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1957 Chevy, Purple Really ?

Chris White

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This is one of the first box stock kits I have done in while. This is the one that got me through my builder's slump. So I had some fun, purple testors one coat, and lots of BMF. As always bring on the critics, that why we do this, right??? Which kit do you guys prefer the AMT version here or Revell's version?









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Well, I had no idea this kit was so nice. Mini-tubs and a big block? Sweet.

Critique? I'd have removed the place where the exhaust pipes meet in the middle, The seam is ............. unseemly. :lol: Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. :D

Also the red oxide from the chassis is odd to see in a wheel well. I'd have painted the chassis flat black or body color.

All in all, I think you have a well built model there.

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This is a great out of the box kit, and is a good example of a 'back halved ' car. Only thing that's not representative ( IMHO) are the cast iron exhaust manifolds, Should have had tubular headers. And while there IS a seam on the exhaust cross over, that pipe SHOULD BE THERE !....I'm planning on building this right out of the box, with the exception of flipping the front spindles.....'Z'

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it looks great..a 57 eats up a lot of BMF i guess...

i myself will have to do the small scale once..i believe the Revell kits are better...but looking at yours ,i kinda wonder why?

you get a free bottle of Jack with a Revell?,..cause i think AMT nailded it, i see no flaws in it

Nice build!!

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