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George Bojaciuk

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Everything posted by George Bojaciuk

  1. Just reintroducing myself.... I recently took an early retirement. Yes....my choice! What this means is more time for cars, models and anything I want to do. I'm currently still helping the folks at Eastwood. When I gave notice, they really never terminated me...I'm on retainer. I learned a great deal while I was there! So......? What does this mean to you? I'll be writing a whole lot more. While at Eastwood, I had the chance to spray their Single Stage Urethane. My boss, who likes models, sprayed his Landrover diecast. We used company paint, activator and reducer. In addition, I tried using a detail gun. Results were very nice! You need to know a few safety things, but once mastered, you can do this. Safely!!! If you have been following my series in the magazine, the basics have been laid down. Now I'm going to get serious on builds. Many unfished projects on my table will get done. I have a '55 Chevy that probably could legally drive now. It's that old! Went to NNL East, saw many old friends and had an injection of motivation. Once I do write a piece, I plan on compiling it into another reference book. I would like to do a series. Just something for you to have on your shelf, to help you with your builds. This being said, when looking at the quality of the builds displayed at NNL...I feel like a piker! So.... If you liked my stuff in the past, keep an eye peeled for future submissions from me. I do plan stick to my plan. Ha! It will keep me out of my wife's hair while I'm home! I also want input from you...feel free to email me directly. I've always liked the one on one contact. gbojaciuk@comcast.net
  2. FWIW, I'm working on a then and now article for the magazine (surprise Gregg!). I found suitable bucket seats in a '79 Monza kit. I have two of these kits and they are nicely made. One of the cars will be a Pro Touring variety and the other will be a day two version. I' m really having fun with this and it should make for an interesting read! So....stay tuned!
  3. Just wanted to ask how you guys liked my first submission under "Runnin' at Redline". I have a whole lot more to offer but I want to be sure you like the concept.
  4. ...since I built something for NNL East. Recently, I rescued a very rashy Danbury Mint Hot Rod model. Had a flash idea and got started on it right away. That was only a few weeks ago! Even the name popped into my head as it was nearing completion...KRYBABY Here's the original model from DM: With a figure set I had on my bench, an old FM base and what I remembered from Scale Vanites, here's what I came up with:
  5. With NNL East coming up next weekend, I didn't want to go another year empty handed. I rescued a very rashy Danbury Mint model and turned it into something I've had in my head for a while. If you can't make NNL, here is a taste of what I did...I call her KRYBABY for all the cans of Krylon it took for Skeeter to paint her! Before: After:
  6. Wow! Thanks again... Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. ..and Nick, if you have any questions feel free to PM me.
  7. Thanks for all the kind words. The book has just a little bit more than the magazine articles had in content. There are also a few nice reference chapters. Unfortunately a lot of the vendors listed in the book are long gone.
  8. Thanks again! I'm looking forward to this. Gregg, I responded to your email but seems like your box is full. Let me know if this works for you and I'll get things rolling!
  9. I really appreciate the very kind words here and the emails I rec'd. I'll leave it up to Gregg to contact me if he's still interested. Someone emailed me last week and asked about a piece I did about model tires years ago. He wanted it reprinted. I'd be happy to see it reprinted and Gregg is welcome to do so-gratis! As for diecast, Tom, They got rid of me, otherwise I'd still be doing it! It was truly a labor of love!
  10. I am alive and well. Life has many twists and turns and I have certainly had my share! Last year my mom passed away and I spent a good portion of a year settling her estate. This year, I had been working at a car dealership and doing quite well...so I thought. Last week I was laid off because I was really good. Go figure! So, now I have some time to re-invent myself yet again! The diecast industry is not doing so well, so my plan was to go back to my roots and start writing again. Gregg is probably rolling his eyes because he's heard this line so many times. I'd like to come back with a on-going series of articles called "Off the Shelf", basically taking what I have off my shelf and building it before I die. Many of us are in the same boat, we have a ton of stuff and parts out the wazoo, but no motivation to "get er' done". If you guys are game and Gregg still has patience with me, how about it? Interested?
  11. I may still have some stuff from the old Scale Vanities line. Email or PM me and I'll send you some. gbojaciuk@comcast.net
  12. Thanks for your kind words, guys. Disappointment is a word that hardly scratches the surface. Guess it's time to adapt, overcome and improvise.
