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Diesel Gypsy

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Everything posted by Diesel Gypsy

  1. Gentlemen, Thank you for your time & for replying to my post. Peter, F1.....nah, Prima-donna's the lot of them. Streight lining where its at, for me anyway . You may be supprised just how big drag racing is over here, but we're still a long way behind you guys. A new European TF ET record was set last week of 4.73 313mph which is still a long way behind the ET's you guys are run'in. But hey, we're trying I agree totaly, its the one thing that screamed out to me too. It took me a while to find the one I used, I got some real funny looks from Lady's while i was going round examining different brades in the sewing `dept in my local store
  2. Thank you all very much for the kind words. I really enjoyed this build, it was a nice change from my usual truck builds. I've got some more Sprints to build. I may do a larger dio next time, more cars, more drama kind'a thing.
  3. I'm a novice at detailing engines, but I've had a go. This is the first time I've tryed to detail a 1:25th scale fueler engine. I'd like to know if you think I'm on the right track, what do you think ? All comments very welcome
  4. I've had great fun building this car, but I've had a real fight with the decals. The ones on the hood are a nightmare. Has anyone else had problems with them.
  5. Hi Guys. I'd like to share this with you if thats ok. I modified the steering & driver pose to make it look like the car is slideing. A bit of painted "fuzzy fluff" around the wheels to simulate dirt being thrown up, & lots of weathering. Hope you like it.
  6. Best of luck with the move to Missouri, I wish you & your girlfriend every happiness in your new home.
  7. Tim, Ray. Hi Guys, Its been a while since I chatted with you two Gentlemen. Too long !!! Tim, Everythings fine now, thanks Tim, Ive had a real bad bout of Crohns Disease, but I'm sorted now thanks to the Dr's & nurses, incredible people, I cant thank them enough. Ray, Thanks Ray. Hows things in the big wide world of truckin. I hope you've been able to fix that Cummins & get back onto the black-top. We last spoke in the spring when you were sittin in a motel room building a Autocar, waiting for the motor to be rebuilt on you truck. Really hope things are going better for you now. Green lights & a smooth ride my friend.
  8. Hi Guys, Its been a long stay in Hospital, but I'm back I've missed this place ssssoooo much. I.ve dusted off the Kenny, & I do mean dusted! & had a good look at her. I'm go`na have to evict the spiders that have taken up residence but apart from that she's lookin good. Now, where's my glue & brushes.
  9. Peachy, real peachy. Love the cars, are they squareing up for a drag race ? Tuners V muscle....age old enemies, no guesses as to where my moneys going.
  10. Very clever Miguel, I wish I had your imagination, where do you get your ideas from.
  11. WOW Marc, Look at the size of that thing If my Wife saw that she'd have me living in it Great work, love the Rods. The delivery is my favorite. White walls & slammed lower than a snakes belly. Its a classic, lov'in it !!
  12. Jeryd Its always worth looking at my friend.
  13. Hey Miguel, dont tempt me man, we've got trashy weather here in the UK at the moment, I could do with a little sun. Trouble is I'd have to bring the Wife, kids, Mother-in-law aaaaaah, "not the Mother-in-law", I can hear you screaming from here. Stay safe friend, &, injoy the lovly sunshine.
  14. The truck is just peachy Tim, only you could turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. I,m with the other Guys, how about a "how to" on building that road bed.
  15. Great work as always Barbo Mines a Big Mac & large cold one. Cheers.
  16. Craig, Fantastic work & great imagination, love it I got thinking, (always dangerous) here in Somerset UK we drink large amounts of cider, Known localy as scrumpy, well, after several pints when I've looked at drinking companions they look like your still. 3 legs, fat belly & a long pointy nose. Makes me smile just thinking about it. Thanks for making me laugh.
  17. bub, OUTSTANDING DIO !!!!!!!! My Buddy & I drag race a `66 Pontiac La-Manns, our garage looks a bit like yours, but not so clean & tidy . Fantastic work my friend.
  18. The BMF really hits the mark Craig. I've been using Alclad alot & although its very good on large parts (wheels, rads etc) I've had less success with small parts & masked areas. I think its time to give the BMF a go.
  19. She's coming along just fine Ray. I like the powder blue colour. I hope them big wheels are roll`in real soon.
  20. Dave, I agree with you about the vapours that come from Halfords rattle cans, thay realy are very powerful & make indoor use prohibitive. I am very fond of my Aztec airbrush's & use them alot. I'm interested to hear the type of base colour you used, did you use a different one for the silver & maroon, or, one base colour for the both ? Humbrol paints were part of the Airfix company & as such went into receivership when Airfix did. However, Airfix & Humbrol have been bought by Hornby. Hornby have announced that both brands will continue, so lets hope to see Humbrol back on the shelves soon. The closing of the high street hobby shops is an all to familier & sad story, I dont know what the solution is, I guess we've just got to keep suporting them, but even then its often not enough.
  21. Casey, you got yourself a real peachy truck there, she's thing to be admired. I'd bet your Dad is proud of you for taking time out to spruce the ol girl up alittle. Respect for your Dads work is a fine thing. As for a 3 footer, well I think your sellin yourself short, I'm with Ray & Anthony on that one, they've allready writen all I wanted to say, but I'd just like to add; keep building em & keep sharing em, your at the core of this great hobby.
  22. Very sharp indeed Casey, Love the injector hat on the air cleaner, looks like you got ET riding shotgun on your fender
  23. She's Lookin good Ray, I reckon you've got the box colour spot on there. You said that your truck is in the shop cuz the turbo blew, aint that what its sposed to do ? Hope your back on the road soon, green lights & a safe trip buddy.
  24. Very very nice Dave, great craftmanship. Did you use rattle cans for the paint, Halfords maybe ? If so I'd like to know the colour. That Maroon would look great with British Racing Green & some cream pinstriping on my Kingdom Trucks LAD cab kit. I've been pondering on the livery for some time, I'm sold on the Maroon you used, thankyou for the inspiration. Is that a set of photo etch KFS tank steps I can see ? Did you use any other goodies ?
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