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Everything posted by MR BIGGS

  1. Thanks again guy's. I will try and get a few more pics up tomorrow of other project's that are almost done.
  2. Thanks Bro. I always give it a 100% on each build no matter what it may be, and it will not leave my table unless it's flawless. I think that's the part that drive's me the crazyest.
  3. Thanks for the complement's my friends. The lil 29 roadster has every wire nut and bolt the real truck has. It even has all the break lines, fuel lines, linkage and a buch of other goodies too, it should start if i had a key for it. As for the girls in the pic, my girlfriend is the one on the Right. and if your daughter is that BEAUTIFUL I will have to call you Suegro. Got the 58 done last night.
  5. Very nice and clean work. Some of the nicest flame's I have seen.
  6. That look's like it's going to be a nice project. keep up the good work.
  7. Looking good Raul, cant wait to see in person. See you in march Buddy.
  8. Thanks for them word that inspire me to build the way I do. your West Coast buddy.
  9. I got these on the work table. the la-sell will be done today.
  10. Just click the link on the bottom of my page. It's my ebay store there you will find everything you need. I have alot of more model stuff like Pegasus rims, testors paint, tools and much more stuff just send me a message on what you need. We have over 10,000 items and only 1,000 posted.
  11. I got 19 out of 20. I missed the scion color on their badge.
  12. I think the number one tool for building anything would be (Patience) cause without that nothing will ever get done. So without Patience your tool’s, focus, determination and will to build will be rendered useless. That’s why not every one can build model’s.
  13. Thanks for all the good complement's guys. That was a trip of a lifetime. You know I will be back next year to hang out with all the friend's I had the pleasure of meeting and some I already knew. Anthony.
  14. The fire's have been going on for thousand's of year's in these hill's, but these people seem to keep building these house's in wooded area's knowing that someday this will happen, next is going to be the rain with all the land slide's from all the vegetation that was burned away. And the one's who re-build their house in the same spot after being destroyed will never learn. Just like people who re-build where tornados took their homes. after working for the CDF as a hotshot I have seen and been in some fire's that all we can do was sit back and wait till it die's down. The people need to learn that they have to clear the brush away from their home's at least 60 -70 ft. I know it may look ugly but that is the only way to save your home in the case of a fire. If I see the fire coming down the hill towards my home I will just set a back fire and burn all the fuel away. That's something the firefighter's should be doing now to save some home's but the Hazard pay is good for them so why do it.
  15. It's called builders block Kevin, along with a bunch of other stuff in the real world. I haven't touched a model kit for the last 7 month's and did the same thing you did. I picked it up then put it right back down. Building top quality models take's it's toll on you, the next one has to out do the last one and with my build's that is a real hard act to follow. I only put the pressure on myself. As of 3 week's ago one of my member's asked me if i could clear one of his car's cause his airbrush had gave up on him, after smelling the sweet smell of Urethane Clear i have completed 2 full detail kit's. We had our talk last night Kevin face to face and i hope that inspired you to get back to building. Never be affraid to put it down and walk away for a whyle, and if you think your not doing good, step back and re-think what you wan't to do. Your friend Anthony R.
  16. x-2 thanks's for the pic's Gregg, it looked like a nice show. Im going to have to add this one to my list of show's for next year.
  17. Thanks gregg. all them pic came out nice.
  18. I use zap-a-gap glue on everything from chrome to my windows. on show cars and basic car's . I never had a problem. What I use is an Accelerator, this bonds the glue in an instant. This way there wont be any fumes to mess up you nicely finished model. I thought every one knew about it but just the other day i was talking with some builders who have still been building the old way, and never heard of it. once I showed them how it worked they cant live without it. Plus it make building much easyer you dont got to sit there and hold the part till it dry's. it cut's down the drying time from 10 sec to 1 sec.
  19. Sorry to hear about the passing of you wife and mate my good buddy. My deepest and heartfelt condolences to you and your family, May God keep you strong in this time of grief, Bless you and your family. If you need anything I am here for you buddy. TU AMIGO. Anthony Rios.
  20. Thanks to all of you who replied to this topic, and for all your good comment's. All I got to say is I can't wait for next year. MR BIGGS
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