  13. It distresses me to tell you that Esler’s Garage has been canceled. After being in development for over two years, it has not yet gone into production. Yesterday I rec’d an email from my HK friend who informed me that my factory guy has vanished. After repeated phone calls, he was nowhere to be found. My friend will make good on my investment and I know he sincerely feels very bad about this. It’s an honor thing. As for me, I’m hesitant finding someone else, sending them money and then being disappointed again. Worst yet, losing all of my investment. I certainly do not want to keep anyone hanging with a promise I cannot keep, either. I may just take some time away and refigure what I want to do and try to start something again. I’ll do this when the economic climate is a bit more favorable. I extend my heartfelt thanks for your interest and your product reservation. I wish I had better news to report but this is what reality is today.
  14. This past weekend I've been in contact with my HK connection. He informed me that he worked "a little deal" with the factory and I've rec'd a little credit for being patient with all the delays. I've talked it over with my wife and partner and we've decided to share the discount with collectors. Esler's will sell for $129.95 + Shipping!!! Once I know that product is on the water, I will inform those who have a reservation, go live with the news on my website and make the various forums aware. Only then will I accept any payment. I am still waiting to hear about the figure blister packs. Obviously, I do not want to delay the garage any further. We'll see where that goes. In addition, those that have reserved or do so before I make the "offficial" announcement, will get a little bonus! There you have it!
  15. Just wanted to let you all know that Esler's has been produced and is awaiting deco in China. Delays persist due to the volatile economy. My contact in HK tells me that some factories are going full steam one day and the next day, the owner is nowhere to be found. The govt. then moves in and sells off the equipment. Many vendors seeing this have gone into panic mode and have instituted COD terms for raw materials. This causes a huge cash flow issues. If you think things are bad here...it's worse overseas. I have rec'd a semi-final cost and I can safely say that Esler's will sell for $140. Shipping costs will be actual shipping that I have to pay via my Fed Ex or UPS account. I had toyed with a flat fee but many East coast guys would have paid more for shipping to offset the West Coast guys. The "pay what it is" shipping plan is more equitable in my eyes. A bit more tedious on my end, but fair. I will accept PayPal, cash, gold bullion, Treasury Notes, PO Money Order and personal checks (MO's and check will have to clear before I send out product). I am not set up for Credit Cards. Those that are currently on the reservation list will be notified when I go live on line with the garage. You can then decide if you want the Garage. They will also receive a little something special for having faith in me and reserving w/o knowing the cost! As stated before, once Esler's is sold out, I will, then and only then, turn on the next project. I can hardly believe that this is finally going to happen! My heartfelt thanks to all that have supported me through this long process. You have no idea how much your suport and kind words have meant to me!
  16. You can email me: gbojaciuk@comcast.net and I will reserve one for you. There is no obligation to reserve. More info will follow.
  17. Sorry about that! I'm producing a limited number of display dioramas. The first being Esler's Garage. You can get more info at gsbdesignconcepts.com In a nutshell, I'm looking to keep this display under $150 and limited to 125 pcs plus 10 artist proofs. The lights under the canopy work.
  18. The revised box art has been submitted and the final costs and shipping are being calculated for Esler's. I hope to have these numbers next week and I'll formally announce the product. I have everything ready for my webpage in regards to the announcement. I will say that 20 folks have not responded to the request for the re-reservation list. I'm not upset that there was no response, just saying that you will lose your reservation. Once I do start promoting this garage and people start to get them in hand, I will not be able to guarantee one for you. Remember, there is no obligation to buy at this point. I'm still holding firm at keeping this under $150. The biggest issue has been shipping costs due to fuel cost fluctuations. I'm looking to share any breaks I get with the collector. In addition, I'm getting pricing on a limited number of blister packs with just the figure sets and pumps. It will not be fancy packaging, but will suit the need. A new Scoop has been written and I'm awaiting a draft before it goes live. Almost forgot the biggest news...Esler's is in production right now and I was told it will be ready to ship to me my mid October! BTW, Mr H. will get one for review! So there it is in a nutshell...still moving forward with the plan!
