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Everything posted by MR BIGGS

  1. Zap-a-gap is just another type of super glue that bond's almost anything. I use it to glue all my model's part's together all of the time, but I also use it for gap filling along with the accelerator witch make's it dry in second's. The reason I like it so much is that it dry's hard in second's and you dont have to wait min or hrs before you can start to sand you project. and here is a 32 I just made 5 min ago to show you how fast it work's and there is no wait time for the bondo to dry. this is all done with Zap-a-gap and styrene and it"s strong and I can paint right over it.
  2. I got to keep my comedy routine up to par, before evilone call’s us old guy’s again and say’s we are not hip. Laughter is good medicine, it Keep’s us young. Nobody like’s a grouchy old man.
  3. I try not to use bondo at all, nothing but zap-a-gap for me. But when I have to I do like Junior said to. I take strips of masking tape and place them where I need them, and then I apply the bondo to just that spot. It saves me tons of sanding time that way.
  4. Just make it like you would do a door hinge. Take 2 small pieces of tubing around a 1/2 inch long and glue them to the outer sides of the front of the frame, But if the frame is strong enough and thick enough you can actually just drill into it. Then you take the wire and make it the size to match the outer frame or the holes in the center of the frame run a long piece of tubing to mach the length then bend both of the sides to an L shape and glue it to the bumper. If you want to adjust it and have it fit snug you have to add small strips of styrene and build it up till it fits right.
  5. This is what I have as my main compressor. It works like a charm but cost a pretty penny the main reason I bought it was cause it is 3 times quieter the a refrigerator and the only way I know it’s on is by the little green light that turns on. I bought the other one cause when I need to take this one for service I don’t want to be left without anything.
  6. I just got back from big lots and they still sell them. I seen the 2 gallon for 39 buck's and the 10 gallon for 99 buck's all black made by pro-source.
  7. Fist off you want to look for quality, I am one of those guy’s who says you get what you pay for. Second air tank capacity cause I don’t like those air on demand compressors. It should have moister traps along with air pressure control adjustments. I don’t like them loud compressor’s that’s why I got me a jun-air. I got tired of getting the ###### scared out of me each time the compressor went on while I was painting at night and it was quiet. My back up air compressor gets the job done too and did not cost 1/4 of what my main one did. I got it from big lots and it’s a 4 gal tank for fewer than 80 bucks. It even comes with a wall mount and all the extra goodies too. look around you will find some good one's. Harbor freight has some good one's too it all depends on what you paint and how much air you think you need.
  8. WOW...... What more can I say to decribe that piece of art work. That is one, if not the best detailed model I have see to date. job well done and Keep up the good work David. Anthony R.
  9. Looking real nice for you first pro street build. you got that paint and clear down packed.
  10. Most of the show cars like hot rods and lowriders have V-8 in them. where most of the O.G. guys and collector's keep them like they came. It's to your prefferance.
  11. If you are going with the straight 6, it's like the pic samdiego posted and if you going with a V-8, it's like the one I posted.
  12. It's located in the same place as the other one's. it just don't have a power booster.
  13. Don’t let your alligator mouth over ride your humming bird balls. Or in laymen’s terms don’t let your body write checks you skills can’t cash. I will beat you like a red headed stepchild that you are. Coming soon. MR BIGGS VS SOON TO BE DEAD WHITE BOY.
  14. Actually Joe had them behind the counter so I reached over and grabbed them and off I went. You know possession is 9/10 of the law right?
  15. Thanks Nick. Like I said before I will never use it unless it's necessary. And since you are one of my buddy’s it will only be used to protect you. The funny thing rhoadapple is we used to teach self-defense training to some law enforcement officers here from El Monte PD and industry Sheriffs station back in the day. And they liked fighting with me cause they said that if they can get a few good one’s in on me they will beat the hell out of the average guy on the street’s. My brother’s and me where the black sheep of our families. All the other family members are I.A., border patrol, D.O.D, and a few other thing’s. As for model building it keep's me sain and out of trouble. Im just glad that I am able to share my build's and W.I.P's with people who Appreciate them. Anthony R.
  16. For me building a model used to cost me on average around 3 to 600 dollars. But now since I machine most of my aluminum parts and make my own resin pieces and cars it’s still around 250 bucks per car. That’s not including my time buying the raw aluminum, resin, styrene, paint, glues and other stuff I need to get the job done. But just for the hobby in it self I spend a few thousand dollars each year attending most if not all the shows. Flights, hotels, food, taking time off from work, rental cars, and buying a lot of stuff from each show. Thank god at least my gas is free.
  18. thank's Rhoadapple. the chevy II color is neon orange with a whit pearl base mix. the paint has to be in it's raw form to make them. As for the martial art's thank's it's been a good life and I have fought alot of battle's in the ring and I try my best to never use them on the street's. I have learned that walking away is much better. my 7th degree black belt's are held in the Lima Lama, muay thai, karate, kung fu and judo. But are no match for a gun.
  19. thank's bro. As for the member's It does seem that way cause we have alot from one bunched area. Like 30 from Nor Cal, 50 from So, Cal, San deigo, Arizona, and LV. but there is the same in the other race's too. we got them all over the US and in some part's the club is all white members or all black members but we are one big happy family. We also have a bunch of older white , black and latino gent's who stiil don't have the Internet but are builder's and in the club. Anthony R.
  21. hahahaha. You almost had me. I have been looking for some of those and had no luck, people told me they where on the ford p/u but not what year. and thank's for the fast responce. I will be on a mission to find some now . Anthony R.
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