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Very nice job on the short bed, I did one a long time ago with the first release in the 70's

I used two left side to get the right wheel wells. filled in the spare tire door on the side and eliminated the front cap




of course the spare tire hump could be a nice place for the sound system


Edited by GLMFAA1
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I finally see the problem with the upper part of the windshield, kind of late now.

You can still do it! I recently did the same operation on a 1962 Valiant annual that I already painted. Just be careful and the new bare edge you create will be covered with BMF. Just whittle the top windshield line up to the top if the existing chrome. Then you could risk chipping paint by scribing in a new trim line, or just add new BMF with a clean line at the top and let that be the top of the window trim. It does look sooo much better!

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Tom, I have held that bladed up to that windshields, a few times, and unlike this kit, I do not have "superstones". I will correct the next one I build. So today it was coats of clear. First time trying Alclad II Klear Coat Gloss, went on real nice. P.S. Happy Fathers Day

Edited by Chris White
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