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About Metalmad

  • Birthday 06/18/1963

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Seth Gooch

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Was able to get a little bench time in this weekend which I have added some detail to the dash toggle switches plus I also added some black wash to the radiator and I also painted the intake aluminum and the valve covers are now chrome.
  2. Was able to get in a few hours in today to work on the GT40 which I proceeded to tape off the front portion of the body and then carefully remove the areas around the headlight buckets and the lower light buckets to shoot some semi black into the upper and lower light buckets. I also noticed on some of the reference photos i have that there are four supports on the face of the radiator so I then scratch built the supports and added them to the kit radiator next I will shoot some aluminum paint on the radiator and do a little detailing on it with some black wash. That's all for now !
  3. Rich ...Thank you for your input ..... I have taped over decals in the past and never had a issue with the Tamiya tape pulling off the decals so I will tape off the body first around the headlamps and lower light buckets then shoot the semi black first then tape off the light buckets and then shoot the body color.
  4. Finally have this build back on the bench and unfortunately the reason it was put back in the box was that I had taped off the body except for the headlamps and the lower lights so I could shoot the light buckets in semi gloss black so after the paint had dried I was removing the masking tape carefully which I only use Tamiya tape the decals came off with the tape which I have never had this issue before with the Tamiya tape. So for that being sad I stripped the paint again but after the third time having to strip the paint the body became real brittle so I ended up purchasing another kit for just the body so that's where I'm at with this build so I started with getting the blue stripe decals on the tires and sealed and now I will start back on the engine and trans assembly.
  5. Awesome detail that your adding to this Ken. Its motivating me to get back on the 1/24 scale Meng kit get I started awhile back.
  6. This coming Sunday May 5th 2024 8am to 3pm So Cal Open Rancho San Antonio Boys Home in the gymnasium 2100Plummer Street , Chatsworth Ca
  7. James if you end up painting it the fathom green I recommend laying down a base coat of semi gloss black.
  8. Thank you guys for the awesome complements and encouragement ! Next project will be to get back on the Meng Ford GT40 to finish up.
  9. A few more pictures of the progress before the finally assembly which I did get her finished up in time to make the Modelfest show in Venture last weekend and the Chevelle placed third in the replica class which was a surprise to me. Next stop will be under glass after I get a few pictures taken outside.
  10. Hey Jim that's my 1957 Ford Ranch Wagon which took third in the Street Machine category. It was a good time at the show and a good turn out .
  11. From what I understand the convention center has kept rising prices on the room and i'm sure there are other costs that keep going up.
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