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George Bojaciuk

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Everything posted by George Bojaciuk

  1. Ho Boy! I know a good dermatologist.... So, I was out and about yesterday and picked up a gallon of Super Clean. My tub of Pine Sol was pretty gross. As you might suspect, "Son of Danger" went in for a swim! Bringing it back stock will be a challenge, so I'm thinking.... "Son of Danger II". Would be interesting, to say the least!
  2. OH MY! You guys are bad for me.... Farrah's Foxy Vette! You might look at a late '70's Camaro kit for the fine spoked Western Wheels (I worked Speed Shop!). ET also had something similar but I think the same foundry made them. Now....grab an adult beverage and hold on... built in 1979.... When I built my 1:1 Vega with a V-8, I used the finer spoked wheels and painted them in between the spokes body color (the Vega). That was a thing on the Camaro Berlinetta, that I thought looked great! Paint on the model, was Duplicolor, right out of the can! I believe it was a '73 Duster color. I'd have to go thru a bizillion magazines, but I may have an issue of something that features the Eckler Vette.
  3. We all have them....C'mon admit it! Mine happens to be from another collection of "junk" I paid waaaay too much for. From what I can tell, this is an original '65 AMT Corvette Roadster. OK...all together now! "Son of Danger!"
  4. You might be right on the Carl Rees piece, Mark. I think he may have done this after my 442 article came out with your hood. Use to see Carl in Toledo, but stopped going. NNL East was closer and didn't require vacation days!
  5. If they do...you know where I live. I have a bunch.
  6. Tahoe was definitely Perry's. My Typhoon started as an AAM Blazer. The 442, not sure it's Art's. His boxes were always marked. This is in a plain white box. Several regrets: sold the extra Blazer I had, a '67 Buick GS and '68 Cougar GTE...all AAM. I was going to convert the Blazer to my GMC. Had wheels and tires and all!
  7. When I was still working in healthcare, I was on 3rd shift. Got a call to Peds to fix a faulty Croup Tent. As I was doing my documentation, I noticed the bevy of model cars on the nursing station counter. I asked the night nurse who they belonged to... she said one of the kids. That morning before I left, I stopped in and talked the the little guy...he must be 40 by now! Came in that night with a kit or two for him. He wouldn't go to sleep until he saw me! That being said...the nurse asked if I was interested in model cars. She said her son left a whole box of stuff after he moved out and would I be interested in it? I went over and briefly glanced at the box, it was huge. Asked what she wanted and she said $50. Handed her my money and took the box home. A few weeks later, I went thru the box.... OMG! Unbuilt Grumpy's Camaro...and a host of other rare kits that I'd been looking for. One box was a Camaro, but had written on it..."Pro Stock Vette". Guys that have been in my basement have told me it needed to be built! Years later, I find out that this model was started by a guy in our model club....I did offer it back to him, but he told me to finish it. As you can see, he did the hard parts!
  8. OK...to answer some questions: Not sure who made the 442 CV kit. It is made to work with the Johan 442 kit. I know I had an extra just for this project. The XLR..I believe I found this on Flintstone's table one year, at NNL East. I've played a lot with it and a Monogram Corvette ('93) seems to fit the best. Not sure If I'm going to build it yet. I have some folding Franklin Mint seats that would great in this! As for the '67 Vette...yes, I do plan on building that one, not sure what way to go yet. I've only had 15 years to think about it. That being said, take a look on the Workbench at my "deal'! Another one for Snake!
  9. Ooooooo! I've seen one of the early TKMs. Shipping alone would make it prohibitive. The model I saw must have weighed at least 10 lbs! Slush casting at its finest. Thanks for thinking of me, but I'll pass! Lol!
  10. Unfortunately, Mike, I never got an explanation from Ray. He avoided me when I'd come to his table. The model was so bad that while I was cleaning it up, I'd hit an air pocket in the resin and it would give me a 2x crater! A few times it went thru! Realistically, it should have never hit the market like that. That car taught me to do a bulb test on resins. I'd hold the car to a bulb and mark the thin spots. Again, I clearly stated I was working with a reject and that the original buyer was satisfied with his replacement. That being said, my friend sold me his '68 Coronet 'cause he went with a Modelhaus version. I can see some work that has to be done to firm that up. Modelhaus stuff was more consistent to work with. Same prep, but less to fix. I did a '70 Monte for someone and it went together like a kit.
  11. Someone PM'd me and asked about a Nova of mine that he saw at NNL East...ages ago. He also asked about working with resins. I've done a few articles over the years about this and from my experience, Holthaus kits are the closest to working with a plastic kit. The Nova, a R&R kit, I did was a "going in the trash" trans kit. A friend bought it, complained and they sent him a better one. I wrote an article about my experience with it. I did rescue it! I know at the time, Ray was not happy with my comments, but I clearly stated it was a trash model. I think this went into Fine Scale Modeler! So...here is the Nova for your review...
  12. The tan models look good, Ron. The reddish ones seem brittle, but they are not. Hopefully, when I start work on them, they won't self destruct.
