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Monogram 55 Ford Panel 'Bootlegger'

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It's a great body style that you don't see enough of. The shame about this kit and its pickup truck sister is that it came out during the bad era for Monogram design that brought us the miss-shapen 56-57 Chevys and some other poorly proportioned kits. The hood is too tall and square, the roof isn't as bad as the pick-up, but still isn't great. I'd probably section one of these down to fit the AMT cab front.

Hey Revell-Monogram, how about a panel version of your 48 F-1 Pickup?

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I got the Harley version of the kit last year of Ebay. Did not pay very much for it. I'm not very much into the look of this kit with the wheels and stance of it and I'm not a fan of the interiorparts either put I do plan on putting steelies on it, lowering it a bit in back and maybe a more stock interior and drivetrain..

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I think the "Bootlegger" is dismissed by many who cannot see the beauty in the gold plating. And also it is quite a while since it was released.

I built the "Bad Creature" one just a few years ago. What this kit has going for it, is that it is a fairly good builder. There are things to pick on in every kit, and this one is no different. But if you are able to see past the proportions of the body, the non-existant interior door cards, the gap between the cargo floor and the body and things like that. - Then you can enjoy the chromed "COBRA powered by ford" valve covers on the somewhat-soft-on-detail engine, the metal studded wooden rim of the steering wheel, and floor mounted CB radio. Not to mention the IRS!

Everything said, I am not going to tell you to steer clear, because I actually enjoyed building mine and it didn't fight back at all. Nothing too fiddly, not too many parts making it fairly quick, and also reasonably forgiving of haste and slop during assembly. And THAT, is a good quality of a model kit too, I suppose. To certain market segments at least..





Edited by lysleder
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I have four of these kits two are partially built. One has been converted to a 4X4 and the other a hotrod truck. I am building them as background vehicles

for my big trucks or to pose in a diorama.

Not the best of kits. I can't and won't comment of theaccuracy of the molding. There is some potetial for someone to make a really good looking little panel truck.

Be Well


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Hey thanks for posting yours dude, it looks great!

And thanks for everyones opinions/reviews. Liker I said, for $10 I wasn't going to say no to it. I am most interested in the expanse of plastic it has. I have a '54 chev panel but I have other ideas for that kit, so this one I want to actually airbrush murals on. And with slab sides like that, it will be perfect.

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