper tube to fit the wire.



I used copper tubing for the trunk to slip into



thined the doors more to scale, only what will show anyway


little trial fit. have to leave room for the paint


seems to swing ok...


going to let the hinge slide in the tubing on the door, so it will open and close, and I can move the door back and forth so it fits nice


this is the paint im using. you can get it a hobby lobby, water base, after thinning, it will spray thru an air brush, it works better with a color base, in this cane a blue base silver base and like real metal flake you have to bury it in clear. I use Future. when its all said and done you need a good week for it all the dry,... only have 20 more days.....sounds like fun. more to come


Edited by Lanny Haas
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This is starting to take a great shape Lanny. I have to admit, that when the thread was first started, I was kinda pessimistic about this project, but now I see it going in great direction. Can't wait to see it finished.

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Had the pleasure of hanging out with my old buddy Lanny all day Saturday while he worked more on this Merc. It is definitely looking great, Lanny is very dedicated to making things work. Always fun to have a model day with Lanny and see what he's doing.

I worked on a plain old Polar Lights Talladega that's been half started for a decade and Lanny can knock out a super cool custom car from a RESIN body in a month. Inspirational to me :)

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Thanks Bill.....It was a productine day...aside from sticking fingers together with the super glue and losing parts on the floor. Anyway, got the roof painted last night, and the engine alcladed "chromed" . built my little record player, and the door jam"s


from this parts box battery, well build the record player. I still have a real one, to check by, but this is the basic shape.


thru sanding and wittling, I got the trun table and the tone arm in place..something that will never be seen, but its there.


set it into the center consol with a few records to warp in the sun..


got the body and parts primered , and going to paint the top first Light Ivory, than dull coat it, as its a carson top


painted the silver base for the silver flake paint, than mask the top and the silver and do the blue.


Should take most ot next the week to finish the paint. only 9 more days..

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ummm Lanny, they have satellite radio these days & MP3's or even CD players. Ya need to get into the 21st century my friend :)

The record player is cool along with all the rest of the Mercury. Look forward to seeing the finish on this beauty.

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