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Everything posted by Keef

  1. if this comes to pass ill be busy and a one legged man in a butt kicking contest...there are a bunch of Fox body Mustang racers in my area...everything from stockers to high 5/low 6 second 1/8 mile street cars so ill be buying alot of these kits
  2. oh ok my bad...a buddy of mine got one from them i think and the fit wasnt the greatest but it was usable
  3. like the ad for it says... "This is a "2-inch" Cowl Hood for ANY AMT 70's Camaro.
  4. ive used the Plastikote Ford blue engine enamel for the Petty/Basin St blue and it looks pretty close
  5. nobody likes a showoff!!!....but i promise to like you alot more if you donate some of those to me
  6. http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&source=imghp&biw=1366&bih=590&q=1967+mustang+fastback&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= lots of ideas there but PLEASE not another Eleanor LOL i personally like this one http://www.hotrod.com/featuredvehicles/hrdp_0706_1967_ford_mustang_fastback/photo_01.html
  7. mine is rather tame compared to some of you guys LOL
  8. heres my daily driver my other one is a 96 Saturn SL2 for family cruising and since there are some S-10 lovers here ill post a couple of my previous daily driver
  9. same here....coincidentally thats also the same number of builds i have started as well as the amount of new kits i have bought this year
  10. looks awesome so far, only question i have is this, is there a reason why you have the carb turned sideways? if your looking at the engine from the front the carb should be rotated 90 degrees to the right like this
  11. HOLY OLD THREADS BATMAN!!!....ummmm guys i think he finished this one about 3 years back
  12. absolutely beautiful!!!! my all time favorite car!!
  13. im interested in how you made the doorjambs?...i cut the doors open on a scrap body once and in trying to figure out how to make al the jambs and hide the cut marks i about pulled my hair out
  14. Keef

    Intimidator Lumina

    looks pretty good, who manufactured the kit?...where did you get the stickers? got any pics of the underneath or engine?
  15. i loved the e bodies....i saved some of those pics for future referrence
  16. that car is gonna look awesome when done, i wish i had the talent to do that
  17. frame? scratchbuilt...door jambs? scratchbuilt...hinges? scratchbuilt...did the kit come with opening doors and trunk? no it didnt...did it come with the frame and hinges in the box? no it didnt... therefore he has "scratchbuilt" opening doors, trunk, and a full frame....in my opinion that makes it "ALMOST" scratchbuilt which is what the OP stated.
  18. i got one of these, and ill gladly loan it out to ANYONE that may need it
  19. after seeing your work on other builds im sure you wont have any trouble making a silk purse out of this sows ear from mpc. ill be watching
  20. my username pretty much sums it up LOL I like any of the older pre-1980 Mopars but especially the late 60's to early 70's musclecars
  21. heres some pics of my previous daily driver and my current one previous: 1985 s-10 had a slightly warmed over 355 SBC in it...ran decent for a street truck i guess lol current daily driver: 1985 Buick Regal
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