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Posts posted by Rusty92

  1. On 10/12/2019 at 2:09 AM, beeRS said:

    Great work so far. I love the detail around the shift mechanism

    Thank You, I am quite proud of it :)

    On 10/14/2019 at 12:48 PM, Dann Tier said:


    Thank you, Dann. That means a TON coming from you.

    I won’t be working on this much anymore; I’ve moved and left my models behind to focus on studying for my CPA exams. Rest assured, this and all the others will be on my bench again soon. 

  2. I was working on the interior tonight and I broke the P/E piece that is part of the shifter tower:(

    Photo etch is super hard to use, not giving up though. It will help it look good. I will know it’s missing but hopefully no one else does (besides you all). I’ll try to get some photos in the morning. Thanks for looking. A majority of the pieces are painted now. Just dragging on the body. A few more touch ups. 

    One good thing is that a lot of the inside is harder to see. I mainly bought the extras for the outside (wiper, fasteners, latches, etc.) those are the key things. I might just build the inside box stock and call it a day. 

  3. Finally used my paasche airbrush last night and it is awesome. Laid down some nice semi gloss black. This piece was primered white and it looks good. My skills have come a long way. Having nice equipment helps also! This was the only photo I took :( I have more painted. Going to be doing the wheels tonight. Body is still drying and needs some more putty work done. 


  4. 31 minutes ago, larman said:

    I think mostly swaps are done because it makes sense either cost wise, dimensionally or power wise. The sbc, was and is plentiful, cheap, realitively rugged and reliable. The LS motors are the modern equivalents. So as a mostly GM guy, I look at non Chevy motors in Chevys as silly, or at times, reverse snobbery. To do it seems counter productive, unless your goal is to agitate purists. Hot Rod Drag week just finished and there were A LOT of LS swaps in all makes, and most of the top Mustangs had LS motors. There was a '55 Chevy gasser that had a big Ford motor that ran very well and Finnegan's Blasphemi which won the gasser class. So there are exceptions, but I'll bet those exceptions cost more to build.

    Agreed that they cost more to build probably. I was just at Super Chevy today in Joliet, IL and there were a lot of LS equipped mustangs.

    Saw one where the owner had a 6.0 with Holley LS/carb intake on, with a.... FiTech EFI unit on it. Was very confused. 

  5. Well before it gets thread locked, I’d like to say that the blind praise is a 2 edged sword. It can really help people feel accomplished and push them to start on another. At the same time it also is disheartening to see people comment on something that is not very well done and gush over it. 

    And yes, it is crushing to post something that you’re darn proud of but not get any likes. People want to be praised and have their work enjoyed. Again, a 2 edged sword. 

  6. Last night using my Paasche Talon, my Tamiya flat aluminum (metallic) was not wanting to spray a solid even line. It would spray very wide and I couldn’t lay down a nice single line of it. I had no trouble spraying a wider area, just not fine details  

    My other Tamiya paints lay down fine and I can use the smallest needle to really do some fine detail work. Not so much with the flat aluminum metallic color. Why could this be?

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