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Lindberg Crown Vic Florida HP.

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Hey guys, been a while since on here, not done a car for ages thats why. Anyway i started doing the Revell 2005 Impala (then a 2nd) and once all painted noticed problems with the Chimneyville decals i have for Nassau County. So that builds on hold for now.

I wanted to carry on whiile in the mood for something not military so picked up this kit from the Shelf. I had spent the last week going through lots of kits, huge amount of decal sheets, light bars etc. So bad i couldnt decide for a day, then to change my mind after, so for this build i jut narrowed it down to a quick simple body shell, no need to remove the front doors plastic trim. Same with the paint colour....

Anyway here is is so far.

Going to spend time now seeing what i have missed on this forum since my last visit-i guess almost a year or so.











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Thanks guys. I had bought a huge amount of decal sheets, Crown Vics, Revell Caprice etc well over 10 years ago.....but didnt build them as i didnt have a airbrush and compressor. I got one a couple of years ago and now been doing a few from my stash. I have on the way from the US as i write lots of those American Diorama polish and sheriff figures, as well as a couple of truck and civillian figures.

I had spent 2 years trying to local over here the Linberg cop Charger with no luck anywhere...so end of last week i got intouch with the imorter and here is his reply.


Hi Jules

I am sorry to say we have not imported these kits due to lack of interest, I think your best option is to have a look at the autoworld website to have them shipped over from the USA.

Many thanks



I want 6 or 8 for myself. :-) Also soon the Revell 5.0 Mustang, couple of the cop SUV's and i must got a lot of newer updated decal sheets, Bill Bozo etc. I have nothing really thats recent.

This FHP Crown Vic, i could only find one old pic online, showing a light bar car (all the other pics were the later model Vic). Im not going to down on interior detail like i often do-like seat belts etc. Just the basic trim detail and a little colour on the cop console

Anyway here is a facebook link to a NYPD 2 car street scene i did last year, 500 pics. Had been waiting to get some of the A/D standing cop figures so i could complete it https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152595644290571.969435.857305570&type=3

Here is a couple more of the FHP car.

I ran out of Tamiya black last night, so off to the LMS (LHS) to pick some up in 30 min










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Real solid start. Did the console come with the kit?? it looks awesome

Yeah came with it, i doubt its totally acc though. Just going to add a drop of colour to some buttons. Tidying up the main dash also. Should be a very thin strip of wood panel





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It's good to see someone building one of these cars. We have been driving a 1989 Crown Victoria for over five years and so far it has cost us a set of tires and a used alternator. These cars simply have to be one of the most reliable, comfortable and least appreciated cars that Ford ever built. I think that judging by the television shows of the last few years, that most of the surviving ones are owned by Hollywood studios and they are destroying them in droves. It always pains me to see a Crown Vic destroyed for the sake of dramatization. It is looking like you are going to have a nice build on your hands by the time you are done. I want to build one as an RCMP cruiser and bought the decals from Bill Bozo. What a deal! I couldn't believe the package when it arrived! The decals are spot on and gorgeous. He may have the proper ones for your car if you contact him. Nice guy with a top notch product.

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Thanks guys. Yeah i noticed the error with the decal sheet, white instead of gold, another problem being it shows a decal on the centre of the boot, but not which hand it is, not a problem i just looked online.

The decals broke up instanty...nightmare. I had 2 sheets, both from same place, same time so had to go onto the second sheet. I looked through the pile of decal sheets to find a gold (well i got yellow...its better than white lol) STATE TROOPER and used this. I had wanted to do NAssau County Impala and found a stupid error on that sheet too.

At this very min, im super detailing the light bar, cut off the 2 plugs and made a small frame to stand it on, then will add the wire into the car down the side.

I fancy a black and white, so might do a LAPD, it will save me from having to remove the front door strips.

BY chance last night, i found a place that had 5 of the Lindberg Chargers at half price (last 5). So ordered those...should be here in around a week/10 days.










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I fancy doing a NYPD car, next to a ambulance (i have the AMT Emergency kit-and i know it was never a real ambulance). I like to make small 2 or 3 vehicle car scenes. Even a fire car, maybe Caprice (got plenty of those too!) I do have the AMT/Matchbox Pumper so maybe i could build that too. I know they moulded the side mirrors wrong, so technically could not open the doors.

I liked the Maplewood car that i have decals for a you can see, so i looked online to get real pics to help me, but every pic i found showed the car graphics were a red colour NOT blue.....











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Julian, the dash on your car is fine as is. Due to the steering wheel, the Lindberg CV is specifically a 1996-1997 model. Only the 1992-1995's had the wood grain strip on the dash and the "CROWN VICTORIA" letters on the front side fenders, next to the front doors. As for photos of FHP CVs from that era, here you go:




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thanks, i cant see the pics, will try again in a bit. I did another long post, with pics and is not shown...bah. I know the kit was a 97 only, And the other had a relective panel between the lights and license plate lower in bumber. Thats all i really know.

I wasnt happy with the tan paint job, not used to car spray cans. I have rubbed down a few areas, so i need to mask and do again. I might try to decant and use my airbrush.

Lets see if i can put some more pics up.....









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Your crown vic is looking great....

thanks, at the moment i have sanded some areas of the tan, i wasnt too happy with it, so will redo some small areas. Going to decant the car spray can and then use my airbrush.

I have 5 Lindberg cop Chargers on the way now, should be here in a week or 2. Be a while before i can buy some newer decals for that car etc, so will have to see if my old Chimmneyville decals can be used on some.

Julian, the dash on your car is fine as is. Due to the steering wheel, the Lindberg CV is specifically a 1996-1997 model. Only the 1992-1995's had the wood grain strip on the dash and the "CROWN VICTORIA" letters on the front side fenders, next to the front doors. As for photos of FHP CVs from that era, here you go:




Still not showing up the pics :-(

Edited by English Jules
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Thanks for the link, very useful pics...i had totally forgot about that website!

I sanded off the poor areas of tan, and decanted some paint and used the airbrush. Looks much better, got to gloss and redo the black thin strips around the glass etc.

I went through my stash, picked up 5 kits and sprayed primer on the bodies (the Tahoe has tamiya red, 4 nice thin coats sprayed on). Having these models for well over 10 years untouched, and having many more of the cars i thought a few nice steady builds out of the box, apart from little things like antennas etc

I am thinking of putting a Caprice from Florida PD that i have on a Chimneyville decal sheet, on a base next to the FHP.











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