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Everything posted by plumnuts

  1. got some more pics of the interior, thought you guys might like to see since its hard to get good pics when its in. had to movr vac boost over on fire wall to have it clear front wheel. and just kick up the rear of tunnel for the driveline. . so what do you think?
  2. lookin good dude. super smooth body work. keep posting I'm watching this one.
  3. Whats up dude? I got that interior cut down. thanks for the advice, I'll post the pics later. was able to get the fire wall in and keep the upholstery in tact. thanks again.
  4. that is some wicked paint!!!! I have tons of questions ,but lets start with what kind of tape do you use to get those lines? and what kind of paint to get that kind of coverage? (have you cut and buffed yet?). and last question for now, do yoe cut your design out on the car or transfer already cut tape to car?
  5. very valuable three cents there dude. I am jazed about the feed back and I'v read them all, I asked the Question so I wouldent waste money ,but after talking with the wife about this forum she informs me( then not before I read all of them) if you get a kit you dont like ,give it to your son (8 years old) and let him have fun. I LOVE MY WIFE.. ,but somtimes her timing stinks. again thanks ALOT I'v learned tons (didn't know about all the tooling stuff) about the kits themselves. The history and knolage in this hobbie is mind blowing.
  6. plumnuts

    GT series

    I did the GTone (toyota) right in line after these two, guess Igot burnt out ,the build isn't one of my favs. NOT the kits fault. the motor is wicked on that kit see what I mean great kit would defanitly recommend it. OH, buy the way, woulden't have known you liked the series if you woulden't have told me. hahahahaha.
  7. plumnuts


    thanks peter, I actualy agree with you on the open bed comment . i just built a cover for the vertically challenged build on the work bench. (will post more pics on that one soon) but on the other hand i still like showing the suspension work on the back (keeps me honest) so the cover will be removable. but for this truck it actually displays with a bed cover.
  8. plumnuts

    GT series

    decals were fun on this one... first tamiya kit i ever built. these things fit together great and detail is wicked good. was cleaning the dust off them last night and thought you guys might like to see.
  9. plumnuts


    built it about 10 years ago before moving from vegas, and ton of trucks were rolling that stile paint, I went with that stile not to copy them but cause it is so easy to do.. trying to improve on the paint skills ,but that is a long and slow process. thanks for the copliments though I greatly appreciate it.
  10. how about some bailing wire to hold up that long exhaust? just a thought. for the fist time on the rust you hit the rusty nail on the head. great build!!!! ( my kids loved the driver seat )
  11. you and me both on the learning curve, made the first cut on the interior ,going to try same method i used on the bed it worked out great there. not as mutch flat surface in the interior as the bed but worth the try. hoping to get that firewall in though, ill let you know bro.
  12. Thanks for the input guys, that is a great help for the pick of my next build, with the price of kits these days at around 18$ i would hate to bring home a kit and be disapointed with it. im leaning twards the 51 bel-air lay it out of cource but go with more of a street rod look. thanks
  13. I have been building models on and off since I was a kid. Back in the day I never had any luck with the AMT kits fitting right. I spent more time with rubberbands and clamps getting it to fit together than building. the REVELL kits seemed to fit better and have more detail. is this still true today or have I gotten bad sets and have refused to buy AMT for no reason? please give feed back cause Im running out of REVELL kits that I like and can't afford TAMIYA kits to cut up on... thanks and just wanted to throw in that this site has gotten me excited to build again....
  14. still havent made the cut ,but have looked at it till i go crosseyed... what about the firewall? had to fab new intake manifold for clearance and the firewall has me so concerned i'v been working around the interior and working on paint. thats about 95% done and time to get back to interior. <thanks for the tip on door panels though(and thanks for the complaments on my build) having lots of fun on this one.
  15. this one is moving along ok. running into some paint problems ,but im not the best painter. (one of many things im working on) but still wanted to get feed back on what you think.
  16. plumnuts


    wanted to get the pics up without the hassel of the attachments. enjoy is this the way to go on the photo or no?
  17. plumnuts


    think I got the photo bucket thing figured out and thaught i would post the pics without the atachment part.
  18. Im all for keepin it real. why have an opinion if you cand voice it.
  19. very very very impressed. outstaning and any other word that means WOW... thanks for posting that beautiful build.
  20. whats up dude. welcome and all that jaz. im a member of about 3 days.. hahahahaha/ crazy builds and the wierd thing is im building or have built the same kits.. its so cool to se the same kits in a diferent layout. my wagon is in under glass (lowagon) and the silverado is in on the work bench (verticly challenged) check em out and see what you think. - i havent cut the floor of the silverado yet where did you cut yours and how did it work for you?
  21. plumnuts


    not sure built this one about 10 years ago. i do remember the truck on the box was blue with white rally stripes. my Kmart only has a few snap-tite.
  22. went to the tips and trick like you suggested and taged on to the end of it. would you mind checking it out and getting back to me here .
  23. I have gone to tamiya spray can cause it lays out so nice and the color choice is lime green on the bottom and gun metal on top. the split may not be exact to the pencil marks but probably close, sprayed the green tonight. I will go check your tips on pics, but it took me two days to get these on from my pics on the computer, me not so bright on them there computer boxes. hahahahahaha.....
  24. plumnuts


    so happy to be able to show off my dust collectors. scene is not to be found around my town. and being married with children cuts out the drive to the nearest show. thanks for looking.
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