  13. Lol! Already got a trade request, of course it's for something I want to build! My whole intent is to start building this stuff since we all probably have a bunch and it's the purpose of my column, "Running at Redline". HA! I certainly don't need MORE stuff! My wife says the home won't allow all the models.
  14. Over the years we accumulate a lot of stuff. I'm sure many of my dups were, "Oh stinkers, I'm here, don't know if I have it...gotta get it"! I have a bunch of real car parts like that, too! Anyone need a Big Block fuel pump - I have 3!? Many resins were cars that I thought would never be seen again...HA!... fooled me, didn't they! Add the unbuilt kits I have, the numerous dups of them, for conversions, resins, parts or just 'cause I couldn't recall and I now have a very busy retirement! So...I was requested, by Snake, to put this all in one post...so......hope you're happy! Malibu Sedan: Been looking for a ZL-1 style hood for this for quite some time.... Even found a post here, where I requested help finding one. Seems like I bought 2 scoops at some time and found them while doing this piece! The quest has ended!!!! The '62 Bel Air and Impala. No brainer...the minute I took possession, the kits were to be introduced or reissued.... Same with the '65 Impala and the '67....sigh. Back in the day, these were expensive, "must-haves"! That being said.....I did get a '68, so I could round out the entire Impala collection. This I had planned on a Motion conversion. Then, someone in the model club tells me they have a '70 4dr. Sport Sedan, like my dad had.... Anyone for a '66 Chevelle? Donor kit is a '67.... I like Novas...a lot! Here is a Sedan Delivery and a Sedan: Maybe you like Vettes? I had to have this '67....only for it to come out later.... Nice thing is, there is a small block hood! Since we are into GM convertibles... '67 GTO, '68 GTO, '70 442, '70 Buick GS w/uptop! and a '70 Chevelle that looks ready to build! Somewhere, I have a parts box from my GMP days. I did the GTO series for them. I may have a whole tree of uptops! Need to check and see if they fit anything! '70 El Camino: There is also a Chevy Tahoe: My favorite find is this Firebird 400 with two hoods! I believe it was Cheez-Cast who made it! No Mopars? '68, '69 and '70 Chargers (I have 2 '70's and can't understand why?), '68 Coronet (R&R - it is rough), '70 Coronet that was supposed to be an article car, but turned into a money pit. Really bad casting. New chrome parts from Holthaus, '70 Dart (I have 2 - but know why!) So you say I'm ignoring Ford? '70 Torino GT - Guess why it sits? '66 Fairlane Sedan and Eleanor (my latest Ford, purchased from someone I met on the forum!). One oddity....a 1:25th Mustang pedal car. The kit has white metal parts, photoetch and even a resin base! It's really cute and tiny! Let us not forget my impulse buy....I was working for Cadillac at the time...the XLR. This is where I found the extra ZL-1 hood. What would possess me to put them both in that box? Since I don't have enough to do and suspect I can take this into the afterlife...here are some newer resin scores! There are 2 Mavericks in case you have a memory like mine!
  15. I went with Iwata for the range. 2" to 1/8" adjustment. My badger didn't go as low as I wanted it to.
  16. I read the posts regarding airbrushes. I'm posting this separately, since the thread is fairly old. Last year, I worked at Eastwood and they volunteered me to teach the airbrush course. It was fun, to say the least! Class was free and "hands-on"! In the process, I found a really good reference online: craigcentral.com. Once in the site, look for the site map. Then find "Choose an Airbrush". He really did a nice job comparing airbrushes. I did print and distribute these to people in the class, since they had as many questions and opinions as you had in the thread. You can read, compare and decide. From what I read, I chose an Iwata. Let's just say...I added an Iwata! I have Badger, Eastwood (rebrand) and Testor's. My one Badger is over 26 years old and functions well. Trick is to keep it clean and replace parts as needed. If I can find the pics....I'll post the welding helmets I did for a car show at Eastwood! It was using a skill set I had, applied to a different medium. Hope this info helps! OK... I found them.... Before and afters are shown. Oh....it's mostly paint and superglue....the rivets are real... from the exclusive, Eastwood collection!
  17. Just wanted to say thanks for all the comments and messages regarding my "graveyard". Over the holidays, I'll dig into the shelf and pull out the resins I bought over the years to show you what else's waiting to be built! Until then....thanks so much and a very Merry Christmas to all of you!
  18. Thanks Snake! You have my info...stay in touch! Amazing that you did my car before I even bought it!
  19. I just wanted to thank everyone for your kind words, offers and encouragement! This "epiphany" even opened a door to an old friend. All of this makes the heart feel good. Thanks again, and I wish all of you a Merry Christmas. If you'd like, I can share my resin project shelf with you, including my plans and thoughts on the stuff planted on the shelf. My kits sit on shelves on a 20 ft wall... Two deep. Time to get the butt in gear an the fingers moving. Again, my heartfelt thanks for all your views and comments.
  20. Not really looking to get rid of the '79. I did find another....I don't even recall why I bought it! It's an '86 with a Monte nose.
  21. Oooooooo! Great read! Great detail with the option codes and all! Thanks for the info!
  22. Give me a clue snake.... You have like 9 million posts! Lol! Thanks in advance!
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