  19. On Monday, I was doing regular computer maintenance and rearranging my files so I could save them to disk. I was very delinquent saving files the past few months due to the job status change, the new puppy and my project. I then sat down with a beverage and did my rounds on the usual sites. When I went to look at someones pics, I was redirected and then my CA virus detection went wild. I rec'd an official looking wallpaper and thinking it was my CA sending me the warning, I clicked on it. It wasn't. I drove the sick unit up to my computer guru's place. Sadly, I watched him pull the sheet over the hard drive. In addition to the virus (antivirus XP 2008-this is nasty!), my hard drive was silently flat-lining. I lost it all! Please, anyone who has reserved Esler's Garage please resubmit your request. I can recall a few but not all 65! If you have the original email and my reply, just resend it and I'll hard print the request here at work and rebuild the list. I'm deeply sorry for this inconvenience and really need your help to get the word out so I can rebuild this list. For the next few weeks I'll be emailing from work so bear with me. When I decide to either redo the old computer or get a new one, I'll be busy trying to rebuild all of the design files I lost as well. As I said, I'm ususally very dilligent with saving files, but was lax these past few months. My bad. Thanks in advance for your help and understanding.
  20. Just to let you know that a few new features are up and others are coming on my website. Some omitted pics are up in the Gallery. The new Scoop is being worked on and should be up soon. The new Scale Accents logo is being finalized and new info will be added to the site regarding the Garage. There will also be a spot for collector pictures of your modified product! In addition, I'm also going to have "George's Basement" and offer some of the stuff from my collection. This will not only include diecast, but items from my plastic collection - kits and build ups. I'm currently still waiting for a final cost from China and info on the final corrections. We worked on some box art, but may have to simplify it on the third round. I do plan on including a box insert, even if I have to print them here and put them in myself. I should point out that almost half the run is already reserved. If you'd like to get one and avoid disappointment, put your name in now. It doesn't obligate you in any way. gsbdesignconcepts.com
  21. OK...my name is George S. Bojaciuk. Gregg sometimes recognizes me...at times weeks later. I use a middle initial because I shared the name w/my dad and he didn't have a middle initial. I've dabbled a little in model cars. I've written a few articles for Model Cars, Plastic Fanatic, Car Modeler, Scale Auto and Fine Scale Model. I also had a book out, "Building and Detailing Scale Model Musclecars". I also co-authored the column, "Four Barrels, Four Speeds and Horsepower" and "Runnin' at Redline", with my good friend, Tom Buesgen. I was a Respiratory Therapist for almost 20 years until fate changed my destiny. About 10 years ago, I went to work for The Franklin Mint as a Design Manager. I paid obscene money to guys like Lyle Willits for color study models and concepts. When I lost my job doing so, my wife could not have the operation so she could play the accordion in a marching band. ...I digress... I left FM when I saw things in decline, to start my own business, GSB Design Concepts and did work for Bradford Exchange, RSC Collectibles, Danbury Mint and GMP. I had GMP as an exclusive client for the last few years. Last year they ended their contract and I had to rebuild my business. It took almost a full year to reorganize and just get back to a point I was at 6 years ago. I decided to produce my own product under the Scale Accents brand name. My first venture is a 1:24th Garage facade, Esler's Garage. I'm pretty excited about this. Since this venture takes time and money, I did take on a FT job at a place I worked at 30 years ago. I'm now back at S&W Race Cars selling race cars parts. I also hope to do the old Speed Shop I worked at, as a display. With doing my own thing and working FT, there isn't much time left over for much else. I do belong to Silent Traffic Model Car Club, but my attendance has been spoiled by my Friday night work schedule. They've sent me a few delinquency notices. In all my free time, I'm also restoring a '69 Chevelle SS396. It's a numbers matching, 4 speed bench, 375 hp car. I hope to finally get her running this year!
  22. Here are a couple of shots of Esler's Garage. The first shot is pretty much how it will be advertized for sale. The sign still needs a little work but it's about there. The second shot is with a few things I had laying around the shop. It came alive quickly.
  23. I'm alive and well! Jason, thanks for the very kind words! I'm doing the final deco and hope to have the corrections in by next week. I'm hoping for a Summer release. My plan is to do many different scenes that accent a model, not overpower it.
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